Wicked Edge

Adam lifted a dark eyebrow. “What the heck?”

“Later.” Daire reached for the nearest shipping manifest. “We have work to do.” And work they did. They went through all the mine records, all the official shipping records, and everything they could glean from their allies. He catnapped every once in a while, but tension rode him hard and he couldn’t completely sleep. The plane refueled in Greenland and took them on to Seattle.

Daire awoke Cee Cee twice to make her eat something, and each time, she fell back into dreamland with a grateful sigh. Her body naturally sent out tingles as her flesh healed, and true relief swept through Daire when the burns on her arm slowly faded. Thank God, he hadn’t scarred her for eternity.

Even when they landed, she barely stirred when he carried her from the plane to the car on the private Jetway. They drove through town, and she slept peacefully in his arms. He enjoyed holding her, allowing himself a moment to just relax and feel.

Finally, they reached his penthouse and he carried her up to the door. She struggled, and he set her down on the marble floor. “Whatever your escape plan is, it’s not happening.” He pushed open the heavy door and nudged her inside, closing it firmly behind them. His place was warm and clean, and he settled into home. While Simone had decorated it with black leather and green accents, he liked the peaceful feeling of the sofa, chairs, fireplace, and massive Brenna Dunne landscape painting of Ireland.

Noise clanged from the kitchen area followed by the scent of waffles. Damn it. He’d forgotten he’d told the prospects they could hang at his place while he was out.

Garrett came into view first, chuckling. “I think the brunette was much—” He stopped short, mouth dropping open.

“I’m back,” Daire said, belatedly realizing the kid was staring at Cee Cee. “This is—”

Nicholai Veis, a demon ally and right hand to demon leader Zane Kyllwood, prowled behind Garrett, his hands full of plates of scrambled eggs. He barely stopped in time to keep from running into Garrett. His dark eyes focused on Daire and then on Cee Cee, before he slowly set down the plates on the round glass breakfast table. “What in the world is going on?”

Daire frowned. “What are you doing here?”

Nick’s gaze didn’t leave Cee Cee. “Checking on Logan Kyllwood.”

As if on cue, the young demon jogged out of the kitchen carrying jars of syrup. He smashed into Veis and slid to the side. “What the heck?” Then his gaze followed his friends’, landed on Daire, and moved to Cee Cee. “Mom?”

Chapter 10

Cee Cee winced and didn’t miss how quickly Daire rocked back on his heels. Forcing a smile, she crossed the room and leaned up to press a kiss to her youngest son’s cheek. He stood so tall all of a sudden and so handsome. Light green eyes, pure black hair, angled features. “Hi, sweetie.”

He inhaled and his nostrils flared. His sharp gaze went from her face to Daire and back. Then he moved.

Crap. He could smell Daire on her. She tried to grab his arm, but he was quick. Good thing Nick was prepared and even quicker. The older demon jumped in front of Logan and pushed him back a foot.

“Hold on,” Nick said. The demon lieutenant was dressed casually in black slacks and a gray shirt, his eyes onyx and his hair a dark blond. Tall and powerful, his voice nevertheless held a note of reason, as usual. Oh, he’d kill, but he’d think it through first.

“Cee Cee,” Daire said slowly, the consonants rolling off his tongue. “Your mother called you Cee Cee.”

She swallowed, half-turning to face him. “Yes.”

“Short for . . . Felicity. Felicity Kyllwood, to be exact,” Daire said, ignoring everyone else in the room.

Rebecca Zanetti's books