Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

“Turn around. On your knees.”

Lightning flashed as she faced me and sank down to the carpet, watching me as I slowly removed my clothes. I hissed as her fingers wrapped around me, gripping me tight, her thumb tracing over the tip, spreading the moisture there. She lifted her thumb to her mouth, tasting me, and I cursed.

“Damn, you’re going to be the death of me.”

She smiled some secret feline grin before dipping her tongue into the tip. Then her lips closed around me, her teeth scraping the shaft as my cock disappeared into her throat. Her mouth stretched wide as she tried to take all of me, her fist wrapping around the length she couldn’t take.

It was incredible. She sucked, and with the wet heat, came pressure. The trifecta of pleasure that nearly caused me to blow my load embarrassingly fast.

I grabbed her hair, pulsing in and out, fucking her mouth until I could no longer stand it. When she looked up at me with those innocent blues, I nearly came and forced myself to pull out.

Twisting my fingers in her hair, I forced her to her feet, then pulled her head back until our mouths connected again. “I’m going to eat your sweet pussy now,” I whispered, and she whimpered against my lips. “And I won’t be stopping until you come in my mouth.”

Moving her until her back was against the glass, I fell to my knees, lifting a leg until it was on my shoulder. Thunder crashed as I forced her apart with my thumbs. She opened for me, like the dewy pink petals of a flower.

“God, you’re so beautiful.”

Her hands dove into my hair as I breathed in her scent before tasting the unique flavor I’d come to crave. Dragging my tongue through her honey-slick folds, I spread her swollen flesh and proceeded to feast.

Flattening my tongue, I licked her hard before taking the little bundle between my teeth. Her breath came in rough pants that caused her breasts to heave, rocking on her chest. Reaching up, I took one in my hand, teasing the nipple, twisting it until she gasped.

“Please,” she begged, whimpering the word over and over.

“Please what, baby?”

Instead of words, she pressed down, grinding harder against my face. In one quick movement, I ran my tongue up her slit before capturing her clit between my teeth, then plunging two fingers inside of her, deep.

Finding the spot that would send her over the edge, I rubbed and pressed it as I stroked her clit hard with my tongue. She screamed, her fingers pulling my hair from the roots. I didn’t care. I ate her harder, faster, loving how crazy I made her. She twisted, her hips bucking violently as I invaded, pumping my fingers in and out of her wet flesh with increasing speed and intensity.

Her body tightened around my fingers, and I knew she was close.


Another crash exploded outside, and she came violently against my mouth, her breath ragged as the air ripped in and out of her lungs. Licking her softly, I gave her time to recover before standing again, kissing her stomach, her breasts, and her neck on the trip up.

“Taste yourself on me,” I ordered, and she complied, her tongue tracing the outline of my mouth.

“Turn around. Hands on the glass.” She was still trembling, but she did as she was told, and I reached for a condom on the nightstand beside us, tearing open the foil and rolling the fucker on. “Without moving your hands, take a step back.” She shifted her stance until she was slightly bent at the waist, her ass out just like I wanted. “Legs wider… wider… perfect.”

I leaned close, and she hissed as my cock rubbed over her still pink bottom. I cupped her breasts, squeezing them gently as my chest rested flush against her back.

Our eyes met in the window’s hazy reflection, and something tender within me stirred. I kissed her shoulder, her neck, her ear, keeping my lips busy so that I wouldn’t say something I couldn’t take back.

Hot silver split the air as I sank into her from behind, taking it slow, wanting everything I was feeling to last, but listening to her moan as I entered her nearly caused me to unravel.

Her fingers flexed against the glass. “Please, Kane. I need you.”

I needed her too.

As her body accepted mine, I covered her hands with my palms, linking our fingers together. I closed my eyes as I reached the end of her, but opened them again so I could watch her reflection.

I moved slowly, feeling everything as her pussy grasped and clung to my cock. The harder the storm raged, the slower and more deliberately I moved.

And when I came, it was me who was nearly crying. Me, who was filled with so much emotion I wasn’t sure where it came from or how to let it go.

So, I just held her against the window, and we watched the city until the storm faded and the night was peaceful again.



For an eighty-three-year-old woman with a tumor lodged deep in her brain, Evelyn “Nana” Steele was a force to be reckoned with when it came to shopping. She might be as slow as a turtle riding on a snail’s back, but she knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to ask for it.


“What do you mean we can’t have five hundred peonies in November? What the hell are hothouses for? I’m contacting Saundra…” It was cute to watch her gnarled fingers tapping at her iPhone as she called her personal assistant.

I’d been listening to Nana argue with the flower lady for over an hour now. The moment I’d told her and Marsha that I’d love peonies because they were my grandmother’s favorite flower, Nana was on a mission to find them. Not a bouquet’s worth, but hundreds.

“You’ll feel your Mamaw surrounding you on your special day,” she had told me when she insisted the altar and pews also be decorated with them.

Gentle hands came down on my shoulders, and I looked up from where I was sitting. “You holding up alright?” Marsha smiled, enveloping me in the warm, motherly aura that exuded from her.

“She’s a mess,” I said with a laugh as Nana barked orders at Saundra to find my favorite flower. “I really didn’t think I would cause this much trouble.”

Marsha’s hands moved from my shoulders to my hair, and I closed my eyes as she stroked her fingers down the length. “Trouble? Are you kidding? I haven’t seen Nana so excited about anything in a long time. You, my dear, are making her last few months more special than you’ll ever realize.” She leaned down and kissed my cheek. “For that, I’ll always be grateful.”

Emotion boiled in my chest. In my throat. In my nose.

How simple to have a mother kiss my cheek, to stroke my hair, to touch me at all. Why couldn’t my own mother do this? Was I really that unlovable to her?

Alice Ward's books