A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

Before, the Vile-Prince hadn’t been confident enough to make a move on them. But now, his patience had reached an end. Furthermore, even after refining the Arch-Emperor into a new arm for himself, he was still unable to perform spirit enhancements. The Vile-Prince was going crazy in his thirst for spirit enhancement blood. And therefore, he had spent the last few months secretly surrounding the River-Defying Sect.

If the sect had been located in the Saint-Emperor Dynasty, he wouldn’t have dared to make a move. But since it was in the Vile-Emperor Dynasty, things were much simpler. Even still, he knew that when he made his move, he had to strike like lightning.

He arranged for some celestials to help him, which ensured that the River-Defying Sect forces were powerless to resist him. When he finally made his move, they couldn’t even fight back! They were instantly captured!!

The news shook the entire Vile-Emperor Dynasty. And what was even more astonishing was the subsequent announcement made by the Vile-Prince that he was setting up a massive spell formation in one of the plains outside of Vile-Emperor City!

Trapped within the spell formation were all of the cultivators from the River-Defying Sect, as well as other Heavenspan Realm cultivators who had been imprisoned earlier. There were tens of thousands in total.

All of them were sealed, and incapable of escaping the spell formation which, once fully activated, would extract their blood. The Vile-Prince himself wouldn’t oversee the operation, but rather, Celestial Deadfall and Reverend Devourer!

It was shocking news, especially to the Heavenspan cultivators scattered in the Saint-Emperor Dynasty. All of them were immediately enraged!

“Vile-Prince!!” Song Que had just been preparing to go meet up with the River-Defying Sect, and was relatively close to Vile-Emperor City. When he heard about what was happening, his eyes began to burn with madness and killing intent, and he instantly powered up his cultivation base.

He had been a lone wolf for years now, and had slaughtered countless enemies. Because of that, and because of the cultivation resources he had acquired over the years, his cultivation base had long since broken through to the late Deva Realm!

However, because of his murderous aura, he was confident that he could actually fight a demigod!

Years of enlightenment regarding the Dao of slaughter and killing made him seem like a razor-sharp sword dripping with blood. Without any hesitation, he began to speed in the direction of Vile-Emperor City.

It was at that exact same moment that, back on the damaged fan, Bai Xiaochun finally conjured a twenty-three-colored flame. Feeling very pleased with himself, he left the fan and returned to his private chamber in the embassy in Vile-Emperor City. As soon as he materialized, he noticed that his transmission jade slip was vibrating loudly.

Because of how far away the damaged fan was, he couldn’t receive transmitted messages. But now, all of the messages came in, and when he saw them, his face flickered dramatically. Heart pounding with a sense of profound unease, he sent his divine sense into the jade slip.

Virtually all of the messages were from Big Fatty Zhang!!

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1186: Fury!

“Everyone in the River-Defying Sect has been arrested!!”

“A huge spell formation has been set up outside Vile-Emperor City!!”

“They’re going to extract the blood of tens of thousands of cultivators from the Heavenspan Realm!!”

Each message from Big Fatty Zhang was like a dagger stabbing into Bai Xiaochun’s heart!

Patriarch Spirit Stream, Li Qinghou, and other compatriots from the River-Defying Sect, as well as cultivators from other parts of the Heavenspan Realm, were now trapped in a spell formation outside the city!

Big Fatty Zhang didn’t just sound anxious in his messages, he also sounded angry. Bai Xiaochun could only imagine what level of despair he currently felt.

Panting, and heart pounding painfully, he rose to his feet, his eyes completely bloodshot as he let out a howl of anguish!

Pain wracked him both physically and mentally!

Madness gripped him, from his mind down to his soul!

He had been hurt deeply back in the incident at the imperial palace, and had Gongsun Wan’er not intervened, he would have lost complete control. Afterward, it was only because of the Arch-Emperor’s legacy that he managed to clench his hands into fists and trudge back to the embassy like the walking dead. Then, he descended into a near masochistic session of cultivation.

His mood had lifted quite a bit after becoming the new owner of the damaged fan, but now he had returned only to be hit with this news. As of now, it was completely impossible for him to suppress the madness in his heart!

He didn’t care what the consequences might be, or what price he might have to pay…. This was Patriarch Spirit Stream and Li Qinghou!!

This was the River-Defying Sect!! This was the lives of tens of thousands of people from the Heavenspan Realm!!

Laughing in madness, he shot out from the embassy, accompanied by intense rumbling sounds. At the same time, a murderous aura erupted from him that cast the embassy and everything around it into the dead of winter. All cultivators present shivered as they were instantly sealed in place by the aura!

A moment later, a blood mist sprang out around Bai Xiaochun!

He was directly resorting to… the Godkiller technique!!

Instantly, he vanished from the embassy. By the time the embassy staff came to their senses, he was gone, and they all knew exactly where he was going!

“Something big is about to happen!!”

“Quick, notify Saint-Emperor City!!” Everyone in the embassy was extremely nervous. Obviously, they knew what the Vile-Prince was up to, and therefore, to see Bai Xiaochun suddenly explode into action was a clear sign that something major was going to occur in Vile-Emperor City.

And yet… what was about to happen surpassed anything they could possibly have imagined!!

The blood mist that was Bai Xiaochun shot out of the city and then headed toward the shockingly large spell formation.

The spell formation was a mass of turbid chaos, making it difficult to see what was going on inside. Nine black dragons formed the main structure of the formation, and seated cross-legged in key locations were several hundred Vile-Emperor Dynasty cultivators.

They were powering the spell formation, and sitting cross-legged in the air above it were Reverend Devourer and Celestial Deadfall.

Upon the request of the Vile-Prince, they were to actually operate the spell formation!

They were aware of who was sealed inside the formation, and they also knew how it all related to Bai Xiaochun. But this was Vile-Emperor City, and in their estimation, the fact that Bai Xiaochun had held himself in check during the incident in the imperial palace indicated that he was no fool, and that he would likely do the same thing again.

Celestial Deadfall was very happy to be a part of what was happening. He had not forgotten how badly he had fared against Bai Xiaochun in their fight some years ago, and was also irritated that Daoist Heavenspan’s fame had surpassed his own in the Vile-Emperor Dynasty.

“If this Bai Xiaochun comes, then his end will be miserable beyond belief! He’ll be forced to watch the people of Heavenspan wither and die. And his grudge won’t be with me, it will be with the Vile-Prince.” With such thoughts on his mind, Celestial Deadfall smiled and looked down at the spell formation below.

However, it was in that very moment that his expression flickered. Off to the side, Reverend Devourer opened his eyes. Both of them looked over to see a crimson blur flying in their direction from Vile-Emperor City, seemingly filled with an unending aura of blood and death!

As soon as they saw the blur, and sensed the fluctuations coming from within it, both Celestial Deadfall and Reverend Devourer knew exactly who was coming!