Wolf Betrayed (Talon Pack #4)

“I kind of like how she said our,” Kameron said with a grin. The man didn’t grin often, so Bram was surprised to see it. “The Pack is going to love having you. I’d feel bad that the Redwoods are going to lose you, but they took our sister since she mated Finn, and they took Quinn, too, so I’m kind of over it.”

Bram opened his mouth to say something, but the SUV braked quickly, and he braced himself. “What?” He turned in his seat and cursed.

They were right outside the Talon den, and the wards were holding, but...

It seemed Montag had worked fast.

Too fast.

And they weren’t alone.

Montag had brought a fucking tank to a battle with wolves. He must have had everything locked up and ready to go the moment he needed to attack the Talon den. And while the wolves could hide behind the wards, Bram knew they wouldn’t. Not with the barrier as weak as it was. With the humans knowing that shifters existed, the magic that helped feed the wards was slowly fading away.

And because Gideon knew this, many of the Talon’s strongest were already outside the wards, ready to fight those who had come to take over their Pack.

“We need to help them,” Charlotte pleaded, breaking the silence.

“Absolutely not,” Bram growled. “You were just fucking tortured. You need to get behind the wards and stay safe.”

“Fuck you, Bram. If you think I can do that, then you don’t know me at all.”

Had it only been a few moments ago that they’d declared their love for each other? This was what happened when three dominant wolves mated.

“Well, I don’t think we’re going to have a lot of time to make a different decision,” Shane put in, his attention on what was going on outside the vehicle. The SUV was hidden behind a group of trees, but Bram knew they couldn’t hide forever. “Montag’s people are moving forward.”

“We need to move,” Kameron ordered. “Walker, get ahold of the Redwoods just in case the others haven’t been able to. Charlotte, you stay beside Shane the entire time. Got me? You’re both not up to a hundred percent, but you’re better together. Bram? You’re with me. Let’s go.”

Thankful the other man had a plan, but still slightly bristling at the orders, Bram hopped out of the SUV behind the others. Before they could head off in their respective directions, however, Bram tugged Shane to him, kissing him full on the mouth.

“I love you, do you understand that? You don’t get to die on me tonight, not when I just found you.” He kissed Shane again, aware the others were staring him. Yes, Bram didn’t speak often, but when he did, it mattered.

He turned and pulled Charlotte gently to his chest, kissing her softly. When he pulled back, his wolf was close to the surface, ready for what was next. “Protect him. Protect yourself. Believe in who you are. You are one of the best wolves I know, and I know you can do anything. But don’t fucking die on me. I love you, Charlotte.” He kissed her again before watching his two mates leave to their positions along with Walker while he let his wolf come even closer to the surface.

“Let’s do this,” Kameron growled.

“Till the end,” Bram agreed.

The explosion rang in his ears, and Bram growled. As soon as he and Kameron had gotten to Gideon’s side, the Alpha let his wolf into his eyes and slashed his palm. Bram did the same to his and slammed his hand to Gideon’s.

His Pack bond to the Redwood severed; the feeling of being sucked into a vacuum forcing him almost to his knees before the mating bond wrapped around him, anchoring him until the Talon Pack bond slammed into place, bringing him into the fold. This new Pack was rougher than his old one, it tasted different, smelled of other scents he didn’t understand, but he didn’t care.

He’d learn this new bond and this new Pack later.

For now, he would fight alongside them, bleed with them, show them that he was now theirs. And because he was a Talon, Walker would be able to Heal him fully if needed, and the Alpha and others would have Bram’s immense strength during the battle.

“Thank fuck,” Gideon growled. “I already brought Charlotte in. Now, let’s do this. Brie is behind the wards because she’s pregnant, but you know damn well she’d be fighting next to Charlotte if she could.”

“Understood.” And he did, though he honestly wanted everyone safe and wrapped in cotton wool at the moment.

“What are they saying? Why are they here?” Kameron asked.

Gideon growled under his breath. “They showed up here right before you did. They must have had the fucking tank concealed and on a truck of some kind. They haven’t said anything, but I guess actions speak louder than words.”

“We’re fighting,” Bram said. It wasn’t a question, but Gideon answered anyway.

“We’re fighting.”

Again, the explosion rang out in his ears, but it wasn’t from the new bond. Montag attacked first, his people coming at them with guns and knives. The wolves were faster, but only just.