Being a boy with a taste for fantasy in his reading, with a home theater in which he could watch everything from kid flicks to R-rated monster fests, with an imagination stropped sharp by solitude, Fric was pretty sure he knew who was meant.


The caller said, ?You open a door to them, and then, with one wrong word, you might unintentionally invite them in.?


?In here, to Palazzo Rospo??


?You might invite one of them into you, Aelfric. When invited, they can travel by the telephone connection, by that fragile link of [314] spirit to spirit, much the way that I can travel through one mirror to another.?


?No lie??


?No lie. Don?t you dare use star sixty-nine after I hang up.?


?All right.?


?Or ever again when I call you.?




?I?m deadly serious about this, Aelfric.?


?I wouldn?t expect a guardian angel to do this.?


?Do what??


?Scare the crap out of me.?


?Encourage, inspire, terrify,? the caller reminded him. ?Now sleep in peace tonight, while you can. And in the morning, waste no time. Prepare. Prepare to survive, Aelfric, prepare, because when I look forward right now to see how things will most likely unfold I see you dead.?












FRIC IN A QUANDARY, LYING FACEDOWN ON the sofa, looked at the telephone on the library floor. He had moved it from the writing desk to the maximum length of its cord.


He?d relocated it for extra security, in the event that he needed to make a quick call for help.


While that was true, it represented only part of the truth. He also toyed with the idea of keying in *69.


Fric didn?t embrace self-destruction. He wasn?t one of those Hollywood brats who were eager to grow up and become a rich heroin junkie. He had no intention of killing himself with a sports car, a handgun, a shotgun, diet pills, hard liquor, marijuana-induced lung cancer, or women.


Sometimes during a party, when Palazzo Rospo was crawling with hundreds of famous and semifamous and craving-to-be-famous people, Fric made himself invisible, the better to eavesdrop. In a crowd of that kind, you could easily become invisible, because half of the guests were barely aware of anyone but themselves, anyway, and the other half were intently focused on the handful of directors, agents, and studio honchos who could make them either filthy rich or filthier rich than they already were.


[316] During one of these spells of invisibility, Fric had heard it said of the third-or possibly the fourth-biggest movie star in the world that ?the stupid prick will kill himself with women, the way he?s going.? Fric had no slightest idea how one could kill oneself with women, or why a suicidal person would not just buy a pistol.


That intriguing statement had remained with him, however, and he intended to be careful. These days, when he met new women, he studied them surreptitiously for indications that they were the potentially dangerous type.


Until this weird night, he had likewise never imagined that death could be rung up just by pressing *69.


Maybe what came through the phone would not kill him. Maybe it would imprison his soul and take control of his body and make him so miserable that he would wish he were dead.


Or perhaps it would take control of him and run him headfirst into a brick wall, into an open cesspool (assuming an open cesspool could be found in Bel Air), off the roof of Palazzo Rospo, or into the arms of a deadly blonde (with which Bel Air apparently was infested).


His quandary was that he didn?t know whether to believe anything that Mysterious Caller had said.


On the one hand, the entire rap about being a guardian angel, about moving by mirrors and moonlight-it might all be a shitload of nonsense. A bigger pile even than Ghost Dad?s unicorn movie.


On the other hand-and there was always another hand-Mysterious Caller had walked out of a mirror. He had flown through the rafters. His performance in the attic-and later in the shiny surfaces of the Christmas-tree ornaments-had been so incredible that it had earned him some credibility.


Yet what kind of guardian angel wore a suit and tie straight out of a big-bucks Rodeo Drive shop, had skin as pale as fish flesh, looked a lot less holy than scary, and had gray eyes as cold as ashes in ice?


[317] Possibly Mysterious Caller, for reasons unknown, had been lying, leading Fric toward wrong conclusions, setting him up He?d once overheard his father say that virtually everyone in this town was setting someone up for a fall, that if they weren?t doing it for money, then they were doing it for sport.


Mysterious Caller said Fric must not use *69 because it would connect him with the dark eternity. Maybe the truth was that the guy just didn?t want Fric to try tracking him.


Still belly-down on the sofa, leaning out toward the phone, Fric picked up the handset. He pressed the button for his private line.


