Where Lightning Strikes (Bleeding Stars #3)

I looked at him, feigned, wide innocent eyes. “It must be so rough when you subject yourself to commercial first-class instead. The atrocity.”

This time it was a thick roll of laughter that left him, before he edged forward and gripped my chin to keep me looking at him. He pressed his nose to mine. “You gonna sit over there and give me a hard time when I was so kind to invite you along? Spoil you with a bit of luxury? Get you backstage to a show?”

Those dark eyes flashed with mischief, a toying threat that sent those butterflies scattering. “I mean, we do know how you like your boys tattooed and screaming, don’t we?”

His lips touched mine. Briefly. Wickedly.

I struggled for a breath.

He leaned back, raked his teeth over his bottom lip.

On all things holy. No man should look that good or have the power to effect women that way.

He cocked his head. “Now are you comin’ or stayin’?”

Gone were the shadows that’d haunted his eyes last night. In their place was the ruthless man edged with this boyish excitement that skimmed the expression on his face. I couldn’t help but feel that way, too.

“Oh, I’m definitely coming.”

Chuckling, he shook his head and unlatched his door. “That’s what I thought.”

Lyrik unloaded our bags from the trunk, grabbing hold of his guitar case and passing me my camera bag. I slung it over my shoulder and followed close behind as he wheeled our suitcases toward our friends.

Shea was grinning when I approached. Her baby belly had grown huge, and she glowed with joy.

I itched to capture the moment, that old need flooding me like a sea cave swilling with the rising tide.

“I can’t believe you’re coming with us,” she squealed as she rushed forward and threw her arms around me. She rocked me in a hug as if she hadn’t seen me for ages. She suddenly leaned in close and spoke so no one else could hear. “It’s so good to have you back.”

Was it possible she read me that easily? That she saw right through the stony fa?ade?

She released me just as quickly. Her words increased in volume as if she were speaking to the entire crowd. “This is going to be the best weekend ever. I always get stuck with all you boys. About time there’s another girl there to keep me company.”

“Don’t get any ideas, Shea.” I could feel Lyrik’s presence invading me from behind. “Blue here? She’s on board for a weekend with me. Not you.”

Over my shoulder, I tossed Lyrik a bewildered look. “What are you talking about? You told me Shea was coming. That’s the only reason I agreed.”

Lyrik wrapped me in his arms, his front to my back. “Is that so?” he questioned, pressing himself a little closer. Teasing me with that body he knew left me defenseless.

“Well…I guess I don’t mind spending a little bit of time with you, too.”

By the hand, he spun me around. The entirety of that pretty face lifted in a smirk. “Don’t mind, huh? You sure didn’t seem to mind all that much last night.” He edged closer, voice dropping. “Or this mornin’, for that matter.”

I giggled.


Oh. God.


That’s the way he’d left me.

He swatted my butt. “Now get that sweet ass on the plane.”

With a tiny yelp, I jumped right into his arms. A tumble of excited and joyous nerves skated through my body. Then Lyrik slowed, cupped my cheek as he gazed down at me, then kissed me gently.

Moments like these? They were the ones that left me a mixed-up, muddled mess.

Because they were the times when it felt like more.

“Come on,” he whispered. Turning, he led me by the hand toward the stairs the rest of the guys and Shea were already climbing.

Well, except for Ash.

He leaned up against the bottom of the railing, arms crossed over his wide chest.

Lyrik passed him, started up the stairs.

Ash gave us a look that was both mocking and sincere.

How the hell did the guy manage that?

“I trust the two of you had a pleasurable evening last night?” he asked. His grin grew in time with the lift of his brow.

Lyrik threw him a look riddled with daggers and knives. “Don’t fucking start, man.”

Ash smiled, shrugged innocently. “Not starting anything. The two of you just look a little cozier than you did last night, that’s all. Can’t a guy make an observation?”

“Not that kind, he can’t,” Lyrik warned, but it was lighter than I expected, his voice carrying as he climbed higher, hauling me up behind him.

Low laughter rolled from Ash as he took to the steps behind us. “I’m just not the type of guy who goes burying his head in the sand. Not fool enough to miss what’s right in front of me.”

Lyrik didn’t look back, just clenched my hand a little tighter in his hold.

Warily, I glanced back at Ash with a scowl. To ask him once to lay off the ribbing.

I was feeling protective of the shaky relationship Lyrik and I had, if you could call it that at all. I sure as hell had no idea what to label this.

One minute I’d accepted I would never touch him again and the next I was boarding a plane to spend the weekend in L.A. with him, visiting his family of all things.

A.L. Jackson's books