A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

As a celestial, Bai Xiaochun’s every move and action was subject to observation. And since he had made no effort to be stealthy in any way, the people in Vile-Prince Mansion knew he was coming.

Before he arrived, dozens of individuals flew out of the ornate, luxurious mansion, the weakest of them being devas, and with five being demigods.

As they neared, they all clasped hands and bowed formally to Bai Xiaochun.

“Greetings, Ambassador Bai!”

“After you, Ambassador Bai! Everyone in Vile-Prince Mansion is eagerly awaiting your arrival!”

From their formality and respect, it was clear to see that the Vile-Prince was taking Bai Xiaochun's visit very seriously. That was especially true considering who was standing outside the main entrance of Vile-Prince Mansion.

There were seven people lined up, with one standing in front of them all. He was middle-aged, and dressed in a robe embroidered with dragons. Although he wasn’t as domineering and impressive as the Vile-Emperor, he looked very similar to him.

At a glance, Bai Xiaochun knew without a doubt that this was the Vile-Prince!

Bai Xiaochun nodded in greeting from afar. The Vile-Prince noticed the gesture, and in response, laughed heartily.

“Ambassador Bai,” he said, hurrying forward, “I sent so many unanswered invitations! If you refused this one, I might have just had to come visit you personally.” Bai Xiaochun could immediately see how much younger the Vile-Prince was than the Vile-Emperor. He didn’t appear sinister to the bones like the Vile-Emperor, nor was he very domineering. He almost seemed to have mastered the smooth-faced demeanor of the people of the Saint-Emperor Dynasty.

“Trying to intimidate the new guy, huh?” he thought coldly. “Blaming me for not coming to visit you earlier? Lousy prince. You don’t count for crap!”

Although he didn’t have a very good impression of the Vile-Emperor Dynasty so far, he was very proficient when it came to putting on a pretense of civility and interest.

“How could I possibly inconvenience you by make you come visit me, Vile-Prince!?” he said. “You see, my cultivation base had reached a bottleneck, and thus, upon arriving, I was very anxious to get right to cultivation. Many apologies for all the delays.” He ended with a slight chuckle. Considering how much higher his cultivation base was than the Vile-Prince, that laughter, despite not being very loud, contained significant weight. In fact, it was more than enough to dissolve the domineering air contained in the Vile-Prince's false courtesy.

Eyes sparkling, and smile growing more radiant than ever, the Vile-Prince clasped hands and said, “I only invited two individuals to my banquet this night, Ambassador Bai. Please, come in!”

With that, he escorted Bai Xiaochun into his mansion.

Bai Xiaochun was very used to this sort of environment, and smiled broadly in return as he followed along. The two of them began to chat, and soon it was clear that neither were inferior to the other when it came to such arts. However, were it not for the fact that he had a high standing by birth, the Vile-Prince would not have been able to keep up with Bai Xiaochun. Soon the underlings who were following them began to respect Bai Xiaochun more and more.

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1170: Please Behave Yourself, Vile-Prince!

As the highest ranking prince in the Vile-Emperor Dynasty, it only made sense that the Vile-Prince's mansion was far more luxurious than mansions of lesser princes. Upon entering, it was possible to see countless astounding decorative rock formations, as well as numerous streams and ponds.

It felt like a place of spirits and immortals, and even a single intake of breath would stimulate the cultivation base to an astounding degree. Despite being a celestial, even Bai Xiaochun was impressed.

“You have a nice place here!” he said in all sincerity.

“You flatter me, Ambassador Bai,” the Vile-Prince replied, chuckling. Clearly, he was feeling very pleased with himself. Looking over at Bai Xiaochun, he continued, “I really do have to offer profound thanks to your Heavenspan Realm, Ambassador Bai. After all, it’s only because of the secrets of spirit enhancement that my mansion has been elevated to this state.”

He pointed at a decorative rock formation some distance away.

“See that ornamental hill over there? I built it with ordinary immortal stones that I crafted into a spell formation. Then I scoured the Vile-Emperor Dynasty for grandmaster spirit enhancers to work their magic on it.

“Although many of them failed at their task, the final result was worth it. In fact, all of the ornamental rocks here have threefold spirit enhancements!” The Vile-Prince seemed very interested in the subject of spirit enhancements, and as he led Bai Xiaochun toward the main hall of his mansion, he pointed out everything that had been enhanced.

He seemed to be quite knowledgeable regarding spirit enhancement theory, prompting Bai Xiaochun to listen to what he said with some curiosity. So far, he hadn’t met anyone in the Eternal Immortal Domains who knew as much about the subject as the Vile-Prince.

“According to my understanding, there are three main ways that you Heavenspan Realm cultivators perform spirit enhancements. The first has to do with confidence, which is connected to Will. The second is in accord with magical law, and by finding ingredients that can harness the energy of heaven and earth. The third, and supposedly the most orthodox of them all, is by relying on multi-colored flame!

“And of course, people who can use multi-colored flame are called necromancers! From what I hear, Ambassador Bai, in all of the Heavenspan Realm, going back to the most ancient times, there was only ever one… heavenly necromancer!” The Vile-Prince was gauging Bai Xiaochun’s reaction, and when he saw the surprise on his face, he chuckled. At that point, he suddenly looked somewhat wistful.

“Unfortunately, it’s a real pity that, despite all my research, I only ended up proving that spirit enhancements can only be performed by people with the blood of the Heavenspan Realm in them. Without the power of that blood, even someone who has mastered all of the relevant skills will still fail. And even transfusing the blood into oneself will only provide a very limited ability.

“It’s truly a blessing from the Eternal Mother to the descendants of the Arch-Sovereign….” He sighed. During his speech, Bai Xiaochun was convinced that he could detect the smell of blood coming from the man.

Frowning, he was about to say something when the Vile-Prince suddenly turned to face him, his eyes sparkling.

“Ambassador Bai, the truth is that I asked you here today to propose a trade that I think you might be interested in. You have something that I want….”

“Like what…?” Bai Xiaochun replied, forcing down his displeasure as he stood there, looking back at the Vile-Prince.

The Vile-Prince licked his lips and looked Bai Xiaochun up and down, in much the same way that a lecherous sex-addict of a man would stare at a beautiful woman. It instantly caused Bai Xiaochun’s eyelid to twitch a bit.

“Ambassador Bai, I want… your body!”

Bai Xiaochun’s face instantly turned very grim, and his hackles rose. Swishing his sleeve, he snorted coldly and said, “Please behave yourself, Vile-Prince!”

Clearly displeased, he turned to leave.

“Wait, Ambassador Bai, you misunderstand me. I have developed a bit of a hobby in collecting the fleshly bodies of cultivators. Calm down. Listen, if you agree, then I can arrange for another fleshly body to replace your current one. And I guarantee you’ll be happy with the results!