He listened to the dial tone.


The angels on the tree looked like angels. You could trust an angel with a harp, with a trumpet, wearing white, sporting wings.


He pressed * and 6 and 9.


The phone was picked up not on the fourth ring, as it had been previously, but on the first. No one said hello. As before, only silence greeted him.


Then, after a few seconds, he heard breathing.


Fric intended to outwait the breather, make the pervert speak first. After twenty or thirty seconds, however, he grew so nervous that he said, ?It?s me again.?


His concession didn?t bring a response.


Trying to strike a light and somewhat jokey tone, but largely failing, Fric asked, ?How?re things in the dark eternity??


The breathing grew rougher, heavier.


?You know-the dark eternity?? Fric asked tauntingly but also with a faint tremor that he could not control and that put the lie to his pose of bold self-assurance. ?Also known on some maps as the bottomless abyss. Or the darkness visible.?


The freak continued to breathe at him.


?You don?t sound so good. You have a bad sinus thing going on there,? said Fric.


[318] With his head hanging over the edge of the sofa, he began to feel a little dizzy.


?I?ll give you my doctor?s name. He?ll write a prescription. You?ll be able to breathe better. You?ll thank me.?


A creaking-grinding voice, issuing from a throat clogged with razor blades, drier than the ashes of ashes twice burnt, arising from a terrible depth, through crevices in the broken stones of strange ruins, said just one word: ?Boy.?


In Fric?s ear, the word crawled as if it were an insect, maybe one of those earwigs that legend said could find its way into your brain and lay eggs in there, transforming you into a walking hive filled with squirming legions.


Remembering all those posters of his father looking noble and brave and full of steely resolve, Fric held fast to the phone. He summoned an iron weight of determination to press the wrinkles of fear from his voice, and he said, ?You don?t scare me.?


?Boy,? the other repeated, ?boy,? and additional voices arose on the phone, initially just four or five, at a lower volume than the first, male and female, punctuating their gabble with ?boy boy.? Their voices were urgent, eager. Desperate. Voices whispery and smooth, voices rough. ? who?s there?? ? the way, he?s the way ? ? sweet flesh ? ? stupid little piglet, easy for the taking ? ? ask me in ? ? ask me ? ? no, ask me ? In seconds their numbers swelled to a dozen, a score, a crowd. Maybe because they were all talking at once, their speech sounded as though it descended into bestial mutterings and snarls, and what words remained were as often as not obscenities strung together in incoherent sequences. Chilling cries of fear, pain, frustration, and raw anger sewed these rags of raucous noise into a tapestry of need.


Fric?s strong heart rapped hard against his ribs, pulsed in his throat, throbbed in his temples. He had claimed not to be scared, but he was scared, all right, too scared to come up with a single smart-ass remark or to speak at all.


[319] Yet the churning voices intrigued him, compelled his attention. The hunger in them, the intense yearning, the pitiful desperation, the melancholy longing wove a poignant song that strummed the cords of his abiding loneliness, that spoke to him and assured him that he need not suffer solitude, that companionship was his for the asking, that purpose and meaning and family were all his if only he would open his heart to them.


Even when wordless, when bursting with ripe obscenities that ought to have repelled Fric, the guttural chorus, full of growl and hiss, steadily soothed his terror. His heart continued to pound, but moment by moment, the power driving its frenzied hammering was less fear than excitement. Everything could change. Utterly. Completely. Now and forever. Change in an instant. He could have a new life and a better one simply for the asking, a life from which all loneliness would be banished, all uncertainty, all confusion and self-doubt and weakness



Fric opened his mouth to issue what all but certainly would have been an invitation similar to those that users of a Ouija board were well advised to avoid. Before he could speak, he was distracted by movement at the periphery of his vision.


When he turned to look at what had drawn his attention, Fric saw that the stretchy, coiled cord between the handset and the telephone, once a clean white length of vinyl-coated wires, now appeared to be organic, pink and slick, like that rope of tissue that tied a mother to a newborn baby. A pulse throbbed through the cord, slow and thick, but strong, moving from the phone box on the floor to the handset that he held, toward his ear, as if in anticipation of the invitation that trembled on his tongue.