A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

“Considering the level of your cultivation base, it shouldn’t be any problem for you to possess another body. And I have a huge collection, every one of them unique and perfect specimens!” Apparently worried that Bai Xiaochun would refuse because of a misunderstanding, the Vile-Prince waved his arms out, causing all of the ornamental rocks in the mansion to suddenly begin shining with bright light.

As the light shone, the rocks began to turn translucent, making them look almost like ice. As that happened… it became possible to see corpses sealed within all of the rocks!!

There were men and women, old and young, beautiful and ugly, strong and weak. And yet, all of them, without a single exception, glittered like treasures in a museum!

Bai Xiaochun had just been preparing to leave, but now he was rooted in place, his eyes wide as he looked around at all the corpses. His mind almost seemed incapable of catching up to how events were unfolding. Never could he have imagined that the Vile-Prince would have a hobby like this. On the one hand, it seemed completely outrageous, but at the same time, it made Bai Xiaochun feel like he had just attained a deeper understanding of the world.

“I can’t believe he actually likes collecting corpses… and setting them up in his courtyard….” The Vile-Prince was clearly very pleased with how stunned Bai Xiaochun looked. Looking around proudly at his collection, he began to introduce them as surely as if they were the most priceless of treasures.

“See that one? That is a one-of-a-kind Ten Yang Body. It’s a type of battle body that can allow a deva to fight a demigod! It's so strong that it's really difficult to put into words!

“Oh, and that one over there is even more amazing. It possesses the most spectacular powers of attraction you can imagine. Men with that type of body can capture the hearts of endless numbers of female cultivators. After some research, I found that such bodies emit shocking fluctuations that tug at the psyches of anyone of the opposite sex!

“Look at this old guy. Forget about how ancient he looks. Technically speaking, no one in the Eternal Immortal Domains ever lived longer than him. He clearly had a demigod cultivation base, but his longevity surpassed celestials to a ridiculous level. I wasn’t able to determine the reason, even after lots of research.”

As the Vile-Prince went about his introductions, Bai Xiaochun looked around at the reactions of the other cultivators present. Considering how no one seemed surprised, it was obvious that this hobby of the Vile-Prince’s was no secret in the Vile-Emperor Dynasty.

Bai Xiaochun looked back at all the corpses, and felt like his mind was spinning beyond control. Hair standing on end, he interrupted the Vile-Prince’s enthusiastic monologue to say, “Uh… I got this body from my parents, Vile-Prince. I'm afraid there’s no deal to be made. I just realized I have an important matter to attend to. I’ll take my leave now.”

With that, he began to back up.

The Vile-Prince immediately frowned in what appeared to be significant displeasure.

Sorting coldly, he said, “If you don’t want to make the trade, Ambassador Bai, that’s fine. But there’s no need to act so stuck-up!

“We cultivators are supposed to defy the heavens! Our goal in life should be to achieve the great Eternal Dao!

“The fleshly body is merely a vessel to carry the divine souls of cultivators through the River of Time! The journey along that river is a long and terrifying one, and fraught with peril. If a better vessel is suddenly presented, one should take it! That is the best way to improve one’s chances of achieving that great Dao!” The tenacity and focus in the Vile-Prince’s voice left Bai Xiaochun a bit stunned, and in fact, some of what he said actually made sense.

“Ambassador Bai, as a celestial, you have experienced many things. I refuse to believe that you don’t understand how sometimes, it’s necessary to replace the fleshly body that is our vessel in life. Only in that way can we save time and reach our ultimate goal, that great Dao!” The Vile-Prince was clearly pleased with how closely Bai Xiaochun was listening to him. After all, he was talking about his Dao, which he was completely confident would take him to that which was eternal.

“It’s true that your fleshly body came from your father and mother. But you should think of that body as merely the first of many! Bodies are like magical items. Ambassador Bai, I refuse to believe that you still use the same magical items that you did when you first stepped into the cultivation world!” Bai Xiaochun gasped slightly. Although he felt in his heart that the Vile-Prince was incorrect, he spoke in such a decisive fashion that it seemed hard to question him.

The Vile-Prince suddenly tore open his clothing, revealing a body… that appeared to have been stitched together from numerous other body parts!

“Ambassador Bai, look at this. See my left arm? It comes from the Vile-Glory Clan, and possess the power of sinister coldness. And my right arm is from the Clash-Heaven Horde, and can release profoundly shocking divine abilities!

“I got my left leg from the Fiendkillers, and my right leg from the Dragonherds!”

He was crisscrossed with scars, a sight that would be shocking to anyone who looked at him.

Bai Xiaochun was completely shaken by what he was hearing. Never could he have imagined that a freakish person like this could exist in the world.

“His father permits all of this?” he thought. Apparently, the Vile-Prince was used to people reacting in this way, and could tell exactly what Bai Xiaochun was thinking.

Smiling, he said, “His Majesty the Vile-Emperor initially opposed my Dao, but after enough time passed, he changed his mind. In fact, he approves of it now!”

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1171: A Free Dog

“The Vile-Emperor approves…?” Bai Xiaochun thought, blinking a few times as his heart began to beat faster in his chest. “Poor kid. He doesn’t even know that the person he thinks is his father is actually an imposter…. His real father disapproved, but once the imposter took over, it was only natural for him to approve of such a harmful inclination….”

Although he felt bad for the Vile-Prince, he was now in absolutely no mood to participate in some sort of banquet.

Furthermore, he was now convinced that just about everyone in Vile-Emperor City was crazy. Not a single one seemed like an ordinary person. At the same time, he decided that nothing about the Vile-Prince’s speech just now made sense. After all, he didn’t want ideas like that to take root inside of him and cause unwanted changes to his psyche….

“These people are psychos!” Bai Xiaochun firmly refused the Vile-Prince’s offer again, and then, despite the fact that he knew it would not please him, flew up into the air, along with his two demigod subordinates.

Just as he was preparing to leave, he stopped and looked back at the main gate!

As he did, the aura of the mid Celestial Realm suddenly erupted out from that very spot, shooting out as if to oppose his departure.

An unsightly expression overtook his face, and his heart turned icy as he looked at a figure walking out of the darkness of the gate. There, dressed in a black robe, was… Daoist Heavenspan!

His face was cold and grim as he stared at Bai Xiaochun, and it was almost possible to hear the sound of thunder crackling when their gazes met.

“There’s something strange going on with Daoist Heavenspan. He's much stronger than the last time we met in the second immortal domain!”

Bai Xiaochun had made rapid progress because of the enormous good fortune he had come across. However, it was clear that Daoist Heavenspan had also encountered some unimaginable good fortune of his own. His cultivation base had risen rapidly, to the point where he was now catching up to Bai Xiaochun.

Were he not in Vile-Emperor City, Bai Xiaochun would have attacked Daoist Heavenspan without even thinking about it. But now, he could only do something like that if it was absolutely necessary.