A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (Chapter 2001-Chapter 2248)

Han Li cast his gaze throughout the surrounding area with a calm expression, then suddenly focused his attention on an ordinary-looking tree with an unblinking gaze.

"Heehee, I knew this little trick of mine wouldn't be able to fool Fellow Daoist Han." A giggling female voice rang out from within the huge tree, following which it blurred and warped before transforming into a burly yellow-robed that was several tens of feet tall.

Standing beside the burly man was a beautiful young woman in a five-colored feather dress, and she was appraising Han Li with a wide smile, but there was clearly a hint of astonishment in her eyes.

"Greetings, Fairy Ye; sorry to keep you waiting," Han Li said with a smile as he cupped his fist in a salute.

This woman was none other than the matriarch of the Ye Family, and Han Li had met her once during the Myriad Spirit Platform gathering. Her powers seemed to be no less formidable than those of the Long Family patriarch, so Han Li naturally had to afford her some respect.

"I only arrived a few hours before you, so I didn't have to wait too long. I was trying to play a little prank on you using this Yellow Cloth Puppet I recently obtained, but you saw through it right away. It looks like there are some issues with this puppet," the woman said with a smile as she patted the burly yellow-robed man beside her, creating a hollow thumping sound.

The burly man was identical to a real human, but it was only a humanoid puppet.

"Surely you jest, Fairy Ye. There are no inherent flaws with this puppet; it's simply not of a high enough caliber to fool the likes of me and you," Han Li said with a smile.

"Don't underestimate this puppet; it was created by Old Man Mu Gu, and he assured me that there was a good chance it would be able to fool even Body Integration cultivators. I didn't think that you would see through it right away; it seems that he was exaggerating. In contrast, it seems the tales that I've heard about your rapid rate of progression certainly weren't exaggerations, Fellow Daoist Han," the woman said with a smile.

"I encountered some opportunities and was very lucky to have progressed to the late-Body Integration Stage, but my powers can't even begin to compare with those of a veteran late-Body Integration cultivator like you, Fairy Ye," Han Li replied in an indifferent manner.

"Hmph, you're still trying to placate me by saying something like this. I heard that a Sacred Ancestor clone and a late-Body Integration Stage devilish lord fell by your hands during the same battle; don't you think you're being too pretentious by saying something like that?" The woman pouted as she rolled her eyes in an unconvinced manner.

"Those are just exaggerated stories; I was only able to kill those powerful opponents as I had received assistance from other fellow daoists. Otherwise, my powers wouldn't have been anywhere near enough to achieve such a feat," Han Li chuckled in an ambiguous manner.

The woman's pout became even more pronounced upon hearing this. "Hmph, do you think I'll believe you?"

Han Li merely smiled and remained silent.

Seeing as Han Li didn't want to continue on this subject, the woman withdrew her Yellow Cloth Puppet before moving on to a different topic. "Back when I last met you, you had only just reached the Body Integration Stage, yet in just a few centuries, you've progressed to the late-Body Integration Stage; this rate of progression is almost unheard of! If it weren't for this devilish tribulation, the holy island would've most likely invited you to join them already."

"I've heard that the holy island has the purest spirit veins in our human and demon territories, and that countless precious ingredients and medicines are planted on the island; it would indeed benefit me immensely if I could join the island," Han Li replied.

The woman paused momentarily before asking, "Brother Han, did you know that the holy island itself is half of a Profound Heavenly Treasure and is the last resort for our two races to continue our heritage?"

Chapter 2014: Request

"Is that so? This is the first time I've heard that," Han Li replied as his expression changed slightly.

"It's no surprise that you're unaware of something like this; aside from the old monsters on the holy island, there are definitely less than 20 people who are aware of this. These include the three sovereigns, the Long Family patriarch, and myself," the woman replied with a smile.

"Why are you telling me this?" Han Li asked with a curious look in his eyes.

The woman paused momentarily before replying, "Seeing as you've appeared here, I'm sure you already know that the three devilish patriarchs are going to descend into our Spirit Realm. Have you thought about how you're going to protect your disciples and descendants if our two races were to be defeated by the devilish army?"

"Hehe, I only have a few disciples, and I haven't set up any sect or power, nor do I have descendants to worry about," Han Li chuckled in response.

"Oh? Then why is it that I've heard that your disciples have taken many disciples for themselves?" the woman asked in a slightly surprised manner.

"That's just a sect founded by my disciples; I've never had any direct connection to it. Whether the sect survives or falls will be decided by their fortune," Han Li replied with a smile.

The woman faltered momentarily upon hearing this before a smile returned to her face. "In that case, it seems that I was too nosy."

"Are you really that pessimistic about our chances against the devilish army? The devilish patriarchs are indeed extremely fearsome, but if the Grand Ascension Stage beings of our races were to join forces, we would certainly stand a chance. Besides, the three devilish patriarchs have resounding reputations, but who's actually seen them in action? Perhaps their abilities have been greatly exaggerated," Han Li said.

"I don't think that our races have no chance at all, but the three devilish patriarchs are definitely far more fearsome than the average Sacred Ancestor," the woman replied as a concerned look appeared on her face.

Han Li's expression remained unchanged, but his heart stirred slightly as he said, "Oh? It sounds like you know something about them, Fairy Ye."

The woman paused momentarily before asking, "Come to think of you, you've saved my granddaughter's life in the past and have some ties with our Ye Family, so I'll disclose this to you. How much do you know about the ancestors of our Ye Family, Brother Han?"

"I've only heard that your Ye Family is a true spirit family with a history that stretches back to ancient times; I don't know much more aside from that," Han Li replied.

"There have been several ancestors of our Ye Family who have managed to reach the Grand Ascension Stage, and through a stroke of immense fortune, one of them was able to stimulate her true spirit bloodline to its maximum potential. As a result, she attained incredible powers and snuck into the Elder Devil Realm on several occasions."

Han Li's eyes narrowed slightly in contemplation upon hearing this, but he merely continued to listen in silence.