Corps Security: The Series (Corps Security #1-5)

Mind, body, and soul.

He closes his eyes and pulls me deeper into his arms. Chills rake through my body when he presses his lips against my temple and leaves them there. Just breathes me in and takes the moment he needs.

“Well, as entertaining as it is to watch Beck go nuts, why don’t we focus on the shit that needs focusing?”

I glare at Coop, pissed that he interrupted Beck’s and my moment. It pisses me off that all this shit with Adam and the asshole sending the letter has come at the worst possible time.

“What have you found out?” Beck asks, never lessening up his hold on my body. His voice vibrates through my back, causing me to shiver.

“Not much from that letter. I’m going to drop it off with a buddy of mine at the police station and get them to run it for prints. No postmark, which we expected, so either he had someone drop it off at the office, or he paid someone to do it for him. Either way, we most likely aren’t going to get shit off that letter. Pictures are all local. Most of the ones of Chelcie are her coming and going from Roberts Insurance. Nothing that leads me to believe he knows much about her personal life, which was also to be expected. Chelcie just happens to be his way of shaking Dee up because he knows about their friendship.” Maddox pauses for a second, and I take the moment to glance at Chelcie. She doesn’t look as scared as she was last night, but she still looks worried.

“I did get lucky on Adam Harris. Seems that he isn’t as stealthy as this other douchebag. Picked up a trace on his cell phone. Local tower, so for some reason he seems to be in the Atlanta area. I’m still working on the rest, but he isn’t using any bank or credit cards, mainly because he doesn’t have any money in those accounts. There are a few shithole motels around where his phone was traced, but no luck finding him. For now, he’s our number one concern.”

When Maddox finishes talking, I let out the breath I didn’t realize I had been holding. They have nothing. Well, nothing reassuring.

“So, you’re telling me that this Adam guy is local and very well could reach out and fucking touch me?” I whisper. I notice Chelcie shudder out of the corner of my eye and regret the way I worded that.

“No one is going to get their hands on either one of you.” The venom behind Coop’s promise shocks me. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him act like that before. He normally hides behind his ‘don’t give a fuck’ immaturity, but this right here is a side to him I’ve never seen. “I mean it. We won’t let anything happen to you two.” He looks away and we’re all silent for a minute, letting Maddox’s news sink in.

When Coop’s cell rings a few minutes later, I jump in Beck’s lap, causing him to grunt when I land awkwardly. “Thanks for that, Babe.” He groans, adjusting me better in his lap.

“Oh, I’ll kiss it and make it better later.”

Coop checks his caller ID, and a big shit-eating grin takes over his face. In hurried movements, he accepts the call, stands, and places the phone to his ear. “Ash! God, is it good to hear your voice.”

What? Who the hell is Ash? I look at Chelcie when I hear her gasp, and like a damn light bulb going on, it all makes sense. Damn, I knew I should have said something to her about getting mixed up with him. Regardless if it was once or a few times, she obviously is upset knowing he’s talking to another chick.

“Leave it alone, Dee. We need to focus on other things right now, and whatever is going on between those two is none of your business.”

I nod my head at Beck’s whispered words and sit back to wait for Coop to return to the conversation.

No one says anything while we wait. I can’t hear what Coop is saying, but by the tone of his voice, he’s happy to hear from the chick who’s on the line. He comes back into the room about ten minutes later with a big, stupid grin on his face.

“What?” he asks when it’s obvious that the mood in the room has shifted.

“Nothing. Let’s talk about plan of action.” Beck is quick to change the subject, and I notice Chelcie visibly relax.

“Right now, we keep doing this. The girls stay here and so do you. Axel knows what’s going on, and we all agree that their best protection is either here or at the office. When you need to leave, Coop or I will come stick around. I know you have a few security installs coming up this week. If you would have taught us how to install those bastards, then we could have taken those, but it’s those high end, fancy motherfuckers. My guess is this unsub will make himself known when the ten days are closer to an end. Until then, we wait and try to find Adam.”

“What the hell is an unsub?” I ask the room when Maddox stops talking.

Coop stops looking around the kitchen before giving me his attention. “Unknown subject, Babe. You have any Cheetos here?”