Wolf Betrayed (Talon Pack #4)

As they ran back to the SUV in order to head to the Talons, he let those words filter through his brain. So much had changed since he’d first learned of the shifters, and yet, he knew this was how it was always supposed to be.

Before he had been a soldier because that had been the only thing he imagined he could be. He’d formed connections to others, but never as strong as they could have been. Now he was a wolf, mated to a man and a woman he knew he loved, though he had yet to say the words. And he was on the run from a man he had thought he respected enough to die for in the heat of battle because things were never as he thought they were.

His world had shifted, and yet he knew he could live with the outcome.

He just prayed that he would live long enough in the end to make sure the others knew it had been worth it to become wolf the way he had.

The war was here, and they were on the front lines.

And no matter what, Shane would do anything to protect his Pack and those he loved.



“It’s not over,” Montag spat. “It can’t be over.” He looked into his tablet at the man on the screen and cursed.

McMaster shrugged and looked as if he hadn’t a care in the world, as if their plan with the shifters hadn’t just failed spectacularly. They were on a secure channel that they had both assured themselves was unhackable, so they were able to speak freely.

Of course, McMaster never spoke too freely. He always spoke in half-truths, and it pissed off Montag to no end. The other man was too polished, too squeaky-clean for the cameras he loved so much.

Montag hated working with him, but he was desperate. The female wolf shouldn’t have been able to get out as she had, and because of his fucking weak crew, he’d lost his final asset.

“You tried, and you failed.” McMaster waved his hand. “You’re done for, Montag. You’re on your own here.”

“You fucking bastard.”

McMaster raised a pristine brow he probably had waxed weekly. “Watch your words.”

Montag slammed his fists onto his desk. “You made promises, McMaster. You’re going to help me finish what we started.”

“It’s over,” McMaster said cooly. “You’re on your own.” He cut off the feed, and Montag threw his tablet against the wall.

He needed McMaster to help with his part of the deal, or Montag would have to take things to the next level.

He wasn’t sure the world was ready for that.

But if he had to, he’d watch the world burn before he let it go into the hands of the mongrels who called themselves part human.

He’d do what he must.

He’d make the final strike.

And when the wolves went to their knees in surrender…he’d kill them.

All of them.

No mercy. No weakness. No more wolves.

Not even the one he thought he could make.

Not even Shane.

Chapter Fifteen

The car ride was excruciating, but Bram could do nothing but sit in the front seat and look back at his mates. Walker worked to Heal Charlotte as much as he could without technically being bonded to her as Healer to Packmember. Bram cursed himself for not having the Redwood Healer with them, but they hadn’t had the time to grab Mark and bring him along.

As it was, Walker was doing as much as he could, and as soon as they saw Gideon, they would become Talons. They’d waited for things to settle long enough. Bram’s only family was Shane and Charlotte so while he would miss what he had before, he knew his future was with the Talons. And even though Charlotte had been holding off because of the family that had taken her in, even she had said it was time.

Soon, they would be Talons, and Charlotte would be able to be fully Healed from her ordeal.

And, hopefully, they would have enough time to do all of that before the shit hit the fan and Montag found them.

Charlotte let out a hiss, and Shane hovered over her since she was in his lap. Her feet were over Walker as the Healer did his best to do what he could. Bram hated being so far away from her, and because he couldn’t think of anything else to bring her closer, he said the only thing he could.

“I love you, Charlotte. I’m so fucking proud of you. I love you so fucking much. You too, Shane. I’m sorry I didn’t say it before. I love you both. Thought you ought to know since I almost waited too long as it was.”

The noise in the SUV dropped at his words, and Shane barked out a confused laugh. “Well, this seems as good a time as any to say I love you both. I was going to wait until we weren’t covered in blood and bruises but that doesn’t seem to be often.”

Both Walker and Kameron snorted, but Bram only had eyes for Charlotte.

Tears slid down her cheeks, but she gave him a watery smile. “I love you both, you know. You should have figured that out already.” She inhaled. And now that we’ve embarrassed our poor Healer and Enforcer, let’s talk about all of that later. Okay?”