Earth: The Final Battle (Walker Saga, #7)

I changed the subject. “Come on, girls, it’s time for us to go and kick some ass.”

No one shouted or whooped.

We were not celebrating this shit today. We were just pulling on our big-girl panties and doing what needed to be done.

A calm sort of rage had replaced my fears. I was pissed off, and the Seventine were going down. Sure, Jedi’s dire warning about the increased chances that we were all going to die was spinning through my head. But I also knew that we still had to fight.

It was what we were here for.

Chapter 14

We ran from the dark mountain, in a long line of ancient power. We’d picked up Grantham along the way. He strode along next to Jedi. Colton, Brace and Lucy stuck close to me, along with Cerberus. My mind was focused on the seven of us half-Walkers and our animal guides. But it was comforting to have my loved ones close by. I needed these last moments of security; we had no idea what was awaiting us on the outside, but it was going to be big.

“Jedi, how long until the convergence?” I shouted along the tunnel.

“We’re just a few days out.”

I heard his reply clear as anything, even with the space between us.

“So what are the Seventine going to do between then and now?”

There was no real reason for them to bother traveling between the worlds and severing tethers. They would consider this a waste of time when they could soon take them all in one big bang.

An awkward silence descended over the group.

Eventually Grantham spoke. “They’ll seek to punish the Walker clans, punish us for their imprisonment. They’re angry with the originals, and I know that they’ll want to make the next few days a living hell for every single entity here.”

Shit! Shit! And double shit! I picked up the pace. I would not let those asshats garner any pleasure through tormenting and torturing my people.

I felt a tapping then on my shields.

The energy was familiar and a smile creased my face. I didn’t even get a chance to drop my barriers before he was in my head.


His familiar voice flooded through me.

Dad, are you okay?

Somehow he could always get around my shields. I had thought it was the lalunas’ powers which allowed this, but apparently he was kickass all on his own.

I’m fine. Your mother and I are heading back to the dark mountains. I’ve lounged around long enough and it’s time to fight.

The Seventine are free. I tried not to let my fears seep into my voice, but I wasn’t sure I was very successful. I’d almost lost him so many times recently. I couldn’t go through it again. I couldn’t fail. Grantham said they’ll seek to punish Walkers for their imprisonment. It’s going to be a bloodbath.

The Seventine held elemental powers too. Not exactly the same as ours, but still more than the clans could handle.

We won’t let them win, Aribella. We’ll fight until the very end – and we’ll win.

I liked his confidence.

See you soon, baby girl.

His presence left, and for some reason I felt reassured. Just a small sliver, but it was better than the massive engulfing level of fear and responsibility which weighed me down. Too late I realized I should have asked him about Francesca and Samuel. I wasn’t sure where either of them were, but I didn’t want them in this battle. It was dangerous. Beyond the abilities of First Worlders. This was a Walker battle and I really wished the other species and races would leave.

Not because I didn’t appreciate their help and support. I totally did. But because I couldn’t feel responsible for their deaths. Sure, it was already a fight to the death – if we didn’t re-imprison the Seventine, none of us would be talking about this in a few days – but I just had so many friends and family here. So many loved ones. So much to lose.

Brace found my hand. “Don’t think so hard on this, Red. We can only do our best. I have faith that we’ll win, but if we don’t, at least we know we fought all the way. We didn’t roll over and let them take us.”

His words shot a beam of … power or something straight down my spine. I felt myself grow taller.

He was right.

I had to stop letting the fear get to me. I had to find an internal strength to do this and stop relying on pep talks from others. I had to be strong enough alone. The Mother of All, Josian and Brace all believed in me. Now it was time to believe in myself.

“Is Lasandra here?” I realized that Brace had loved ones around too. “And Caty?” I was pretty sure his sister would be safely stashed on Abernath.

“Both of them are home. I asked Mother to leave earlier. She couldn’t help them with Que’s regeneration chamber, and there was nothing else she could do here. I’m calmer knowing I don’t have to worry about them.”

I rubbed at my eyes. I was feeling the effects of the last few days. The hungry and tired thing was starting to catch up with me.

“I’m surprised she let you order her away.”