Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

“I know we barely know each other,” he said in a voice low enough for only me to hear, “but right now, would you do me the honor of being promoted from fake girlfriend to fake fiancée? I honestly can’t bear the thought of breaking my grandmother’s heart right now. And I promise to be a good fiancé until you dump me whenever you want in the future. The ball is in your court.”

From the corner of my eye, I saw his grandmother crying. Marsha was holding onto the older woman, and Milton was holding onto them both. The air around us nearly crackled with expectation as everyone awaited my answer.

How bad would it be, being fake engaged to a man like Kane? To be enveloped into his family, at least for a while? Go to baseball games? Wear that ginormous ring for a time?

But what happens when that time is over? How bad will it hurt to give it back?

I was still wrestling with indecision when my mother walked through the door and gasped at the scene, Winston the Terrible on her arm. Her eyes opened in surprise while his narrowed, his jaw growing tight.

Every girl needed a broken heart, right? At least once in their life.

I looked up into those glorious green eyes and held out my left hand.




I couldn’t believe that just happened.

And I couldn’t believe how fucking happy it made me when she said yes.

I mean, it was a temporary yes. As fake as our entire relationship had been. I knew that. It was what I wanted. Knowing I was settled would bring my nana comfort during her last days.

But if this engagement was only for my grandmother, why did my heart feel like it might explode with total joy as I slipped the ring on Eliana’s finger?

“It fits,” she said in awe as it slid on perfectly, like it was made for her to wear.

When I kissed her, our lips fit perfectly too. Just like how she fit perfectly at my side.

Could I fit her into my life?

I didn’t have time to contemplate the question because my parents and Nana rushed at us, laughing and crying. There were hugs and then bottles of champagne popping. Cameras flashed in our faces as we lifted our glasses, and the smile on my face didn’t feel fake.

Eliana was adorable, soaking up the attention like a thirsty sponge, and it was beautiful, she was beautiful, to watch.

“Are you sure, Kane?” Nana asked, pulling me to the side. “Don’t read me wrong, I’m ecstatic, but as you said earlier, you barely know each other. It was a tremendous surprise to witness you propose.”

How can I lie to that well-loved face?

“It was the ring, Nana. And your news. It made me realize that life is really short. Eliana is special. I knew it the moment I saw her. I can’t imagine anyone suiting me better or making me happier.”

That was the truth.

“Do you love her?”

Looking down into my grandmother’s wise eyes, I didn’t know what to say. “How does love feel?” I asked instead.

A smile played on her lips, and something intimate flashed behind her eyes. “It feels like you have a helium balloon tied to your waist and it lifts you up against your will. You fly over scenery that is familiar but looks different from that high angle. And the world begins to spin, but you don’t care.”

I laughed. “That sounds like you’ve had too much alcohol.”

Her eyes twinkled. “It is like that. It’s an incredible high…” She paused, and her face grew more somber. “Then the helium begins to leak out, and you find yourself back on land. And if you still feel happy to be with her… not when you’re soaring, but when you’re trudging up mountains… that’s when you know it’s love.”

Looking up, I found Eliana immediately in the crowd. Her mother had her by the elbow, walking her to the corner of the room. Eliana looked stiff, her face a neutral mask as Alize spoke to her, saying things I couldn’t hear.

“Nana, I think I’m going to find my girl and ask her to dance. Need anything before I go?”

She patted my arm and turned to follow the direction of my gaze. “No, dear. Go rescue her from that vile creature. Some human beings shouldn’t be allowed to give birth.”

“True, but I’m very glad that particular human being did, and I’m very glad Eliana is nothing like her.” I kissed Nana’s soft cheek. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Stop it,” I heard Eliana hiss as I approached them, her hands clenched by her side. As I got closer, her hands relaxed, and as if she could feel me grow nearer, she turned to me, her face flooding with relief.

“There you are.” I pulled her tight against me, giving her a hard kiss. “I was missing you.”

Alize made a scoffing sound, and I lifted my head, glancing in her direction. “Something wrong?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Don’t you think this is a little soon? After all, it wasn’t less than two weeks ago that your face was splashed all over the tabloids. And you expect me to believe you’ve been in a relationship with my daughter? I want to know what’s going on.”

Pulling Eliana tighter to my side, I held my temper in check. “What’s going on is that I’m busy thanking every god in existence that Eliana is nothing like you, Helen Jean. And I’m not surprised that you don’t believe that I care for your daughter. I don’t think you’d recognize that emotion if it slapped you in your collagen-filled face.”

Alize gasped, and her fingers flew to her cheeks, but before she could defend her plastic surgeon, I whisked Eliana away to whirl her onto the dance floor.

I’d only made it a few steps when Alize grabbed Eliana by the arm. “You, young lady, will be out of that apartment by next weekend. Your roommate too. I’m selling it.”

Eliana gasped and hardened her jaw. “You, Mother, apparently don’t understand tenant rights. There’s a process you must go through, or I’ll sue your ass.”

I could have cheered as I watched Eliana stand up for herself. I wondered if it was the first time she’d done so.

Alize lifted her chin. “Well, consider this your notice. My attorney will be contacting you with specifics.”

I stepped in. “I’ll buy it. Better yet, Eliana can simply move in with me. She doesn’t need you or your threats. In fact, she’ll never need anything from you again.”

“That was epic,” Eliana said once I’d guided her to the dance floor, her face pressed into my chest. “White knight really does run through your veins.”

I growled. “I swear, I’ve never hit a woman, but I…” I didn’t finish the sentence. “Anyway, what was she saying to you before I arrived?”

Eliana looked up at me, her eyes shining as we glided to the music. “She was giving me advice on how to play you in regards to the prenuptial agreement you would be sure to have me sign. She called you a man-whore and said to make sure there was a cheating clause that will give me a bundle when, not if, you have an affair. She made it clear that she didn’t think I was female enough to keep you sexually satisfied.”

“I really, really hate that woman.”

Eliana poked me in the chest. “Well, you better get used to her. She’s your fake future mother-in-law after all. But don’t worry, you won’t have to see her very often. Now, probably even less so. Maybe never. She isn’t used to being spoken to that way.”

Alice Ward's books