Wicked Edge

Logan shook his head. “Mom, I—”

“My point is”—Daire continued—“your mother needs a hot shower and some clean clothes. Then we have a matter to discuss, and after I’m finished, I’m sure she’d love to explain to you where she has been the last few days.”

Felicity’s chin lifted. “While I do not owe anybody an explanation, Logan, I would like time to shower and get refreshed before we sit down and chat.” She gave him her hardest look, swung it to Garrett, and then landed on Nicholai. “I trust that you three will keep my current location a secret?”

“Mom—” Logan started.

“I mean it,” she said, her voice hoarse.

Logan swallowed, shuffled his feet, and nodded.

Garrett cleared his throat. “Yes, ma’am.”

Nicholai smiled as he shook his head. “Sorry, Felicity.”

Yes, she’d figured Nick would report back to Zane, her eldest son and the ruler of the demon nation. So she turned and smiled at Daire. “I suggest you speak with your friend, or your flat will be overrun with demons. If Zane shows up, you know Dage won’t be able to stay away, he’s such a busybody of a vampire king.”

Daire’s eyes flickered, but to his credit, his expression revealed nothing. “Nick? If you call Zane, I’m going to sic Simone on you.”

Nick’s eyes gleamed. “Please, do. I’ve been waiting for your cousin’s temper to explode so I can take care of unfinished business with her.”

Felicity sighed and glanced around, seeing an open doorway. “I assume the master and bath are through there?”

“Aye,” Daire said.

“Good. If there’s any way to get fresh clothing here by the time I’m finished with a very long shower, I’d appreciate it.” She moved to go.

Logan stopped her with one gentle hand on her arm. “Mom? Come with us. You don’t have to stay here.”

She swallowed and forced a smile for her youngest. No way did she want them all to fight, and after everything, she did owe Daire an explanation. Heck. Not only had she drugged him, she’d almost gotten him killed. More than once. “I know, but I do have matters to discuss with Daire. I’ll call you when I’m finished.”

Logan shook his head. “No.”

She stilled. “Excuse me?”

He kept her gaze, but his ears turned red again. “I’m not leaving you with him.”

“Why not?” she asked, her temper prickling up her back.

“Because you’re, I mean, you’re—”

Hurt smashed into her stomach. Of course her own kid knew how weak she was. How she’d failed him and his brothers. Even so, the agony of that fact spurred her anger. “I’m what?” she yelled up into his face.

He sucked in air. “You’re my mom!” he yelled back.

Oh. Her body relaxed. “Huh. You’re right. This has to be weird.” The poor kid. She gentled her voice. “Logan, I’m barely over a century old. That’s hardly an adult in human terms. I was young when I had you boys, incredibly young for a demon.”

“I know.” The blush moved to his face. “But . . .”

Nick strode toward the door. “The boys and I will go out to dinner, and you two can catch up later.” He opened the door and paused. “Felicity, I am going to have to report to Zane. There were a series of mines blown up in Russia earlier, and while I haven’t connected the dots as of yet, something tells me you weren’t attacked by polar bears on a tropical cruise.”

She glared at Daire. Man, he had a big mouth. “Enjoy your dinner,” she said sweetly.

Nick herded the boys out, giving Logan a rather hard-looking shove to get him to leave. The door snicked shut.

Felicity breathed out.

Daire leaned back against the wall. “Felicity or Cee Cee?”

She shrugged. “Both. It’s like calling a Katherine Kathy or Juniper Junie. Cee Cee is a nickname, and I answer to both.”

Rebecca Zanetti's books