A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (Chapter 1401-Chapter 1600)

As Han Li slowly flew, thoughts quickly flickered through his mind.

After some time, Han Li arrived at a lofty bookstore in the holy city.

He spent an entire day looking through a small half of the books there before departing with a tired expression.

When he returned to his residence, Han Li shut himself in the honored guest lodge until the morning of the third day. He departed with his objective being the large trade hall that he wanted to go from the very start.

He hadn’t encountered any trouble along the way.

As Han Li flew, he eventually arrived at the edge of the holy city and stood in front of a strangely constructed building.

The building was constructed next to a three-kilometer-tall mountain cliff, and in the cliff, a huge rectangular plaza was carved out of it. At the end of the plaza, there was a three-hundred-meter-tall arched gate embedded on top of the mountain wall.

To either side of the arch, a dozen armed guards were standing in formation. Between them, countless Tian Peng beings rushed to and fro the gate.

Han Li simply examined them from a distance for a moment. Then, his wings stirred and he flew among them in a ball of azure light.

A guard in front of the gate noticed Han Li. His expression faintly changed before he gave Han Li a deep salute.

Han Li nodded to him and boldly walked through.

He walked through and saw the space before him brightly light up.

There seemed to be an entirely different world past the gate.

At a glance, he saw long passages that seemingly had no end. There were also lines to lofty buildings that appeared to be walls. Under closer examination, the halls seemed to have over ten stores with each story being a hundred meters tall. And every three hundred meters in width, there would be a thirty-meter tall hall entrance.

Countless Tian Peng beings were flying back and forth, up and down. It appeared this was where the Tian Peng Race traded.

Chapter 1421: Azure Shifting Fruit

Han Li immediately followed a wave of Tian Peng beings toward a certain shop close to the second level.

After withdrawing his wings, he entered through the door as if he really were a Tian Peng being.

After entering through the door, Han Li was immediately greeted by a lively and bustling scene.

He had arrived at a small plaza with an area of several thousand feet, and shops of different sizes stood around the entire plaza. At present, there were several hundred Tian Peng beings filing in and out of those shops.

At the exact center of the plaza stood a bluestone pole that was over 100 feet tall. Light was shimmering atop the pole, and there seemed to be something engraved on the very top.

There were around a dozen people looking up at the pole and discussing quietly among themselves. Han Li made his way over to them with curiosity in his eyes.

At the foot of the pole, he discovered that its surface had been split into two halves down the center. Both halves were riddled with text, and one side was shimmering with a red color while the other half gleamed with a green hue.

Han Li focused his gaze on the two different texts to find that they were all names for items, some of which were very familiar while others were quite alien.

Furthermore, these lines of texts surfaced and vanished intermittently. There was also a middle-aged man who appeared to be a guard seated at the foot of the pole with his eyes half-closed.

At this moment, a man suddenly forced his way out of the crowd, then strode forward and offered a few spirit stones to the guard sitting by the pole.

The middle-aged guard opened his eyes before nodding and handing over a short red stick to this man.

The man picked up the red stick and rapidly swished it toward a certain blank patch on the stone pillar.

Even though the man was moving extremely quickly, Han Li was able to glean his actions using his spirit eyes.

As the short stick swished through the air, a few shimmering red characters appeared before vanishing into the stone pillar in a flash.

Moments later, those red characters surfaced on that same spot.

Han Li was rather surprised to see this.

After a while, someone else strode forward. However, that person completely ignored the middle-aged guard. He merely spread his wings and flew up several tens of feet, then tapped a finger against a few green characters on the stone pillar.

All of a sudden, those characters began to glow with a green light, then quickly disappeared into his finger, making his entire body shimmer with brilliant spiritual light.

Meanwhile, the Tian Peng being that had traced these characters with fingers cocked his head to the side with narrowed eyes, seemingly receiving some kind of information. After a while, he withdrew his finger and turned before flying directly toward the entrance of the hall.

After that, a few more people emulated the first two, either inscribing something on the stone pillar or directly flying toward the pillar to trace the red and green characters.

Han Li stroked his chin upon seeing this, and he finally figured out what was happening.

In order to confirm his speculation, he strode forward and extended a finger toward a line of green text that appeared near the bottom of the stone pillar.

Green light immediately flashed from those characters as a cold sensation traveled straight into his mind, bringing with it a line of information.

"Selling first-grade Flowing Light Wood, no purchase limit per person, each block costs 30,000 spirit stones, find me on the fourth level, fifth hall, 31st shop." Han Li's lips twitched and he moved to the other half of the stone pillar, then placed his finger over a line of red text.

A similar string of information appeared in his mind.

"Seeking the complete carcass of a Phoenix-Tailed Beast, price will be negotiated face to face, find me on the ninth level, second hall, 10th shop!"

A peculiar look appeared on Han Li's face.

He didn't think that the Tian Peng Race facilitated transactions in such a manner.

It was quite clear that the lines of text on this stone pillar were all essentially advertisements for people selling or seeking precious items.

As such, the pillar acted as a universal directory that made things a lot more convenient for both buyers and sellers.

Furthermore, this setup didn't appear to be very difficult to replicate, and there was no reason why it couldn't be implemented in human markets as well. With that in mind, Han Li took a few steps backward and began to carefully inspect the green lines of text, which were advertising items that were being sold.

He was planning to read through this information to see if there were any items that were appealing to him.

Due to the differences between the human and Tian Peng races, many items were referred to as different names here compared to in the human race. However, for some reason, most of the precious items were still known by the same or similar names. In particular, some materials that were extremely valuable to both races were referred to with identical names.

This came as quite a surprise to Han Li when he had first mastered the language of the Flying Spirit Race. However, even though he found this to be rather perplexing, he naturally wasn't going to go around searching for an answer.

He merely appraised the stone pillar in silence, looking for anything that caught his eye.

All of a sudden, Han Li focused his gaze on a line of green text that had just appeared on the stone pillar, and his heart rate abruptly accelerated.