A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

The eyes of the Saint-Emperor Dynasty cultivators widened as they realized where that beam of light was coming from. Its source was… the Vile-Emperor Dynasty!

Bai Xiaochun was not surprised at all. It was only natural that, if the Saint-Emperor dispatched people to the fan, the Vile-Emperor would as well. Figures began to materialize in the area, provoking cold, vigilant glances from the cultivators of the Saint-Emperor Dynasty.

The first to appear were three celestials.

One of them was an old man with a red tumor on his face that made him look like a vicious, fiendish killer. When he looked over the cultivators present, his eyes glittered with sinister light.

“Sima Yunhua!” he said, his eyes locking onto that very cultivator and then glittering with open killing intent.

“Reverend Devourer!” Sima Yunhua replied coolly, his eyes narrowing.

Before either of them could continue speaking, the second figure grew clearer. He was a young man who resembled Sima Yunhua in some ways, dressed as he was like a scholar. There was something elegant about him, and he was so handsome he almost looked like a woman. Although a smile covered his face, it somehow made him look very vile.

The young man chuckled as he looked around. When he noticed Bai Xiaochun, he looked at him for a long moment before saying, “Gu Tianjun and Sima Yunhua! Who would have thought you two would be here? It's too bad that my old Master, Chen Su, couldn't come along. I was hoping to see him.”

The person to respond to him was neither Gu Tianjun nor Sima Yunhua, but rather Preceptor Seadeep. “Hmph! From the moment you betrayed the Saint-Emperor Dynasty, Prince Ur-Demon, you lost the right to call Chen Su your Master!”

Beaming from ear to ear, but eyes as cold as ice, Prince Ur-Demon looked back at Preceptor Seadeep and said, “Oh, you’re here too, Sect Grandfather? You listen to me, you useless fool. When royalty like me talks, people like you need to keep their mouths shut!”

His gaze shook Preceptor Seadeep down to the center of his being, and forced him to stagger backward, blood oozing out of the corners of his mouth. Clearly, he was shocked at how different Prince Ur-Demon was from the person he had known in the past.

Ignoring the grim gazes of Gu Tianjun and Sima Yunhua, Prince Ur-Demon looked back at Bai Xiaochun, and was about to say something further when the third of the Vile-Emperor Dynasty’s celestials arrived!

Rumbling sounds could be heard as a towering, burly man appeared. When Gu Tianjun and Sima Yunhua saw this newcomer, their expressions flickered.

“Celestial Virūpāk?a!”

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1082: Come On, Hit Me!

In response to Gu Tianjun speaking out the name ‘Celestial Virūpāk?a’, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes flickered. He had heard of Celestial Virūpāk?a before. The town that Bai Xiaochun had stayed in for a time in the Vile-Emperor Dynasty had been in the immortal domain overseen by him.

Later, Ghostmother took over that immortal domain. If things had not suddenly changed, it would likely have been Celestial Virūpāk?a that he tangled with. And considering the level of his cultivation base at the time, it would have been difficult for Bai Xiaochun to kidnap him.

The man was built like a tower, and as he stood there, intense pressure radiated off of him that caused the pupils of Gu Tianjun and Sima Yunhua to constrict.

“The Vile-Emperor Dynasty sent three celestials…?” Bai Xiaochun thought, blinking a few times. “I guess they could only send six in total.”

Clearly, the two emperors had come to an agreement about how many people to send.

Even as Bai Xiaochun considered the matter, Celestial Virūpāk?a looked over at him. Then, he spoke in a cold voice that demanded answers from anyone who heard it.

“Are you that useless stray dog Bai Xiaochun?”

From the way the man singled him out, Bai Xiaochun could tell that he had nothing but ill intentions toward him. Furthermore, it seemed highly likely that he hoped to start a conflict that would escalate into an actual fight.

Otherwise, why would he be so overtly insulting?

“Does he really want to attack me physically? Maybe use me to put pressure on everyone else?” Alarmed, he tried to decide what to do. Before he could, Prince Ur-Demon stepped forward and looked at Bai Xiaochun, his eyes shining with strange light.

“I heard that the secret of spirit enhancement is locked inside the blood of the people of Heavenspan. Do you mind… giving me some of your blood to taste?” Bai Xiaochun sucked in a breath. First Celestial Virūpāk?a started causing problems, and now this clearly villainous Prince Ur-Demon was joining in. Bai Xiaochun already had a bad feeling.

And yet, before that bad feeling could even begin to fade, Reverend Devourer chuckled hoarsely, looked at Bai Xiaochun, and then licked his lips.

“I'm curious, not only about spirit enhancement, but also the unique flame conjuring techniques of the lands of Heavenspan. Supposedly you use souls as the main ingredient. I asked around, Bai Xiaochun, and everyone said that you are the only heavenly necromancer to ever exist.” A greedy gleam flickered within Reverend Devourer’s eyes.

At this point, Bai Xiaochun’s heart was pounding harder than ever, and his scalp was tingling like mad. With the vicious-looking Reverend Devourer in the mix, he now had three celestials all focused on him!

“Dammit! I haven’t even gotten to say anything! I was trying to keep a low profile! I didn’t provoke any of these lunatics, and yet they’re already teaming up to target me?!” Bai Xiaochun was nervous, and scared about being in such a passive position. Glancing over at Gu Tianjun and Sima Yunhua, he could see that they were obviously not going to back him up.

From their perspective, this was the perfect opportunity to see what Bai Xiaochun’s battle prowess was like now that he had broken through and become a celestial.

Bai Xiaochun’s anxiety mounted when he realized what they were thinking. Although he was scrambling to try to decide what to do, only a few breaths of time had passed so far. Seeing the three celestials all staring at him, Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath and stepped forward.

“Time to put everything on the line,” he thought. “I can’t be scared. In fact, I need to strike fear into their hearts. How to do it, though? If they join forces, the probably won't kill me, but would beat me up pretty badly. I guess one upside to this place is that neither divine sense nor ordinary senses work well in this place. I can’t see anything about their level, but they can’t see anything about mine either.” Inwardly anxious, he threw his head back and laughed uproariously. Flicking his sleeve, he stared at the other celestials, battle spirit flickering in his eyes, as well as a bit of derision.

Sneering, he said, “It's been a long time since anyone has dared to say such things in my presence.”

He almost seemed to regret that fact, as though he were thinking back to wonderful things from when he was younger.

“Now that I think about it, the last person who said something like that to me was another celestial from the Vile-Emperor Dynasty. Who was it? Oh, right. Ghostmother.” Chuckling, and seemingly thrumming with battle spirit, he looked at the three celestials, pursing his lips as if to suppress his laughter. Although his heart was racing with anxiety, his eyes shone with utter madness.

“I've been restraining myself for some time now,” he sighed. “I’d hoped to keep a low profile here in the Eternal Immortal Domains, but, ah, whatever…. Come on. I’ll let one of you to try to make me cough up some blood. If even a drop comes out, then you can keep it!”