A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

“Dammit! I’m supposed to be the one giving pills to other people! This thirtieth level is really strange. I can’t believe that it can actually hurt me!” Shaken by how difficult this level was, he cautiously sent out some divine sense to try to get a better understand of the place.

Before long, a strange expression could be seen on his face as he realized that there were tribes of living beings located in the mountains!

The reason he called them tribes was because they wore crude, ancient-style clothing, much like the savage giants in Wildlands had worn. And yet… the creatures in these tribes could concoct medicinal pills!

Even more unbelievable was that, although these living creatures resembled people, they were very small. They were imps, the largest among them only about the size of an average person’s hand.

Most of them were actually thumb-sized. Many of them, in the middle of their pill concocting, would suddenly jump up and dance with joy, seemingly crazed. They would also jabber in a way that he found impossible to understand.

It was actually a somewhat familiar scene, and reminded him of himself when he passed certain critical points in concocting medicine….

As for the streams of smoke, they were rising up from the tribes as a result of their pill concocting.

When Bai Xiaochun noticed the expressions on the faces of the imps, he was shocked, but at the same time, understood everything. This world had once been a wonderful place, but it had been ruined by the imps’ pill concocting. Countless living creatures had been killed by the toxic poison, and innumerable plants had been driven to extinction. Even the land and sky itself was withering because of it.

“Utterly terrifying,” he murmured, blinking a few times. Considering how horrifying his own pill concocting often went, he actually felt quite a bit of respect for these imps. At the same time, now that he had found someone on a similar level as himself, he was almost itching to see if they were a match for him.

Considering the types of problems that happened when he concocted pills, he had held back for a long time. But after catching a whiff of the toxic odor caused by the imps’ concocting efforts, he suddenly felt like he couldn’t control himself any longer. He really felt like he had to show these imp apothecaries how awesome he was.

“Wait. No. I have to control myself!” After all, his goal was simply to get past this level, so having a competition with the imps would be pointless.

Suppressing his impulses, he tried to think seriously about the level around him. Looking up at the toxic smoke, and then back down at the pill concocting imps, he murmured, “Is the point of this level just to survive in hostile conditions?”

Meanwhile, up in the air, the damaged fan’s spirit automaton was there in the form of a boy, invisible and undetectable by Bai Xiaochun. Hands clasped behind his back, and looking very pleased with himself, he eyed Bai Xiaochun down below.

“The Dark Concocters caused a big headache for the exalted sovereign years ago. Their natural talents in pill concocting are unrivaled, and each and every one of them is completely obsessed with concocting pills. Worse, the medicinal pills they concoct are the type that no one under heaven would dare to eat. Even they won't consume their own pills.

“Hmmmphh! Back in the day, the sovereign would say that if the Dark Concocters were given the right circumstances and resources, they could destroy the entire starry sky. Although this place is only an illusion created with the power of the Dao Essence of Life and Death, it’s almost the same as if it were real. Unless this shameless cheater has the cultivation base of a sovereign, then he definitely won’t last for long here!

“Normally speaking, the requirement is to stay in this land for three days. But I’ll change the requirement from three days to 10,000! Alright, you rogue. If you manage to pass this level, I’ll change my surname to match yours!! I swear it!” At this point, the boy couldn’t help but laugh uproariously.

This time, he was absolutely convinced that he would come out victorious. No one could last for long when dealing with the toxic smoke created by the Dark Concocters. And unless they were careful, one could die a horrifying death. Furthermore, because the entire place was bolstered by the Dao Essence of Life and Death, the Dark Concocters could not be killed by means of the cultivation base. They could only be affected by medicinal toxins similar to their own. That was actually the only weakness to the level. One could theoretically pass the level by forcing all of the tribes that made up the Dark Concocters to surrender. If they all agreed to expel Bai Xiaochun, then according to the rules that governed the level, not even the spirit automaton could interfere.

“But that’s impossible. The Dark Concocters have never surrendered to anyone. Even the sovereign of years past only managed to reach an agreement with them. They’re not the type who will bow their heads.” Having reached this point in his train of thought, the boy began to laugh even harder. He simply couldn’t wait to see a look of true despair on Bai Xiaochun’s face.

In order to speed things along, the boy decided to ‘help’ Bai Xiaochun by alerting the Dark Concocters to his presence.

“Hmmmphh. Tribulation is coming your way, you shameless cheater!” Feeling very excited about what was to come, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed at the ground, causing invisible ripples to spread out through the world of the level.

Almost immediately, the imps in the various Dark Concocter tribes shivered and looked up. Despite the fact that Bai Xiaochun was hiding his cultivation base, they all suddenly looked in his direction, and could see him clearly!

“Someone finally came!”

Countless Dark Concocters poured out into the open, excited looks on their faces as they clamored at the tops of their lungs.

“He’s mine! I need him to be a test tube for my medicine! Don’t even think of trying to fight me for him!”

“Get out of my way, all of you. This test tube belongs to my tribe!!”

“Don’t run, test tube, we’re coming for you!”

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1120: Who’s Patriarch Mystery Pill?

Some of the imps wielded wooden rods that they would normally use to mix medicines. Others rode atop vicious beasts who had blank eyes but moved with surprising quickness. A few of them even carried pill furnaces with them.

Many of them had flamestones in hand. All looked particularly excited as they raced toward Bai Xiaochun. Apparently, now that they had ruined the world in which they lived, they were very excited to see a new ‘test tube’ arrive.

Furthermore, considering how large of a test tube he was, it meant that countless medicinal pills they had created over years of research could finally be properly tested. The imps couldn’t keep from hooting and hollering in excitement.

They were looking at Bai Xiaochun like a wolf looking at a beautiful woman, their eyes shining with passion, as if they wished to experiment with him and learn every little thing about him.

They were even struggling with each other to be first among the crowd, to the point where fights were breaking out. It was really very dramatic.

Before, heaven and earth had only been filled with the muffled boom of exploding pill furnaces, and had been relatively peaceful and quiet. But now, the entire place was buzzing, filled with shouts and cries of all sorts.

Bai Xiaochun looked around at the countless imps rushing out of the mountains like mice. Most of them were so smudged with dark soot from the exploding pill furnaces that they were pitch black. After a moment, their shouts and cries brought Bai Xiaochun back to his senses.

“Test tube?” At first he thought perhaps he had heard wrong, but after hearing the same thing a few times in a row, he started to get angry. “They’re calling me their test tube? Dammit! You people are the test tubes! Everyone in your clan is a test tube!!!”