Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

I closed my eyes when a soft chuckle blazed its damn way into my soul. The sound was so comforting, so familiar. So damn needed.

We talked for a while longer. She told me about a new style of mirror icing she was trying to master, and it was interesting, just listening to the excitement in her voice. She made me laugh recounting the birthday cake she’d made last week and how she’d fallen with it down the stairs.

“You’d been so proud of me, Ace. I bobbled that thing a good three times, then dove and caught it before it hit the ground. Knocked the breath out of me, but I saved the cake.”

When we pulled onto the airport exit, I was disappointed to say goodbye, and I was regretting my decision to head south even more.

“Darlin’, I’m pulling up to the airport now. I’ll call you once I’m all settled in.”

“Alright. You have a safe trip.”

Her sincerity was like a balm. “I will, darlin’.”

I didn’t want to hang up and found myself just listening to her breathing. I felt like a schoolboy playing “you hang up first.”

Pissed at myself. I forced my thumb to end the call. My nuts were tight, my cock still filled with blood, and my thoughts were all over the place. You can’t disappoint all those ladies in Florida, Ace. Not because of one girl.

Brent opened my door, my bag already handed off to the airline employee at the curb. “Have a great trip, sir.” He said with too much formality. I liked wild man better than sir.

Calvin slapped my back as we entered the airport together. I slid my card into the kiosk, printed my boarding passes, and waited for Calvin to get his pass printed.

“You sure packed light,” Calvin said, noting my one carry-on duffle as we shuffled through security, dumping everything, including my shoes, in the tray.

“Warm weather, fewer clothes.” I smirked, knowing all of my equipment was loaded by the team assistants, and I’d buy whatever I needed while I was there.

“Oh yeah. That the real reason you’re headed out early with us? Bikinis?” Calvin knew me oh so well.


“So, that bag’s filled with condoms?”

“Nothing but.” I grabbed my belongings, sat down to tie my shoes, and found myself suddenly caught up in frenzy of fans.

“You’re Ace Newman!” an excited voice announced.

I looked up from my shoes. A large man, nearly seven-foot tall, bald, and featuring similarities to Vin Diesel smiled down at me. “Can I get a picture?”

Who was I to say no to such a large man?

Unfortunately, the quick pose turned into a group of people swarming us all. Security grew irritated quickly, rushing them off, and clearing out their already backed up area.

Luke was grinning ear to ear, taking pictures with a couple of young girls. Too young, the young that gets your ass thrown in jail. “He’d better watch himself.” I snarled to Calvin.

“You jealous, old man?” he teased.

“Old man?” My face burned with irritation, but my grin widened to hide it.

“Well, you’re getting up there,” he prodded, his words like a scalpel to a wound.

“Not far ahead of you, young buck.” It was a lie that I enjoyed telling myself from time to time.

“What are you now? Thirty-six?”

“Watch yourself.”

“What’s that? Eighty-four in baseball years?” He laughed, slapped me on the back. “Just kidding, man.”

It didn’t feel like playing, mainly because he wasn’t far from the truth.

The other players headed to the gate while I wandered towards the airport bar. A cute brunette was slinging beers behind the heavy oak bar, her tits larger than her head. “Hey, darlin’.” I leaned across the wood to give her a once over.

It had been my experience that women with tits that large, usually had an ass to match, unless they were fake, of course. These looked real, and her ass was nice and small. “Can I get a Miller Lite?”

“Sure thang,” she winked, turned to give me another peek at her caboose, and reached into the cooler for my beer. That twang in her voice, the southern comfort accent that warmed my balls was already stirring activity in my jeans.

“And a shot of Patrón?” I added, offering up one of my best smiles.

She nodded, grabbed a shot glass from the bar, and poured my shot. “You’re a baseball or basketball player aren’t ya?”

“Baseball.” My height sometimes confused the girls that only watched enough sports to please their men. I didn’t mind it too much.

“Yeah, Ace sumthin’ or other.” Her big green eyes batted in my direction, sending another wild sensation into my pants.

I slung down my shot, chased it with the beer, and smiled. “Newman.”

The final boarding call for first class was roaring over the loud speaker. “I better go.” I slammed a fifty onto the bar. Damn. I hope she’s working when I get back. I’d love to get lost in those tits.

The lady at the ticket counter seemed uninterested as she took my boarding pass and motioned for me to enter the ramp. The flight attendant on the plane was much nicer, and better looking to boot. “Welcome,” she greeted me with a smile.

I found my seat and inserted my ear buds.

“Ace.” Calvin slapped my arm.

The other passengers were already up and unloading their overhead compartments when I opened my eyes. Shit, I fell asleep.

I got up, grabbed my bag and headed out of the plane behind Calvin and Coach.

The small Daytona airport was a familiar place. It felt welcoming as I walked towards the front entrance. Outside, the sun blasted into my eyes, instantly making me squint. The air was calm, no breeze, even though the ocean was only a few miles away.

“Smell that ocean air.” Luke snuck up beside me. He dropped his bags on the concrete next to his feet and took in a long breath.

“Only one thing in the world smells better.” I grinned.

“What’s that?” Luke asked.

“Don’t ask.” Calvin butted in, shaking his head.

“Pussy. And where there’s an ocean, there’s pussy.” I smirked, slapped Luke on the back, and climbed into one of the black SUVs that had been commissioned to take us to the hotel.

“Everyone get settled in your room. Training begins in the morning.” Coach ordered as he slid into the seat next to me. “That means no partying.” His eyes directed towards me, and only me.

“Yes, sir.” I agreed, holding back my chuckle.

Who’d he think he was? You can’t tame the beast!

The driver worked his way through the small amount of traffic on N. Atlantic Avenue. The spring breakers would arrive soon, the bikers, the NASCAR fans, this place would be packed while we were here, but not today. Today, I didn’t see one bikini-clad woman on the sidewalk, just an old man who looked to be homeless and lost.

“This place is like a ghost town,” I growled out the window, watching to make sure he made it across the road safely.

“Guess you’ll just have to use your time to train,” Coach snapped.

Alice Ward's books