Worth It

I bawled because I missed him.

At the end of it all, Aspen announced we were going to ladies’ night at Forbidden to unwind, aka, get me completely plastered. We’d actually started drinking at her house, but I suspected she didn’t want Noel’s younger brothers to see me turn into a sloppy, weepy drunk...or maybe she just wanted to spend time with her man while he worked.

In either case, I’d already reached a nice blurry-hazed buzz. The loud chaos around me was a nice distraction too. There were plenty of other things to think about besides—

I yelped out a startled scream when someone came up from behind me and grabbed my shoulders before slapping a quick kiss to my cheek.

“Hey, Felicity.” Asher saddled onto the barstool next to me. “I heard you finally got rid of Cam. So...I call dibs.”

“I think not, douchebag.” Ten appeared on the other side of Aspen. “She’s hooking up with Caroline and me.” He winked my way. “Isn’t that right, Three?”

I wrinkled my nose. “That is so wrong. And stop calling me Three. I will never...in hell...respond to that name.”

Ten grinned and pointed at me. “Except you just did.” He slashed at the air and added a triumphant, “Boom.”

I rolled my eyes. “I still can’t believe you asked me to be your number three.”

“I can.” Asher scooped up a handful of beer nuts from the bowl in front of me and popped them into his mouth. “He’s a douche like that.”

“Wait, he did what?” Aspen spun to gape at Ten.

He glanced around for Noel. When he was assured his wife’s brother was busy, he held up a finger in my direction. “For your information, I don’t share my woman with just anyone, thank you very much. You are the only person I have ever asked to be our number three. I mean, I was momentarily tempted to ask Amisha, Caroline’s new friend from the filmography department, because she’s so fucking hot, but I figured she’d probably take the offer to heart, so...I chose you. That should make you feel lucky.”

“Wow, you know, I do. I am so lucky you hit on me...right in front of your wife.”

“He’s such a loser,” Asher agreed.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Ten spit out, scowling. “I did not hit on you. Damn. I very nicely asked if you’d consider being in a threesome with us, because one, you knew I wasn’t being seriously serious. Two, of course I did that shit in front of Caroline. It’d be sleazy, slimy, and, you know, cheaterish if I hadn’t.”

“Oh, because I’m sure your offer sounded just so classy otherwise,” Aspen dryly intoned.

Ten ignored her and held up a third finger. “Three, even if hypothetically, you agreed, I never had plans to touch you. I just wanted you to buddy up with me so we could pleasure Caroline together, like a team.”

I slapped a hand to my forehead and sighed. “Lord, please don’t tell me there’s a four.”

“And four.” Ten grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. “You knew you were feeling the chemistry with her that night you two met. I mean, I could feel the vibes you ladies were putting off all the way across the bar. Sure, her idea of the perfect threesome,” he paused to roll his eyes, “is two guys and one girl, but fuck that. This is my theoretical daydream, and I say two chicks and one dude. However, she did admit that if she ever did allow another woman in bed with us, it’d be you.”

“Aww.” I pressed a hand to my heart. “I can’t believe she chose me. Caroline is such a sweetheart.” I glanced at Aspen and smiled from the compliment. “I love her.”

Ten wiggled his eyebrows. “Yeah, you want to kiss her, don’t you?”

My smile died flat. “You’re impossible.”

“I’m just saying. She can do amazing things with her tongue.” He winked. “Think about it.”

Noel returned, carrying two of the biggest Bahama Mamas I’d ever seen.

Linda Kage's books