Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

I knew it was tricky waters to make the family trip with him, but I knew he needed me. He wasn’t close to his siblings, and I didn’t want him to face his family alone. I knew what dysfunctional looked like, so maybe I could help, at least a little bit.

“I’m going to dinner with Whitney and Calvin, would you like to join us?” I asked, feeling at peace with where things were between us.

“Sure, but I need to hop in the shower first.” He gave me a sweet squeeze before letting me go and disappearing into the bathroom.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and read the text.

Whitney: We’re ready when you are. Starving!

Me: I invited Ace. Don’t be mad. We talked and everything is good. Staying friends. He’s in the shower.

Whitney: You were just friends before… who fucked ?

Me: Well, now we’re just friends… who don’t fuck ?

Whitney: Stick to it!!!!!!!!

Me: Yes mother ?

Whitney: In the lobby in 20

Me: K

After my time in the sun, I knew I needed a shower too, but would have to settle on fixing my makeup and an extra swipe of deodorant. Grabbing my makeup bag, I sat down in front of the mirror in the bedroom. I touched up my foundation, my eyeliner, and my lipstick. I needed more mascara but couldn’t find the tube in my bag. I looked toward the bathroom door.

Shit. It was in there. But, so was Ace. Naked, sudsy Ace. You can do it, girl. Be strong.

I tapped on the closed door. I could hear the water running but didn’t hear if he responded to the knock. I turned the handle and opened it. The room was full of steam, a reminder of why we didn’t shower together. He liked it hot. Too hot. Oh well, not an issue now. We’re just friends.

I spotted my mascara by the sink and stretched out to grab it, but knocked the damn thing to the floor instead, where it landed in a pile of Ace’s dirty clothes.

I bent down to retrieve it and froze, noticing something plastic sticking out from one of his pockets. Gingerly, I reached for it, and it was exactly what I was afraid it was. White powder. There were also some pills in the bag I didn’t recognize.

My instincts kicked in, and before I had a chance to second guess my decision, I opened it over the toilet and dumped the contents into the water. Without thinking, I flushed.

Ace pulled back the shower curtain and took in the scene before him. I was on my knees, empty baggy in my hand. He connected the dots quickly.

“What are you doing?” he gasped, reaching for the baggy, dripping water all over me. His cock was in my face, swinging like a pendulum.

Although my heart was beating wildly in my chest, I laughed at the ridiculousness of my situation. I’d been trying to avoid seeing the naked Ace, and by doing so, his cock was now swaying back and forth right in front of me.

“Holly, what the fuck did you do?” His tone pulled me from my nervous laughter.

“Helping you kick the habit,” I answered as calmly as I could.

“You flushed it?” he demanded.


“Why would you do that?”

I stood up on shaky legs. “Because you can’t snort it if it’s in the sewer system.”

He was the perfect mix of anger and misery as he stared at the toilet, then at me. “I needed that to get through the night.”

“Why?” I asked, trying to understand.

“Because I’ve run on empty all day. That was the fuel to get me through the rest of the evening.”

I shook my head. “But the stuff keeps you awake, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, that’s kinda the point.” He sighed and gripped his head with both hands.

“But, that’s my point. If you’re exhausted, and your body needs rest… rest. Don’t pump it full of more drugs to keep it going longer, then different drugs to bring it down. It’s a vicious cycle. Don’t you see that?”

“You don’t understand,” he said. “I need…”

I waited for him to finish and when he didn’t, I left the room.

He followed me and lay down naked on the bed, pulling a pillow over his face. I swiped on some mascara before stepping back in the bathroom to pull a sundress over my head.

“Are you coming to dinner?” I asked.

He didn’t say anything. Didn’t move. Only his chest rose and fell with every breath.

It was strange to see this cocky, strong man succumb to the effects of what was in that little baggie. Of what he’d lost.

After waiting a full minute, I turned and left the room.



My entire body ached, even my eyes fucking hurt. I pushed the pillow over my face, pressing hard in hopes I could somehow suffocate myself and be put out of my misery. No such luck. I was fidgety but exhausted, and in pain, sore from a hard day’s work on the field.

I couldn’t believe she flushed my shit. Who the fuck did she think she was?

I had to get more, that was all there was to it. Just to get through this week. Then I’d quit like I promised her. I needed to sleep tonight, and I needed to have energy tomorrow.

I’d quit for good after spring training.

I picked up my phone.

Me: More. Now.

Luke: What?

Me: Come to my room and bring your shit. Now.

I grabbed a pair of basketball shorts and slipped them on. I opened my door to make sure Holly was already on the elevator. Good, she’s gone.

Luke’s door opened and his head stuck out into the hall. “What’s the problem, man?”

“Holly flushed my shit. I need some for tonight, or I won’t be worth a damn tomorrow.” I motioned for him to come out of his room. “Bring what you got now, and I’ll get you more.”

Luke opened the door the rest of the way, stretched his arms to the ceiling and walking towards my room. Inside, I closed and locked the door, chain too, just in case Holly forgot something.

“How much do you have left?”

Luke reached into his pocket and pulled out a small baggy, tossing it onto the coffee table. I immediately gripped the key card sitting next to the small pile and created two lines.

“Man, you sure you want to hit that tonight?” Luke asked. “If you’re not going out, you should get some sleep. You look like shit.”

I rolled a hundred into a straw. “Thanks, Daddy, but I need a clear head. I need to think. Got any more downers for later?”

Luke frowned at me but pulled out another bag. I scooped out a few pills and pocketed them.

I snorted up both lines and tilted my head back to get the rush of the drain a little quicker. “Thanks, man,” I swiped my finger along the wood to remove any traces of the white powder left behind and scrubbed it across my gums.

“You’re doing good on the field,” I lied, but feeling I owed the kid something.

He scoffed and leaned back into the cushions. “I choked.”

I slapped him on the shoulder. “Yeah. This shit might not be the answer for you out on the field.”

“Yeah,” he agreed. “I’m done with it, period.”

“Good. It’s evil shit.” I swiped my finger along the wood again, just to make sure I got it all.

“That all you need?” he asked as he watched me scrub the powder into my gums again.

“Yeah, thanks. Maybe you could give me your contact’s phone number. It might be a good idea to have a stash on hand, just in case.”

“Sure.” He pulled out his phone and opened his contacts.

Alice Ward's books