A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

When Bai Xiaochun realized how obedient he was acting, and saw the fawning expression on his face, he sighed even more deeply.

When the image on the fan face was brought up, Bai Xiaochun looked over at it. Before, he had only been able to observe it from a distance, but now, when he stood on the fan rib and looked at it, it was almost as if he were drawn into the picture itself.

The river, the mountain, and everything else, seemed to resonate with each other. There was also the boat in the river, upon which two men sat playing Go. There was also the palace in the river, and… the sovereign arm floating in the sky.

Bai Xiaochun couldn’t have been in higher spirits.

“Master, once your cultivation base is high enough, you will be able to create projections of the items in the fan face. For example, that boat is actually a world treasure. And the two men sitting there playing Go are actually archaean slaves!

“See that mountain? It was created by the Dao Essence of the exalted sovereign!

“And that river is no ordinary river. One drop from it can transform into another mighty river wherever it is placed.

“And there’s more. Master, remember how much I wanted to use the power of that sovereign's arm before? Master, if you just send your mind into the damaged fan, you’ll be able to see what you can do with it now.” Curious, Bai Xiaochun closed his eyes and sent his mind into the fan. Almost immediately, he began to pant.

To his shock, he could sense that, somewhere else in the void, there was another damaged fan, heading in his direction!

“The other half of the damaged fan!” he exclaimed, opening his eyes.

“Exactly!” Bai Xiaochi replied excitedly. “Considering how fast it’s going, it won’t be long before the two meet each other. When they combine, then the fan will be whole again!”

“If only one half of the fan is this powerful,” Bai Xiaochun thought, “then… no one would ever dare to provoke me if I had the entire thing!” Such thoughts immediately had him feeling more daring and heroic than ever. Previous Chapter Next Chapter

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1185: Plundering

Bai Xiaochi provided a thorough tour and explanation of all the functions of the fan. During the process, Bai Xiaochun personally visited the mountain in the image on the fan face, atop which was a towering pagoda, filled with the aura of the Dao Essence of Life and Death.

It was a nine-story pagoda, the top floor of which actually contained that Dao Essence of Life and Death. Unfortunately, Bai Xiaochun’s cultivation base wasn’t high enough to permit him to enter that level. He could only reach as high as the fourth.

Even in that fourth floor, though, his progress when practicing cultivation vastly surpassed other locations on the fan, or in the Eternal Immortal Domains. When he sat cross-legged in meditation for the time it takes an incense stick to burn, his entire body filled with burning heat. As it turned out, thanks to the stimulation of the Dao Essence of Life and Death, his cultivation base power increased as much in that short period of time as it normally would in an entire month.

“This is a holy land of cultivation!” he exclaimed.

Off to the side, Bai Xiaochi obsequiously said, “Milord, once you’ve reached the late Celestial Realm, you’ll be able to enter the fifth floor. Once you’re an archaean, you’ll be able to enter the top floor, and contact the Dao Essence of Life and Death directly. At that point, your cultivation will go even faster!”

Excited by the prospect, Bai Xiaochun did some more cultivation, until his cultivation base and battle prowess were far stronger than before. Finally, he left.

After taking a walk around the fan, he once again tried to use the power of his cultivation base to take control of the images in the fan face, and the divine abilities they could unleash.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t budge the mountain, or the river. However, the requirements to use the boat didn’t seem as high, and after some work, he manage to get it to tremble slightly. Even the two men playing Go inside of it twitched.

Although he couldn’t fully summon in outside of the fan face, he was still pleased with the progress he had made. It felt wonderful to be the true owner of the damaged fan. Even better were all of the treasures and medicinal pills he had access to now. A mere thought on his part caused numerous such items to fly out of the fan and into his hand.

At this point, he thought back to some of the strange things he had encountered in the various levels, such as the Dark Concocters, or the level filled with souls. Blurring into motion, he headed into the level that contained the Dark Concocters.

As soon as he appeared, the Dark Concocters sensed his presence, and looked up to see a figure that had haunted their nightmares ever since they first met him. Immediately, screams began to rise into the air.

“Heavens! It’s him! The arch-nemesis of the Dark Concocters!!”

“Impossible! How could he have come back!? Didn’t we banish him already?!”

When Bai Xiaochun saw the Dark Concocters trembling in terror, he threw his head back and laughed uproariously. There was no way he would simply let such natural-born medicine concocters off the hook. Using his authority and powers with the fan, he very easily forced them to submit….

The Dark Concocters agreed to his demands. Scowling on the verge of tears, they began to concoct medicine in exactly the way he demanded….

Next, he went to the level filled with souls, and quickly cleared it out. Long ago, Bai Xiaochi had claimed that he couldn’t take those souls. Bai Xiaochun had then taken that to mean that he would just have to acquire them on his own.

Bai Xiaochi stood off to the side, watching Bai Xiaochun plundering the fan with seeming ease. Although his spirit automaton’s heart dripped with figurative blood, he didn't let even a hint of that show on his face. He simply looked on.

Clearing his throat, Bai Xiaochun said, “Don’t look at me like that. It's a big waste to leave these souls sitting here doing nothing. There’s no way I’m going to let them feed on any more of the spiritual energy powering the fan!”

Looking like the picture of righteousness, he sat down cross-legged and began to practice more cultivation using the medicinal pills he had just acquired.

Half a month went by. Having just become the new owner of the fan, Bai Xiaochun was in extremely high spirits, and was enthralled with the various functions and abilities of the fan. Most of his time was spent either practicing cultivation, or doing research into twenty-three-colored flame.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have a huge stockpile of souls anymore. But he had enough to work with temporarily. He eventually reached the point of being confident enough to do some tests. Although there were no successes, the failures gave him plenty of new insights, and he was gaining confidence in an imminent success.

As Bai Xiaochun was immersed in his activities on the damaged fan, something happened in Vile-Emperor City that was profoundly shocking to all cultivators from the Heavenspan Realm.

Earlier, everything had been calm. The Vile-Prince had kept very low-key, and hadn’t seemed interested in Bai Xiaochun at all. The Vile-Emperor was in secluded meditation.

But the truth was that… the Vile-Prince had been working on a huge plan targeting… the River-Defying Sect!

Patriarch Spirit Stream and his allies had slowly been recruiting more and more cultivators to their cause, and even though Big Fatty Zhang was doing his best to keep it all a secret, their presence was finally made known!