A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

When Celestial Virūpāk?a heard Bai Xiaochun’s words, his eyes flickered with cold light. Smiling viciously, he blurred into motion, placing himself right in front of Bai Xiaochun, upon whom he unleashed a fist strike.

Bai Xiaochun didn't even attempt to dodge. He knew that he had to strike fear into the hearts of these three celestials from the Vile-Emperor City. If he tried to evade this strike, or fought back, the three of them would surely team up on him.

As for the damned Gu Tianjun and Sima Yunhua, they seemed content to just watch the excitement. Unless they were personally threatened, they wouldn't do anything to stop it. There was no time for thought or planning. However, he didn’t need to. He had long since donned numerous layers of leather armor, beneath which lurked his turtle-wok….

He had been prepared from the very beginning to dodge if the fist strike wasn’t aimed at his torso.

But it was, and therefore, Celestial Virūpāk?a’s fist, which let out a string of sonic booms as it closed in, slammed directly into Bai Xiaochun’s chest!

Bai Xiaochun didn’t even attempt to move out of the way, causing the eyes of all five of the other celestials to widen.

And of course, there was no need to even mention the reaction of all the other cultivators present. When the fist landed, Bai Xiaochun didn’t move. A huge boom rang out, and much of his leather armor was destroyed, but he himself was not harmed. Not even a drop of blood oozed out of his mouth.

In sharp contrast, the towering, burly Celestial Virūpāk?a grunted in pain. To him, it felt as though he had struck an immovable mountain. An indescribably powerful backlash hit him with devastating force, shattering his hand and sending him staggering backward several paces, blood oozing out of his mouth. His five yin organs and six yang organs vibrated dangerously, and his eyes widened as surely as if he had seen a terrifying ghost.

“How is this even possible!?!?” Celestial Virūpāk?a blurted in shock. “You just became a celestial! Even if you have a strong fleshly body, you shouldn't be able to stand up to a strike like that! You must have some precious treasure, don’t you!?”

Unfortunately for him, he couldn’t use his divine sense, and therefore had no way to even look for clues to figure out what had just occurred.

“So weak!” Bai Xiaochun sneered. “Don’t you have any defensive precious treasures to protect you from measly backlashes?!” The madness in his eyes seemed to flare brightly, and he even laughed in joy. That joy was actually real. After all, thanks to his terrifying powers of regeneration, the wounds that he had received moments ago were already healed. As for the turtle-wok, although it was easy to absorb back into his body, it could not be brought back out again so easily.

Looking very proud, he ripped off the tattered remnants of his leather armor and tossed them off to the side. Taking a confident step forward, he looked at the confused Celestial Virūpāk?a and then laughed maniacally.

“Come on. Bring it on! Hit me again!” He took a few more threatening steps toward Virūpāk?a, who backed up without even thinking about it. His right hand was completely destroyed, which meant that unless he called upon a unique celestial Daoist magic, there was no way he could do anything to Bai Xiaochun’s fleshly body power, which seemed like a defensive treasure. Ordinary magical techniques and fleshly body power would be useless against him.

And the horrific backlash had Celestial Virūpāk?a shaking in fear.

Seeing that his opponent was backing up, Bai Xiaochun laughed madly. Waving his arm dismissively, he turned to Prince Ur-Demon and Reverend Devourer.

“You’re Prince Ur-Demon, right? Want some of my blood? Well, come on. Hit me and get some!

“And what about you, Reverend Devourer? Come on, hit me. Hurry up! Hit me!”

Prince Ur-Demon: “……..”

Reverend Devourer: “……..”

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1083: Sovereign Energy

More people were arriving from the Vile-Emperor Dynasty, and yet, nobody cared. After all, none of them were celestials, only demigod experts. And after they arrived, all of them looked over to the scene that was playing out.

Everyone was watching Bai Xiaochun mouthing off, almost as if he wanted someone to attack him….

“Bring it on! Hit me! Come on, Prince Ur-Demon. Come on, Reverend Devourer! Are you guys gonna hit me, or what? Hurry up! I'm ready. Bring it on!” He really seemed to be getting worked up.

Extremely unsightly expressions could be seen on the faces of both Prince Ur-Demon and Reverend Devourer. Just like Celestial Virūpāk?a, they couldn’t use their divine sense, and therefore couldn’t confirm what was really going on. Although they were relatively certain that Bai Xiaochun had a precious treasure of some sort, it was obvious that only a celestial-level Daoist magic could do anything to it. Ordinary magic could not.

And the mere backlash from hitting that defensive magical item was shocking to the extreme. Celestial Virūpāk?a’s shattered right hand, and the blood oozing out of his mouth, bore testimony to that. Neither Prince Ur-Demon nor Reverend Devourer had fleshly bodies at the same level as Celestial Virūpāk?a, so if such a backlash hit them, they would suffer even more.

Although it might not permanently cripple them, they would be badly hurt. And the whole point of this venture was to seek good fortune. Earlier, they had assumed that they could crush Bai Xiaochun to intimidate everyone else. Never could they have imagined that he would be so tough. The two of them were obviously not going to attack him casually at this point.

Worse, they had never seen any celestial that would go to these lengths to try to get someone to hit them….

“Completely incorrigible!”

“He obviously has some defensive precious treasure. That’s why he’s trying to get them to hit him again!!”

“He’s doing all of this on purpose!”

The people from the Vile-Emperor Dynasty were starting to get angry, and off to the side, the cultivators from the Saint-Emperor Dynasty were starting to get embarrassed. Gu Tianjun and Sima Yunhua exchanged awkward glances as, all of a sudden, their worldview changed….

Back before Bai Xiaochun had become a celestial, if Gu Tianjun and Sima Yunhua had learned that he had a precious treasure like this, they would have started scheming of a way to get it. But now that Bai Xiaochun was a celestial, everything was different. In fact, it might not even be possible for the Vile-Emperor or the Saint-Emperor to get that treasure easily.

After all… Bai Xiaochun was the only person in the Eternal Immortal Domains whose Daoseed was not under the control of someone else. Although that would place him in a certain amount of greater danger, it also meant that he had a lot more freedom!

Anyone else who betrayed the emperor they served would have to suffer the destruction of part of their Daoseed. But not Bai Xiaochun!

As everyone stood there with mixed feelings, Bai Xiaochun continued to make a huge scene.

“Alright, Virūpāk?a,” he shouted loudly, “they’re obviously not going to hit me. So it's back to you. Bring it on! Your right hand is broken, so I’ll ignore it for the time being. Use your left hand!”

Celestial Virūpāk?a was visibly livid. Snorting, he pretended that he hadn’t heard.

However, there was one particular demigod preceptor among the Vile-Emperor Dynasty forces who couldn’t hold back from chuckling coldly, a middle-aged man whose burly frame made it obvious that he was an apprentice of Celestial Virūpāk?a.

“Celestial Bai,” he said, “shouldn’t you act with a bit of propriety, considering your status? What’s with the hooting and hollering? You’re like an old woman! If you had any face at all, you would remove that defensive treasure of yours!”

Looking at the man askance, Bai Xiaochun said, “Who are you?”

Bai Xiaochun was already on guard. Although this man seemed like little more than a muscle-head, from the sharpness of his tongue, it was clear that he was quite clever.