Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

“As you all know,” Space began, “I dragged my family through hell and back because of the mistakes I made. Rhett and each of you welcomed me here, even after all I’d done. I didn’t have a nickel to my name, but that didn’t matter. You men allowed me into the pack. Listened to me as if I still mattered. Today, we’re going to do the same for Kane and his fiancée.”

Hoots and cheers followed as many clapped me on my back.

Alright then. It looked like I was about to play a game with the full support of my team.

I blew out a breath.

Now, I just needed to see how much support I got from the fans.


“Batting fourth, first baseman, number six, Kane Steeeeele.”

My name was still ringing around the stadium as I ran out of the dugout to the field. I was relieved that the cheers were louder than the boos.

As the announcer continued to introduce our players, I looked for, and found, Eliana. She was sitting in the middle of a sea of women. Zoe, Mom, and Nana, of course. But then there were Whitney and Holly, her little boy sitting on her lap. More wives and girlfriends surrounded them all.

I grinned, and Eliana gave me a thumbs-up. So far, so good.

Let’s play ball.

We did, and it was an exciting game this time, with us leading and falling as one inning led to the next. By the ninth, we were down by one — ten to eleven — when I popped a zinger over the fence. Todd scored with me, giving us a one-run lead going into the bottom of the inning.

Seth was on the mound, having taken over for Calvin in the eighth. He was looking good as he struck out the first batter.

One down, two to go and our winning streak would be extended.

Just the thought of winning streaks made me automatically think of Eliana. Glancing up at the stands, I was glad to see her looking so happy. Three rows above her, Katrina Delaney was looking less so. She was staring at her phone, her forehead furrowed.


There was a strong batter at the plate — player named Walker, who I hated — so I got into position a bit farther away from my base, hoping it would come my way. I watched the wind-up and then our catcher’s hand moved to where the ball was supposed to land.


The ball came off the bat like a damn rocket, sailing just above our second baseman’s head. Center was hustling, and I pressed my cleat to my base, waiting for whatever shit came sailing my way. It was a damn fine throw, but Walker tagged the base a step before it wedged inside my glove.


One out. Man on first. We can handle this.

“Girlfriend’s got some nice titties,” Walker snorted as he removed his batting gloves and stuck them in his pocket. I ignored him, or tried to. “Pretty mouth too.”

I gritted my teeth as Seth wound up again, and Walker shuffled farther from the base. I was ready — cleat on base, glove extended to pick that bastard off. Instead, Seth followed through with the pitch, and Walker headed for second.


It was a grounder, but Ace picked it up. With a quick turn, he whipped it to second.



Second turned and found my glove, but it was too late.


One out. Man on first and second. We can still handle this.

Glancing back into the stands, Eliana was still smiling and talking. Katrina was gone, and a few other women were staring at their phones, some with a hand over their mouths.


Getting back into pick-off position, I watched Seth glance over at me. He turned and threw. It was perfect, right at my feet, and I got my glove down just an inch before my man dove back and touched base.


That was better. Two outs. Man on second. This game was ours.

Another glance up, and more and more people were staring at their phones. I was staring right at her when Eliana looked down at the row of people in front of her. She leaned forward, her face a mask of growing horror as she reached for the phone in front of her.

No, baby. Don’t look.


Agony flared in my thigh as the ball came off the bat at lightning speed. I hadn’t even seen it. Didn’t even know where it had gone after it clipped me. All I knew was that I was on the ground, two runners heading toward home, and the woman I loved staring blankly.

We’d just lost.




In one moment, things felt normal. I was watching my man protect his base at the end of an exciting game. The next… it all fell apart.

All it took was a glance down at the woman’s phone in front of me. I’d only seen it for a split second, but I’d known. The bodies. The movements. Strawberry blonde hair.

I’d leaned forward for a better look, needing to see if this was an old video or something new.

It was new.

Horribly new.

It was Kane and me in his kitchen.

Reaching for the phone, I grabbed it out of the woman’s hand just as a ball cracked against a bat. There was a loud gasp from the crowd, then screams of “get it” and “throw.” But I wasn’t paying attention. I was watching Kane’s face move between my legs.

“Oh no.”

It was Zoe, and she snatched the phone from my hand. “Kane’s hurt,” I heard her say from a distance. I looked up, and he was on the ground, another player behind him scrambling for a ball. A runner touched home, tying the game, with another closing in.

Finally, the right fielder scooped up the ball and shot it to home, but not in time.


Kane’s winning streak was over. So much was over.

I wasn’t his good luck charm anymore.

I met his eyes as he sat there, looking as numb as I felt. Hands hooked under my arms, pulling me up, but I didn’t want to go. Or stay. I didn’t know.

As I was pulled down the row of seats, Kane pushed himself up as trainers surrounded him. He shook them off and started limping toward the dugout.

“What’s happening?”

The question came from Nana, and I looked back to watch Marsha holding the older woman’s arm as they moved up the few steps to the suite. “I don’t know,” Marsha answered, her eyes meeting mine.

In the box, Katrina Delaney rushed over to me but stopped when she was only a few feet away. “You know?” I guessed my knowledge was written all over my face.

Sinking into a chair, I dropped my face in my hands as I absorbed this latest intrusion.


It was one thing for an old boyfriend to hide a camera and record our intimate encounters. It was completely another for Kane to also be involved.

The door burst open, and the sound of cleats on concrete rang as Kane burst into the room. “What happened?” he demanded. When no one said anything, he raised his voice, “What happened!”

Katrina moved first, not answering him, but instead asking everyone who was still skulking around to leave the room. It took a few minutes for the wives and girlfriends to scurry out. Some shooting me looks of sympathy, some just staring in wide-eyed surprise, not sure how to react.

When there was only Kane, Nana, Marsha, Zoe, and me left, Katrina addressed the man who looked ready to explode.

“There’s a new video.”

“No fucking shit.” He limped toward her, favoring his right leg, his hand stuck out.

“Kane, this isn’t the same as before. This is…” She shook her head as he grabbed the phone from her hand.

Alice Ward's books