You Had Me At Christmas: A Holiday Anthology

“Well, okay.” In the spill of moonlight, he pulled back the covers. “I guess we could leave a note for Santa on your bed. Maybe he’d find you.”

She stopped climbing onto the mattress and slid down, her feet hitting the carpet with a thud. “What?”

“Or,” he pretended to reflect deeply, “we could send a letter to the North Pole telling him you’ll be in our bed. But would it get there in time?” He ignored the muffled snort behind him. “It’s only ten sleeps to go. And even if it did, Santa only knows where every kid’s bed is. He’s not great on the location of grown-ups’ beds.”

A small silence. “I’ll leave him a map.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea. Except you’re so little, he’ll probably glance in, see Mommy and me and think, ‘Nope, no Maddie here.’ But if you want to take the risk…”

His daughter was already halfway out the door.

“Night, baby girl.”

Rolling over, he stripped the covers off his silently laughing wife, looked at the corset and said, “Where was I? Oh yeah, unwrapping my present.”

Copyright ? 2016, Karina Bliss

Thanks for reading PLAY, the second in my Rock Solid romance series. If you enjoyed it, sign up to my newsletter at and receive a bonus scene with all the band members of Rage as they reunite to celebrate Christmas Eve rock-star style.

And if you’re curious to read how Jared and Kayla got here, you can read the beginning of their story in RISE, a redemption story of a rock star going straight(er) through the love of a good(ish) woman.


Acclaimed literary biographer Elizabeth Winston writes about long-dead heroes.

So bad-boy rock icon Zander Freedman couldn’t possibly tempt her to write his memoir.

Except the man is a mass of fascinating contradictions–manipulative, honest, gifted, charismatic and morally ambiguous. In short, everything she seeks in a biography subject. When in her life will she get another chance to work with a living legend?

But saying yes to one temptation soon leads to another. Suddenly she’s having heated fantasies about her subject, fantasies this blue-eyed devil is only too willing to stoke. She thought self-control was in her DNA; after all, she grew up a minister’s daughter.

She thought wrong.

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Already read and enjoyed RISE?

FALL, book three of the Rock Solid romance series, will be out November 1, 2016. Visit my website to read an excerpt of Dimity and Seth’s story.

One Naughty Christmas Night


Stephanie Doyle

About the Book

Workaholic Kate never expected to find herself looking for love online on Christmas night. Then he happened and her whim to escape loneliness turned into the hottest sex of her life – even if it was via text.

John knew Kate was too classy for his ex-con ass. He was about to learn that Kate knew how to fight for what she wanted. And she wanted more of him.

About the Author

Stephanie Doyle is a RITA nominee and two time Romantic Times winner. She’s been addicted to romance novels from the age of thirteen and when she’s not reading them, she’s writing them. That is if her cat Hermione isn’t sitting on her keyboard.

Chapter One

Kate stared at the glass of wine in front of her. Deep red, a robust flavor. She’d paid too much money for it, but hey, it was Christmas.

She looked at her phone and wondered if she was really going to do this. Then she glanced over at the clock on the wall. Eight-oh-three. Hours until she could go to bed. Hours until it would be tomorrow. The harmless, meaningless twenty-sixth of December.

She took another sip of wine and reached for the phone.

The other day, her assistant had downloaded a dating app specifically for people over forty. A more serious, more mature group of single people looking to find each other.

“You’re hot, you own a company and you’re a total catch,” Sally had said. “You just need to get out there, and this is how you do it in 2016. Welcome to the new world of romance.”

It was the perfect distraction from her thoughts—and a way to kill the night without having to watch It’s a Wonderful Life for the thousandth time.

Tentatively, like it might bite her, Kate tapped the screen.

“Green for yes, you like his picture, red for you’re not worthy of me and I never want to see you again,” Sally had laughed as she showed Kate how to play.

So ridiculous, Kate thought. As if you could just look at a picture and know that you were interested in him without knowing anything about him. Of course, she imagined it wasn’t much different than going to a bar and making eye contact.

Attraction. It was the first step in the dance, really.

Keeping an open mind, Kate opened the app and waited a second before a picture popped up on her phone.

It was as simple as that. She was to look at the picture and make an instant judgment. Was she attracted to him or wasn’t she?

Karina Bliss & Doyle,Stephanie & Florand,Laura & Lohmann,Jennifer & O'Keefe,Molly's books