A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (Chapter 1401-Chapter 1600)

After these three waves of pursuers had been released from the giant island one after another, all of the fleeing beings became even more panicked as they escaped in a blind frenzy.

Even though there were tens of thousands of these beings, the vast majority of them possessed rather lackluster cultivation bases. Those who possessed superior cultivation bases had already fled to several tens of kilometers away, while those with the most inferior cultivation bases were still less than 10 kilometers away from the city.

Furthermore, the vast majority of beings fell into that latter group, and they were chased down by those twin-headed giant falcons in what felt like the blink of an eye.

All of these giant falcons swooped down, sweeping up gusts of fierce winds in their wake. Their metal-tipped talons tore through the defenses of these low-grade beings with ease, then sliced through their bodies like hot knives through butter.

Some of these beings were instantly torn apart while others were flung into the air, then pecked to death by the giant falcons waiting up above.

Of course, there were some beings who were unwilling to give up without a fight, and many of them banded together to release their treasures or unleash their abilities, creating a collective effort to try and ward off the oncoming falcons.

However, these beings were simply far too weak, and the suits of white armor being worn by the giant falcons possessed remarkable defensive properties.

As such, only a dozen or so falcons were felled by these attacks, and most of them had fallen to lucky shots that just so happened to strike vital regions peeking through the gaps between their armor. The rest of the attacks were all brushed aside with ease.

All of these giant falcons were enraged by these retaliative attacks, and all of them let loose sharp cries as they swooped down to attack with increased ferocity.

Thus, more anguished cries rang out as hundreds more bloodstained and mangled bodies plummeted from the sky.

At this moment, the black canoes also joined the fray, and all of the armored warriors standing atop the canoes slashed their weapons through the air to summon a series of silver projections. All those who were struck by the projections were instantly dismembered without being able to offer up any resistance.

Thankfully, the armored warriors had no intention of expending excessive effort to hunt down these low-grade beings. Instead, the black canoes merely continued onward, pursuing the fleeing beings with superior cultivation bases.

As for the golden wyrms that had emerged last, they were flying directly toward the most powerful beings who had already fled far into the distance.

With their fearsome speed, it wouldn't take them long to hunt down their prey, either, and thus, a completely one-sided slaughter ensued.

Meanwhile, azure light suddenly flashed from a mundane-looking rock face on a nameless mountain close to 10 kilometers to the west of Green Light City, following which a dull explosion suddenly erupted.

Following the explosion, a large black hole was blasted into the rock face, and four streaks of light whizzed out from within.

These four were none other than Han Li and the trio of foreign beings.

Due to the fact that this place was quite secluded and its direction didn't correspond with that of any of the city gates, no Jiao Chi Races forced had appeared in the area yet. However, all four of them still wore cautious expressions as they hurriedly scanned through the nearby area with their spiritual sense.

"Let's get away from this place before the Jiao Chi beings arrive. We'll have to split up from here onward; staying together will make us too large of a target," the green-skinned being said with an elated look on his face.

The big-headed being nodded before glancing at Han Li's trio with a hesitant look on his face, then suddenly said, "Of course, but before you all leave, I have something to ask of all of you, and I hope you won't refuse."

"What do you need from us?" the being enshrouded under red light asked.

Han Li and the green-skinned being were also rather curious to hear what he had to say.

Chapter 1565: The Boxes

The big-headed being took a deep breath before suddenly producing three white jade boxes, each of which had several crimson talismans that were shimmering with runes plastered over them.

"These three boxes contain items that are extremely important to our 13 Heavenly Cloud Races. If you can deliver them to our Myriad Ancient Race, then you'll be rewarded handsomely for your efforts. However, if you get hunted down by the Jiao Chi Race, then it'd be best for you to immediately destroy the boxes before you're captured. Otherwise, if you're caught in possession of these items, the Jiao Chi Race will definitely torture you for information." The big-headed being flicked his wrist as he spoke, and the three jade boxes were immediately sent flying toward Han Li's trio.

Everyone caught the jade boxes flying toward them, and the being enshrouded under red light inspected his jade box with a hesitant look as he asked, "What items are in these boxes for you to hold them in such high regard, Brother Yuan?"

"Forgive me, but that's not something I can tell you. However, I can guarantee you that you can exchange those items for a sentient puppet or other treasure of the same value from the elders of our Myriad Ancient Race," the big-headed being replied with a solemn look on his face.

"What? A sentient puppet?" the green-skinned being exclaimed with shock in his eyes.

Only Han Li's expression remained unchanged as this was the first time he'd heard of such a thing. A skeptical look flashed through the eyes of the being enshrouded under red light as he said, "Are you serious, Brother Yuan? If this item can be exchanged for such an extraordinary treasure, then can I ask for a Myriad Wonder Pill instead?"

The big-headed being hesitated momentarily before replying, "Myriad Wonder Pills are even rarer then sentient puppets, so I can't guarantee that the elders would be willing to agree to such an exchange, but there's a good chance that they will."

Rather than being discouraged by this more reserved response, the green-skinned being found his words to be more plausible instead.

Thus, his fingers reflexively tightened around the jade box in his hands, and he stared at the box with an intense look in its eyes.

Meanwhile, Han Li was attempting to assess the contents of the box using his spiritual sense, only for his attempts to be thwarted by some kind of restrictive power.

It appeared that the talismans plastered onto the boxes were restriction talismans capable of keeping out one's spiritual sense.

"I'd advise you not to open the boxes. Otherwise, if any mishaps occur, don't blame me for not warning you beforehand." The big-headed being seemed to have read everyone's minds, and he immediately issued a stern warning.

"Hmph, are you telling that there's something inside these boxes that can harm us?" the green-skinned being harrumphed in a skeptical manner.

"The items in the boxes are extremely important to our 13 Heavenly Cloud Races, so there were naturally more restrictions placed on them than just a few talismans. Of course, if you can escape from the Jiao Chi Race and are confident in your ability to eradicate the restrictions that I've set, then you can certainly try to open the boxes," the big-headed being chuckled with a dark expression on his face.