Wilde at Heart (Wilde Security, #3)

“You’re big,” she gasped and couldn’t force herself to hold still for a second longer. She lifted her hips. “God, Reece. Move.”

It took him a moment to find his rhythm, then another to keep her counter-thrusts from throwing him off. But once he got it…dear God. He fucked her mercilessly, driving her toward orgasm with an exuberant, single-minded focus.

“Fuck,” he gasped. “I need to go deeper. Lift your legs.”

She did as commanded, and he shackled her ankles with his hands, holding her still as he drove harder into her. Her sex opened wider to him, and he watched with hooded eyes as their bodies slammed together.

“Look at you taking all of me.” He punctuated each word with a merciless thrust. “You like it, don’t you? Nod.”

She nodded and managed a gasped “Yes!” which faded into a moan when he hit a spot deep inside her that made her convulse. He was so wonderfully rough, demanding, and yes, now she could see that bit of darkness, the edge in him he’d been so afraid of.

And, holy God, she couldn’t wait to explore that further.

An orgasm exploded through her, taking her by surprise, and her body locked down on his. Reece shouted and jerked through his own climax, then released his grip on her ankles. He’d left red handprints there, but she didn’t mind one bit.

Gasping, he collapsed forward, his damp forehead pressed to her belly. “You tightened up like a fist. I wasn’t ready for it. Jesus.”

She laughed and combed her fingers into his hair. “Want to try again? Practice makes perfect.”

“Hell yes. Except this time…” He straightened and climbed up on the counter beside her. Wrapping his hands around her waist, he lifted her easily, setting her down over his hips. “You’re going to ride me, and you’re not going to come until I tell you to.”

Chapter Twelve

Shelby floated through the morning, all nerves about her upcoming shopping trip with Libby buried by memories of excellent sex. Reece had proved to be a fast learner. A fast, enthusiastic learner. And, holy hell, he liked to be in control. He about killed her by not letting her orgasm until he was good and ready for her to. And when he finally let her…


She’d detonated. She still wasn’t entirely sure she had all of her pieces put back together again.

After spending several hours the night before fucking on every flat surface they could find, they had worked themselves into exhaustion and parted ways, each going to sleep in their own beds. It was a really good arrangement. One she had to be careful not to get used to, she reminded herself as she dressed comfortably for a daylong shopping marathon. This situation was only temporary.

Still, nothing would be able to ruin her mood today.

Or…so she thought. Then she spotted Jason Mallory loitering by the mall entrance where she was supposed to meet Libby.

She stalked over to him. “What are you doing here? You need to leave! Now.”

When she turned away, he grabbed her arm. “You fucking married him?”

She tried to jerk free, but Jason was too big, too strong. “You wanted me to get closer to him, so I did. I’ve done everything you’ve asked. What more do you want?” She again tried to free her arm with one hard tug.

He let her go. “How about thinking with your head instead of your hormones? After all these years, haven’t you learned? Sex only gets you into trouble. Remember Steven Moore?”

She flinched. Direct blow. Her sister had even said something similar to her in Vegas, and Eva was right. They both were right. She always let her hormones cloud rational thought. She was no better than her mother that way, and her ex-boyfriend Steven had died because she got too involved.

“It’s not like that this time.”

“Are you willing to wager your future on that? Because that’s exactly what you’re doing, Shelby. Giving up your freedom for an easy lay.”

“No.” Heat gathered behind her eyes, and her vision started to blur. “I promise, I’m only doing what you asked. Please, believe me. But it’s not going to work if you keep approaching me like this.”

Jason said nothing for a long moment. “You have a week. Next time we talk, you’d better have something good for me.”

She slumped against the wall as he walked away and willed herself not to cry. Oh, God, she didn’t want this duplicitous life anymore. She hated Jason with every fiber of her being. Hated the things she’d been forced to do for him. The things he was still forcing her to do. She’d thought The Bean Gallery would be her ticket out from under his thumb, but now that was gone, and she was right back to where she started.

Maybe she should come clean about everything to Reece. Except if Jason found out, she’d never escape him. The thought turned her stomach.

“Shelby, are you okay?”

She started and looked up into Libby Wilde’s concerned face. She’d been so busy wallowing, she hadn’t heard her approach. “Yeah. Sorry.” She swiped a hand under her nose and forced a smile. “Allergies.”

Tonya Burrows's books