You Had Me At Christmas: A Holiday Anthology

Kate leaned back her head and tried to imagine it. A man kneeling between her legs, his tongue brushing up against her wet slit. Because she was so sensitive, she’d never let a man do that to her.

Then it happened. Without even really touching herself, she crested over and felt the orgasm roll through her body. The phone dropped to the floor and she moaned aloud as it rippled throughout her. It took her a second to recover her breath as she let her body enjoy what had to have been one of the most intense sexual experiences she could remember.

A pretty sad commentary on her sex life, now that she thought about it. Bending down, she reached for the phone.

She had to tell him it was over. At least for her.

I came, she typed bluntly.

It was a few minutes later.

I’m glad. I wish… I wish I could have heard you. Seen you.

Of course that wasn’t possible. They were strangers to each other. Just two lonely people on Christmas who had found each other. Kate wasn’t going to forget it, and she wasn’t selfish enough not to offer comfort back.

What can I do for you?

Kate started typing out a very detailed description of what she intended to do with her tongue when he interrupted her sext.

Meet me.

She looked at her phone as she tried to process what he was asking. He messaged again.

Not tonight. Maybe next week. Drinks or coffee. But let’s not let… this… fade away into the night.

Kate tried to imagine it. A blind date with someone who she sort of already had sex with? It would be strange and weird and not like her at all.

Let me think about it?

Of course. Text or call.

Kate looked at the phone number he sent like it was some kind of weapon. A knife that had cut through the curtain that had separated them all night.

Goodnight, she wrote to him.

Merry Christmas, Kate. Sleep well.

Just like that, it was over. She clicked off the app and put her phone away and wondered if it was strange that she had already memorized his number.

Chapter Three

“Did you have a nice Christmas?”

Kate looked at her assistant, Sally, and smiled. “I had a great Christmas.”

Immediately, Sally pulled up a seat in front of her desk. “Why do I think there is a story there?”

Kate leaned back and chuckled. It was one of the disadvantages of having someone working with her so closely for the last ten years. There wasn’t anything Kate could ever hide from her very perceptive assistant.

Sally’s head tilted. “You know, if I didn’t know you better…”

“What?” Kate asked. She refused to believe she looked any different. The ridiculous idea that somehow after sex a person had a glow about them was not supported by biological fact.

“Well, frankly I would say you look like you got laid. But I know you, and hooking up with a random stranger on Christmas is not your style.”

Kate’s jaw dropped and she had an immediate urge to seek out a mirror. Did she look different? It wasn’t possible. It was just an orgasm after all, not actual sex.

But it had been more than that. There had been intimacy… with John. Whose phone number had rattled through her mind all morning. Creating lyrics in her head like a bad remake of an eighties song.

“You didn’t. Did you?” Sally asked reverently, as if Kate would be handing her assistant some kind of present if she actually had. Sally loved drama.

Kate shrugged. “Well… I mean it wasn’t… real… that app you told me about…”

“O.M.G. You hooked up with a guy online and had internet sex. That is so awesome!”

Kate looked over Sally’s shoulder at the open door to her office, making sure none of her employees were walking by. She did have a reputation to maintain, after all.

As a stuffed-shirt spinster?

She didn’t feel like that today.

“Can we please keep this between us?”

“Oh, sorry,” Sally whispered. Then the younger woman clapped her hands in rapid succession. “Yeah! How was it? Did he give good sext?”

Kate could feel the heat in her cheeks. “I’m not discussing details. But… yes, it was very… he was very…”

Kate sighed. She simply didn’t have the vocabulary to explain how she was feeling. Not all of it was pleasant either. In many ways she felt raw and exposed. There was a person out there in the world who knew some of her sexual secrets. A man she didn’t know. It wasn’t exactly comfortable.

“Well, good for you. Way to break the internet ice.”

“He wants to meet me,” Kate admitted.

“What! Are you serious? So this might be more than a one-time hookup?”

“I’m not sure. He gave me his number, but I think it would be awkward.”

Sally rolled her eyes. “Of course it would be awkward. First, it’s a blind date—by its nature it’s awkward. Second, the first thing you’re both going to be thinking is how fast you can get each other out of your clothes. Unless of course he lied about his picture and he looks like a creepy troll who lives under a bridge. Then you’re just going to want to run for it.”

Kate considered all of that. The clothes flying, the creepy troll. She really hoped he wasn’t a creepy troll.

Karina Bliss & Doyle,Stephanie & Florand,Laura & Lohmann,Jennifer & O'Keefe,Molly's books