Dust to Dust

When I felt her mouth center over my spine, her teeth razing my vertebrae, I knew I was done for. She was going to tear me apart and eat me alive, sucking out my spinal fluid as an aperitif.


“Dex!” I screamed in vain, a wasp landing on my tongue. I doubted he could hear me. It was a way to let him know that I tried.


I tried.


The sharp stab of her teeth sank into me and I closed my eyes to the pain.


They were immediately blown back open.


A giant rush of wind, of warm force, of power came blasting at me, causing Abby to fly backward, letting me go. I flattened against the ground, my eyes having a staring contest with the writing blood on the floor, coming for my face. I was aware of Abby growling, screaming, and I lifted my head just enough to look over my shoulder, to see what was going on.


Abby was being dragged by her own ankles toward a black pit that had opened up where the door used to be, swirling in the air like a black hole, sucking all the wasps into it. I couldn’t see what was dragging her, it was just this mess of shimmering light, a golden glow in this world of darkness, but the hole that it created was growing stronger and stronger.


I heard the piano screech, the keys rattling in a chaotic song, and I turned my head back to see it moving inch by inch, being sucked into the vacuum, just as my own body began to lift up in the air. I pressed my hands into the bloody ground, desperate to not be taken where Abby had been but it was useless. The piano was sliding toward me and I was pulled back too. I was going to be crushed.


Then, just as my body became airborne and I started to twist like was going down a drain, the roar of sound stopped and for one moment I was perfectly still in the air, floating. Then I dropped. I belly-flopped on the ground, hard, and all the air was squeezed from me.


I gasped, trying to regain my breath and figure out my next move. If I could just lay down my head and close my eyes for a while, I was sure that everything would be fine in the morning.


Perry, I heard a voice. It came from behind me and yet it came from everywhere. At first I wouldn’t let myself believe in it, believe I could be hearing it.


But she spoke again, her voice drifting softly through my head like feathers. Perry.


I swallowed and gingerly turned over on my back.


The door had returned to normal and in front of it was Pippa.




I couldn’t believe my eyes but there she was. She was faint, looking more like a hologram than anything real, but she was there, glowing wildly.


“You’re here,” I said before I lapsed into a coughing fit.


She nodded, giving me a sweet smile that was laced with worry. Use your inside voice. Save your strength.


I understood. Okay. What are you doing here? I thought I’d never see you again.


I’m not really here, she said, and when she caught the confused look on my face, she quickly elaborated. I have moved on but…I thought I could help. I can help. I can push through, make holes from where I am into this part of the Veil. I can take people, demons, away.


Where are you?


I am in death, she said but she said it with a smile. Almost at peace.


Except for this whole thing.


There will be peace when I help you. I had warned you this would happen. I knew to expect it, even though I didn’t want to believe it.


Yes, well her warning was rather cryptic but I didn’t bring that up.


Do you know where Dex is? I asked as I got to my feet. Please tell me you do, I thought, that isn’t all for nothing.


She nodded. He is upstairs, but he is not alone. This is your Hell, Perry, and it’s his too, and the ones that brought him here will use what scares you to kill you, to keep you here. They know you are coming. They planned it this way.


Why? I cried out. Why do this? Why us?


Because sometimes…there are energies that just want to destroy. They aren’t picky. It all brings them pleasure and strength. And, of course, you’re both very powerful, very unique. You’re something they covet. They always have. Why do you think you both have seen so much while others haven’t?


That means they have coveted you too.


I could have sworn she blushed, like it was a compliment. I suppose for her, there wasn’t really much to fear anymore.


They did, of course they did. And I still have some aspects they desire, but they know now they can’t have them. In peace you can’t be touched. But I can surely touch them.


Her face fell, her eyes turning grave, and despite her serious expression, I was struck by how pretty she was. Unlike the last time I had seen her, now she was looking younger and vibrant, even as she was transparent. Peace suited her.


We must go, she said. And you must block your thoughts. No matter what you see, what things they have arranged, do not let them hear or sense your fear. I will take care of everything. All you have to do is get Dex and run for the door.


What door?


You’ll know it when you see it. I’ll created a distraction, and if I can destroy the demons, I’ll do that as well.




Michael is an angel’s name, she said sharply. This is a demon. And if you don’t do as I say, he will keep you here as he has kept Dex.


Glowing and brilliant, she turned to the door and it opened before her. She stepped through it, floating a few inches above the ground like a radiant ghost.


Wait! I cried after her and she quickly swiveled her head around to give me a look. Sorry, I thought, reminding myself to concentrate, to imagine walls up around my mind, blinders around my thoughts.


I caught up to her and she began to ascend the stairs, I asked, What happens after? When I get him out? Will he be okay?


She didn’t answer at first until we made it to the second level, a foyer of wriggling kelp strands, twisting around each other like snakes. I kept my eyes away from them, they were only there to scare me.


As we climbed up the next flight she said, He is stronger than you think. He should be okay.


I didn’t like the sound of “should.” And the demon? If you don’t destroy him?


He will be weakened, that will be for certain. I will do my best, what I can from where I am.


And if you can’t? I pressed. Then what? What can I do to protect ourselves on the other side?


Kill the body and the head will die, she said after a moment. I was reminded of what Maximus said, his theory that if Michael had been inside of Dex while Dex killed himself, that would have killed Michael too. Of course, that didn’t seem to be the case here.


Are you ready? she asked.


I wasn’t. You couldn’t be ready for something like this. But I nodded anyway.


We went up the stairs, her floating waves of gold a few feet in front of me. I stayed as far behind as I could without losing sight of her and I worked on holding up those invisible walls.


When she disappeared around the last corner, I waited for a few breaths. There was a flash of light that made everything blot out into a blur of white and then an unearthly roar that shook up my blood. The walls of the lighthouse seemed to throb as it descended into chaos and I took the opportunity to run up the rest of the way, unheard amidst the noise.


When I got to the landing, where the bulb was now blasting out rays of cold, stark light, I saw a flurry of gold and black swirling around it and that black hole began to form in the middle. I could barely make out a beast, his blackened fur obscured by Pippa’s fury. She was opening up the same door where she sent Abby and if I wasn’t careful, I was going to get sucked in.


And so was Dex.


I looked to the corner of the room and saw him lying there on the floor, face-down in blood.


My heart skipped a beat and came crashing back hard. Dex.


I ran over to him, pushing through the wind, until I was almost at his side.


As if sensing me coming, he raised his head and looked at me. His face contorted in surprise and then sadness.


Dex! I cried out and for that moment, I was so happy to see him that I didn’t block it. I went down to grab him but his eyes widened and suddenly I was being ripped to the side, kelp wrapped around my waist.


The smell of rot and sea water filled my nose.


Nice to have you again, a decrepit voice said in my ear, slimy kelp shooting around my throat and pressing on the wounds where the demon had choked me the night before.