A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (Chapter 1401-Chapter 1600)

If they could find the Infernal Flame Fruits here, they wouldn’t have to risk looking for them in the third level.

The three had a quick discussion and Qin Xiao shook her sleeve, summoning a dozen more lizard puppets. She had them spread out to various parts of the rest before disappearing.

Lei Lan and Bai Bi were also making their own preparations.

Lei Lan raised her head and summoned a white jade box. She muttered to it a moment and its lid flew off to reveal tens of inch-long butterflies. They flickered with silver light and flew off.

Bai Bi’s wings trembled and a dozen small golden snakes shot out from his body. They burrowed into the ground with a flicker.

Following that, the three sat down cross-legged in the air, controlling their puppets and insects to search through the forest.

Han Li floated motionlessly in the air, completely separating himself from the matter.

Time slowly passed by.

Hours later, Lei Lan and the others searched through most of the forest but to no avail.

But after consuming so much spiritual sense in the search, their complexions had turned faintly pale.

Han Li held his arms behind his back and he frowned. He looked at the horizon with a trace of shock.

At that moment, he sensed a powerful aura, but it quickly flickered and disappeared, causing him to doubt his senses.

His eyes flickered. Just as he thought to examine this more closely, Lei Lan cried out in alarm and delight.

Han Li tossed the matter to the back of his mind and turned around in surprise, “What? Did you truly find the Infernal Flame Fruits?”

Lei Lan’s beautiful eyes lit up and she excitedly said, “That’s right. I’ve truly found an Abyss Fruit Tree. Furthermore, it has six fruits. Most of them seem ripe.”

Bai Bi’s heartbeat quickened. Unable to further control his butterflies, he asked, “Junior Martial Sister Lei, are you sure?”

“That’s right, the earth abyss has many fruits that appear similar to Infernal Flame Fruits. Junior Sister Lei, let me have a look,” Qin Xiao spoke with a trembling voice.

The woman also was distracted from using her puppets.

Lei Lan shook her head and confidently said, “I can’t be wrong. Although this is the first time I’ve seen it, both the tree and fruit are exactly as described.”

Han Li calmly said, “Very good, let’s go verify it. If there is no problem, we won’t have to head to the third level.”

Originally, one could find the fruit on the second level, but the odds weren’t very high. It wasn’t an impossible outcome.

“Yes, let’s head over.” Lei Lan happily answered. She quickly stood up.

The other two also stood up. Although they were trying to appear calm, their excitement was betrayed by their eyes.

With Lei Lan leading the way, the party flew at full speed. A quarter-hour later, they arrived at a deep part of the forest covered in grey Qi.

Lei Lan pointed down and said, “It’s here. There is a pond nearby and the Infernal Flame Fruits are growing at the side of the pond.”

Chapter 1459: Blood River Infernal Spike

Looking at the fog below, Han Li’s eyes flashed blue, allowing him to clearly see through it.

He shook his sleeve, blowing a strong wind and clearing away most of the fog.

The bottom of the foggy area could be faintly seen.

There was a pond near it that was about three hundred meters wide. And about thirty meters away, there were tens of short trees but most of them were rotting.

A tree with black-green wood had black fist-sized fruits at the very top branch.

The fruit’s surface was rough and had countless thin cracks. Even odder, it had black Qi swirling into it.

Han Li narrowed his eyes. The fruit was similar to what was described in records.

When the others saw these fruits, they couldn't help but break into a smile.

Bai Bi happily said, “Junior Martial Sister Lei was correct. It truly is an Infernal Flame Fruit.”

Han Li took a deep glance at them and calmly said, “Pick off the ripe fruits. There is enough for us all.”

“If the Chi Rong are lying in ambush for us on the third level, let’s have them continue to wait,” Lei Lan jokingly said, clearly expressing her happy mood.

Qin Xiao was also cheerful.

But when the three planned on descending on grabbing the fruits, Han Li’s expression sank and he raised his arm without turning his hand, pointing at an empty space.

A loud crack sounded and a large rainbow hand appeared in the air.

It bluntly swiped down and crimson light flashed in response, summoning a blood-red hand to meet the attack.

A boom sounded as the hands struck one another. Rainbow and blood light intertwined and disappeared in a flash.


“How interesting!”

The two different voices shouted.

The yelp came from Han Li who just turned around and saw what happened.

The other voice belonged to the tall figure in the ball of blood Qi where the large blood-red hand had appeared.

Han Li looked at the blood mist and solemnly said, “Who is your esteemed self, and why are you acting so secretively?”

“It is truly suspicious that a mere spirit general can discover me.” The person in the blood Qi let out a sinister laugh.

Han Li blinked and waved his arm at the other three and sternly commanded, “Head down and collect the Infernal Flame Fruits. I’ll deal with this person.”


“As you command!”

“Be careful, Brother Han!”

Although Lei Lan and the others weren’t able to see the power of the figure from the blood mist, Han Li’s serious appearance caused their hearts to drop.

Afterwards, the three flew down towards the fruits.

The blood figure glanced at the three and spoke with an odd tone, “What? You’re quite interested in those fruit trees. Hehe, although they aren’t anything good, they won’t be so easily acquired.”

Han Li’s heart trembled and his spiritual sense stirred. He immediately thought to warn the three, but it was already too late.

A huge boom sounded. A wave suddenly rose out from the pond and several pink tentacles emerged from the wave, shooting out a dense barrage of countless icicles.

Having already landed at the pond side, they were greatly frightened.

As the Abyssal Flame Fruits were behind them, they didn’t dare to dodge. With no other option, they unleashed their abilities to block the strike.

Lei Lan clapped her hands and unleashed several dense bolts of silver lightning. Bai Bi released a myriad of intertwining golden threads. As for qing Xiao, she opened her mouth and spat out a green mist.

The three abilities combined smoothly and knocked against the barrage of ice.

The deafening force of the impact forced the three several steps back.

What resulted from the many attacks was a scorching liquid on the ground and a messy bloody scene.

A painful wail cried out from the pond. Soon after, a wave of ice rose to reveal a brown octopus demon. When it glared at them with its strange green eyes, several tentacles emerged from the water and stretched forward. Each one rose over thirty meters high.

On the top of the demon’s head grew a dense batch of blue fur. Every time a tentacle swung, the fur released the cracking of torn space.

Lei Lan and the others felt their hearts sink. The wounded tentacles were restored to completion after they flickered with blue light.

The demon was unleashing its full strength as it regarded the pond’s surroundings as its own territory. It raised its head and released a savage roar as its tentacles began to stir, glowing to blue light as they swept towards the holy disciples.

As the three were aiming for the Abyssal Flame Fruit, they couldn't afford to step away and could only confront the attacks head-on.

Suddenly, rolls of thunder and explosions repeatedly boomed at they sank into battle with the demon.

Up above, Han Li glanced at what was happening but didn’t betray the slightest emotion from his face.