Zoe's Tale

I took off my necklace and handed it to my werewolf. He took it and gently touched the pendant, making it twirl and glitter in the dim light of the night. He cooed at it appreciatively. Then he handed it back to me.


“No,” I said. I held up a hand, and then pointed to the pendant, and to him. “It’s for you. I’m giving it to you.” The werewolf stood there for a moment, and then uttered a trill, which caused his friends to crowd around him. He held up the pendant for them to admire.


“Here,” I said, after a minute, and motioned to him to hand me the necklace. He did, and I—very slowly, so I wouldn’t surprise him—put it around his neck and fastened it. The pendant touched his chest. He touched it again.


“There,” I said. “That was given to me by someone very important, so I would remember the people who loved me. I’m giving it to you, so you’ll remember that I’m thanking you for giving me back people I love. Thank you.”


The werewolf gave me another of his head tilts.


“I know you don’t have any idea what I’m saying,” I said. “Thank you anyway.”


The werewolf reached to his side, pulled his knife. Then he laid it flat on his hand and offered it to me.


I took it. “Wow,” I said, and admired it. I was careful not to touch the actual blade; I’d already seen how sharp it was. I tried to return it but he held up his hand or claw or whatever you want to call it, in a mirror of what I did for him. He was giving it to me.


“Thank you,” I said again. He chirped, and with that he returned to his friends. The one holding Magdy’s rifle dropped it, and then without looking back they walked to the nearest trees, scaled them at an unbelievable speed and were gone almost instantly.


“Holy crap,” I said, after a minute. “I can’t believe that actually worked.”


“You can’t believe it,” Gretchen said. She came out of hiding and stalked right up to me. “What the hell is wrong with you? We come out all this way and you sing at them. Sing. Like you’re at a hootenanny. We are not doing this again. Ever.”


“Thank you for following my lead,” I said. “And for trusting me. I love you.”


“I love you too,” Gretchen said. “It still doesn’t mean this is ever going to happen again.”


“Fair enough,” I said.


“It was almost worth it to see you beat the crap out of Magdy, though,” Gretchen said.


“God, I feel horrible about that,” I said.


“Really?” Gretchen said. “It wasn’t just a little bit of fun?”


“Oh, all right,” I said. “Maybe a little.”


“I’m right here,” Magdy said, from the ground.


“And you need to thank Zo? you are,” Gretchen said, and bent down to kiss him. “You stupid, exasperating person. I am so happy you are still alive. And if you ever do anything like this again, I will kill you myself. And you know I can.”


“I know,” he said, and pointed to me. “And if you can’t, she will. I get it.”


“Good,” Gretchen said. She stood up and then held out her hand to Magdy. “Now get up. We’ve got a long way to go to get home, and I think we just blew all our dumb luck for the year.”


“What are you going to tell your parents?” Enzo asked me, as we walked home.


“Tonight? Not a thing,” I said. “Both of them have enough to worry about tonight. They don’t need me coming in and saying that while they were out I faced down four werewolves who were about to kill two more colonists, and defeated them using only the power of song. I think I might wait a day or two to drop that one. That’s a hint, by the way.”


“Hint taken,” Enzo said. “Although you are going to tell them something.”


“Yes,” I said. “We have to. If these werewolves are following the fantie herds then we’re going to have problems like this every year, and every time they come back. I think we need to let people know they’re not actually murdering savages, but we’re all still better off if we just leave them alone.”


“How did you know?” Enzo asked me, a minute later.


“Know what?” I said.


“That those werewolf thingies weren’t just murdering savages,” Enzo said. “You held Magdy and let that werewolf take a shot at him. You thought he wouldn’t stab Magdy to death. I heard you, you know. After it did it, you said ‘I knew it.’ So how did you know?”


“I didn’t,” I said. “But I hoped. He had just spent God knows how long keeping his friends from killing the two of you. I don’t think he was just doing it because he was a nice guy.”


“Nice werewolf,” Enzo said.


“Nice whatever he is,” I said. “Thing is, the werewolves have killed some of us. I know John and Jane killed some of them trying to get our people back. Both of us—the colonists and the werewolves—showed we were perfectly able to kill each other. I think we needed to show that we were capable of not killing each other, too. We let them know that when we sang at them instead of shooting them. I think my werewolf got that. So when I offered him a chance to get back at Magdy, I guessed he wouldn’t really hurt him. Because I think he wanted us to know he was smart enough to know what would happen if he did.”


John Scalzi's books