A Will Eternal (Chapter 1001-Chapter 1200)

Soon, he was back on the fan rib, with the twenty-first level in front of him. At this point, his expression turned serious. He knew that the power he had gained earlier had been equivalent to the first twenty levels. Therefore, everything after this point would be a true test of skill.

“Thankfully I don’t have anyone to compete with, so I don’t have to worry about the time limit….” With such thoughts on his mind, he decided not to immediately enter the next level. Instead, he searched all of the previous levels to make sure there were no rewards that had gone unclaimed by previous challengers. After placing such rewards into his bag of holding, he felt very pleased.

“This way, even if I have to go back home without completely succeeding, this journey will have been worth it.”

With his preparations complete, he looked around calmly. But then, an expression of hesitation appeared on his face as he thought back to the spirit automaton he had squared off against in the past, and wondered if it was awake now.

After thinking about it for a bit, he gritted his teeth and strode forward into the twenty-first level. Almost immediately, the thunderous sound of a roaring wind filled his ears. Everything went blurry, and when things became clear, he was in a world of ice!

The sky was gray, and the lands that stretched out in all directions were white. A whimpering wind blew snowflakes everywhere.

Perhaps this place had once been a sea that ended up being frozen. There were no mountains or valleys, only a wide, flat plain.

The frigid qi was incredible, to the point where even Bai Xiaochun shivered. And that was with him being a celestial with an incredibly powerful fleshly body. Despite that, it felt like he was being stabbed all over, and he even wondered if the flame of his life force was going to be frozen. Any other ordinary cultivator would have been unable to take this level of cold.

“It’s freezing here!” he thought. Looking around, he tested to see if the power he had over the fan could help him here, but absolutely nothing happened.

Even as he sighed regretfully, his expression flickered, and he backed up a few paces. As he did, a hole opened up in the ice ahead of him, and a fish flew out of it in his general direction. It moved with blinding speed, brushing against his arm as it flew past. Strangely, it looked almost exactly like an arrow.

Despite the level of his cultivation base, if he hadn’t reacted quickly enough, he would likely have been stabbed through by the arrowfish!

Things weren’t over yet! His face continued to flicker with shock as more holes opened up around him. In the blink of an eye, numerous arrowfish were all flying toward him at incredible speed!

They were silver, and really did look like arrows as they flew through the air with incredible speed. Bai Xiaochun could tell that he absolutely had to dodge out of their way, and that if they touched him, it would have catastrophic consequences.

They moved so quickly it was almost like teleportation. And it only took moments until there were so many of them he couldn’t count them, a host of glittering silver fish that was shocking to behold.

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1117: I’ll Definitely Destroy You, I Swear I


“What kind of fish are these?!?!” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes went wide, and despite the fact that he was on an ice plain, sweat broke out all over him. Back and forth he dodged as the air was ripped to shreds by the flying fish, who all seemed dead set on poking him full of holes.

It was almost like Bai Xiaochun was a huge target, and the arrowfish were countless arrows trying to hit it. No matter how he dodged or how fast he went, they kept coming toward him in full madness.

If it were a short-term thing, it wouldn’t have been a problem. But after dodging fish for the time it takes an incense stick to burn, it was to his shock that he realized the fish weren’t slowing down at all. In fact, it was at that point that he heard loud cracking sounds, which came from large portions of the ice plain collapsing, revealing even more arrowfish than before.

“Dammit,” he gasped, “why is this twenty-first level so hard!?” He had no choice but to keep trying to dodge. Soon an hour had passed. Then two hours. Then six hours….

Bai Xiaochun was beyond stunned. He distinctly remembered that the trials had a time limit of two hours, but by this point, more than half a day had gone by…. And yet, there seemed to be no end in sight.

From a distance, it almost looked like he was in a world of arrowfish, filled with silvery light that reflected the sun in dazzling fashion.

Bai Xiaochun really wanted to cry. Suddenly, he recalled the heavenly dragonfish, and wondered if perhaps this was happening because he had eaten too many of them. He continued to dodge the fish nonstop for another few hours. After an entire day passed without him being able to leave the level, he was starting to feel like he was going crazy.

“Something strange is going on here. Something very strange!!”

Meanwhile, high in the sky above Bai Xiaochun, invisible to him even if he had looked up, was a boy. He was good-looking, and might have seemed charming if it weren’t for the cold smile he wore. He seemed very pleased with himself as he hovered there with hands clasped behind his back, staring down at Bai Xiaochun dancing around like a monkey.

“I thought this brazen thief had left for good, and was a bit disappointed. And yet, he dared to return. Hmmmphh! Well, I might have been powerless in the first twenty levels, but from here on out, I’ll make sure you know the meaning of despair!” Looking a bit excited, the boy waved his hand, causing ripples to flow through the ice plain. Moments later, ten times as many arrowfish as before appeared!

Heaven and earth trembled under the storm of fish!

Bai Xiaochun was scowling on the verge of tears, and was considering just teleporting out of the level. However, he wasn’t quite willing to give up just yet. At one point, he got distracted, and one of the arrowfish pierced through his arm, causing unimaginable pain, and provoking a miserable shriek.

“Dammit! I didn’t want to resort to cheating, but you’re forcing my hand! Moonflower, baby, I need you!” Flying backward, he tapped his bag of holding, causing a thick stem to fly out. It only took half a breath of time for the stem to grow larger and larger, with a huge moonflower on top of it!

A howl rippled out from within the moonflower, and all of its petals shivered as if in anticipation. Apparently, whether it was the ice plain or the arrowfish, the moonflower considered them all to be food it could only find in its dreams.

Bai Xiaochun was very pleased by this.

“Moonflower, destroy this place!” he shouted. At this point, he really couldn’t think of any other way to deal with the twenty-first level other than to place his hopes in the moonflower.

The truth was that not even Ghostmother was very sure about where the moonflower originally came from. After all, the battleship where Bai Xiaochun had found it was only a temporary dwelling place.

In the blink of an eye, the moonflower grew to an enormous size. However, it only took a moment for the countless arrowfish in the area to stab through it so many times that it exploded. It didn’t even seem to fight back. The resulting bits dropped down onto the ice, and then sank down into the water beneath.

The entire scene left Bai Xiaochun stunned.

“No way…. You were so strong before, moonflower, baby….” Crestfallen, he began to back up, and at the same time, decided that he might as well concede defeat. As far as he could tell, not even a cultivator in the great circle of the Celestial Realm could possibly pass this level.

After all, his fleshly body power was essentially unparalleled among celestials, and yet, these fish could actually pierce it. There was little need to mention other celestials.

However, just when he was about to throw in the towel, his eyes suddenly lit up.

All of the fragments of the giant moonflower that had fallen down into the ice and the water… began to bloom!