Wilde at Heart (Wilde Security, #3)

A blast of heat flashed through Reece, and his fingers folded into fists at his sides. He stared, unblinking, at his brother. If Cam was suggesting Shelby was some kind of pyromaniac, he’d pummel him. Plain and simple. He may be the nerd of the family, the odd man out, but he’d grown up with four brothers who liked to fight and could brawl with the best of them. “Shelby didn’t do this. She was with me the entire time.”

Cam crossed his arms over his chest. “I love Shelby like a little sister, and I don’t want to think she’s capable of this any more than you do, but we have to look at the facts. This is the second fire she’s been involved in—”

“Second fire I’ve been in, too,” Reece interrupted. “I was with her the night The Bean Gallery burned down. You want to question me for arson, too?”

Cam opened his mouth, then closed it again. Shook his head. “I knew I saw your car that night,” he grumbled. “Still, two fires in as many weeks? Actually, three if we count the fire at a neighbor’s house a few years ago.”

That…was news to him and chilled his anger from inferno to low boil. “What fire?”

“A five-alarm fire at the house across the street from Eva’s,” Cam said. “Nobody was hurt, but the house was a complete loss. Eva was out of town at the time and, ever since, she’s been afraid to leave Shelby home alone. Told me once she thinks her sister is a walking jinx, a magnet for bad luck. So even if Shelby’s not setting the fires—”

“She’s not, and I will punch you if you say it again. Don’t test me.”

Cam held up his hands in surrender. “Just saying it’s a big ass coincidence. Too big. So something’s going on with her, and you need to find out what it is, because she won’t tell Eva.”

“And you think she’ll tell me?”

“You’re married to her.”

“It’s a business arrangement.”

“That’s bullshit.” Cam took a step forward, got in his face. “What are you really doing with her, Reece? Huh? Because you say it’s a business thing, but you’re obviously fucking her every chance you get, and you brought her to Mom and Dad’s—”

“I had to pick up something I left here. That’s all.”

“No. That’s not all. I know you, bro. I know you wouldn’t have brought her here if this thing between you is as superficial as you claim it is. But I’m telling you now, you need to end this.”

Reece’s molars hurt and he realized he was grinding his teeth. He worked his jaw to loosen it. “Back off, Cam. We’ll end it when and if we’re ready to.”

“Uh, guys,” Jude said and stepped between them, pressing a palm into each of their chests. “How about we take this somewhere…I don’t know…less public?”

“Nah,” Vaughn said, “let ’em duke it out. It’ll be good for them both.”

Cam ignored them, stepped around Jude, and jabbed a finger at Reece’s shoulder. “I can’t believe I’m saying this to you, of all people, but get your head out of your dick. Remember the night Shelby and Eva’s mother attacked them? You ducked out and didn’t see Shelby break down like I did. You didn’t watch her cry herself into exhaustion or have to carry her to her bed. She’s…fragile. So much more than she lets people know, and you’re not gonna just hurt her when things go sour between you. You’re gonna break her.”

Not unless she breaks me first. But he kept his mouth shut, because saying that out loud would be like ripping open his chest and offering up his heart to his brothers for dissection.

“She won’t bounce back from it,” Cam continued. “And Eva will worry herself sick if Shelby goes into another nosedive. I can’t let that happen.”

“Are you more worried about Shelby or your wife?” Reece asked softly.

“Both. I knew going into this marriage they’re a package deal, so don’t make me choose between my wife and my brother. It’s not a road I want to walk. Get your shit together, and do the right thing.”

With that, he stalked away. Several beats of silence passed.

“Wow,” Jude said finally. “I’ve never seen Cam get that angry.”

“I have,” Vaughn said. “And he has a point about Shelby. There’s something we need to talk about later, concerning the fire at The Bean Gallery.”

Jesus. He really couldn’t deal with anything more tonight. Not after the emotional sucker punch of watching his memories go up in flames, followed by that little sparring match with Cam. “Can we do it tomorrow?”

Vaughn gave one sharp nod, clapped Reece on the shoulder, and chased after his twin as fast as his walking cast allowed.

“What a fucking mess.” Reece coughed again and dragged his hands over his head. Soot rained down around him, falling loose from the strands. He stared at his hands. He was covered head-to-toe.

Jude stuffed his hands in the pockets of his leather coat and rocked back and forth on his feet. “Uh, dude. I don’t wanna make a bad situation worse, but…” He titled his head toward the road, where several media vans had gathered. “Looks like you’re going to be headlining the news tomorrow morning.”

Tonya Burrows's books