Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

Alize sniffed and dabbed at her eyes. “I was still a child myself when I had her…”

I forced myself to relax my jaw as my mother took over the conversation, sharing her “struggles” and basking in the sympathy she would surely receive.

“Relax.” I jumped as Kane’s hands settled onto my shoulders. His breath was warm against my ear. “Have I told you how sexy your ass looks in that dress recently?”

Smiling, I turned and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Not recently, no.” He gave an answering caress to my exposed back, his thumb traveling up my spine. Goosebumps erupted on every inch of my body.

“I knew your skin would be this soft,” he whispered. “When I was in bed this week, I imagined touching you like this.”

Desire stirred deep inside me, making me brazen. “Did you touch yourself while you thought of me?”

His pupils flared. “Yes. Did you touch yourself while you thought of me?”

I blushed. “Yes. Every night.”

He leaned in to kiss me again but was interrupted. “Kane?”

Both of our heads whipped in the direction of my mother. “Yes, ma’am?”

Her jaw tightened as she lifted her chin at the slight. “I was just telling your parents that it was such a pleasure meeting you last week. I’m glad to hear that your team is doing better.”

“Thank you, they are, with this lovely lady’s help we’re on a winning streak,” Kane said, squeezing my side. Like I made him proud. An unexpected feeling overtook me. A feeling of belonging. Even in the presence of my mother, I felt it enveloping me like a warm cloak.

“How? Is Eliana a groupie now? Do you even know the difference between a home run and a touchdown, darling?” She laughed that high twittering sound that set my teeth on edge.

Marsha’s face turned pale, and her mouth dropped a little. Milton’s arm went around his wife, and they both stepped my way.

Kane kissed my temple. “Eliana is my good luck charm. She’s personally responsible for our winning streak.”

Before Alize could respond, Milton stepped in. “Why doesn’t this beautiful woman have a drink?”

Alize beamed. “Well, I am parch—”

Milton didn’t take his eyes off me. “Perhaps you should get Eliana some champagne,” he suggested to Kane, and the muscles in Alize’s jaw tightened until I thought they would pop.

“Champagne, it is.” Before I knew what was happening, I was whirled around, and we were heading to the bar. “Looks like my parents despise your mom as much as I do,” he muttered as he handed me a tall flute. “I’m sorry. She’s your mother, I shouldn’t say things like that.”

It was crisp, cold, and delicious. “I don’t understand why she acts this way.”

“Narcissistic bitch can’t help it,” he growled and downed a glass in one long swallow. He cursed. “Sorry again.”

I kissed his cheek. “It’s okay.”

“You two look good together.” We turned to find that his grandmother had stepped up beside us. Her thin arm curled around my waist. “I’m so happy that my grandson has finally found someone to look at the way he looks at you.” She smiled. “I might be old, but my eyesight is working just fine.”

“Nana,” Kane warned.

“Don’t you Nana me, young man. Come dance with me instead.”

Kane smiled and leaned down to give me a kiss. “Will you be okay?”

“Of course. Go have fun.”

Off they went, and I finished my glass before picking up a fresh one and strolling closer to the dance floor to watch him waltz with the older woman. I smiled. They looked precious, and I wished I had a camera to capture the moment. Beside me, a flash went off. I’d have to ask later where I could purchase him a copy.

As I watched him, I noticed others, mainly of the female variety, watching him too. I wasn’t stupid. Naive maybe, but not entirely ignorant of how the world worked for a man like Kane Steele. He could have his pick of any woman in this room, and I wondered how many of them had already screamed his name as he pushed them toward their pleasure.

Why me?

Before I could examine the question or the insecurities that lay behind it, I decided that now would be a good time to seek out the ladies’ room. Giving my empty glass to a passing waiter, I found the corridor and pushed into the overly decorated space. It was a bathroom, for goodness sake. Was gold and silk really necessary?

After managing to pee without dropping the skirt of my dress in the toilet, I stepped to the sink to wash my hands, smiling at the attendant who handed me a cloth towel.

I opened my small clutch to add a new layer of gloss and make sure my hair was still in place. I had to admit that Carlos did a magnificent job with my mop. Normally thick and straight, it now flowed over my shoulders in soft waves while the front was swept back into some elaborate looking knot on the top of my head. I was also wearing more makeup that I was used to. But I kind of liked it, not that I’d ever admit that to my mother. He hadn’t gone cat-eye glam, but had done something that made my eyes even bigger and bluer.

I’ll always cherish the memory of the way Kane looked at me when I opened my apartment door, and I knew I had Carlos, in large part, to thank for that.

“Whoa.” It wasn’t really a word. Mostly just a sound, but it had made me feel beautiful. Not cute. Not pretty. Beautiful.

“Can I get you anything else, miss?” the attendant asked, wrinkles playing all around her eyes and mouth as she gave me a kind smile.

It was impossible not to smile back. “Thank you, no.” Pulling a twenty-dollar bill from my clutch, I stuffed it among all the one dollar bills in her tip jar, wishing I had more to give her while cursing the stinginess of the very wealthy.

Stepping back into the hallway, I was splashed by a tidal wave of déjà vu. There, waiting for me was Winston Hampton the Third.

“It’s good to see you again, Eliana,” he said and took a step closer. “You look incredible.”

My gut clenched at the memory of the last time I’d seen him. His promises to make me feel good as he tried to force my skirt up. The ache in my shoulders as he held my wrists over my head.

We’d been at a dinner at Alize’s home about a month ago. The Hamptons, along with several other couples, were sipping after dinner drinks when I’d excused myself to go to the bathroom. When I’d opened the door, Winston was standing there, a predatory light in his eyes.

“Come home with me,” he’d said, and the invitation had come as such a surprise that I’d only stared. Winston was older than me by nearly ten years and had never shown any interest in me that I could tell. He was showing interest then, and I had to admit, it was a bit thrilling to gain the attention of such a handsome, successful man.

It wasn’t thrilling now.

“Excuse me, I really must get back to my boyfriend,” I said and took a side step to get around him.

He moved with me, blocking my path. “I like you, Eliana. I find it unfortunate that I misread your signals at Alize’s dinner party. When you excused yourself, I believed it was an invitation for me to join you.”

Alice Ward's books