Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

“What for?”

“Just roll with it.”

The rest of the clubhouse was split between partying and planning. Trev just stood there, beer in hand. He put the beer down and nodded. “Where are we going?”

“To visit a guy named Mike.”

“Are we going to kill him?” Trev asked.


“Good. I’m in the mood to kill.”

Blaine slapped Trev’s face. “That’s why I love you, brother.”

“Don’t try kissing me or anything,” Trev said. “I know where your mouth has been.”

“I’ve tasted some of the sweetest pussy ever though.”

“But you’ve also had some…”

“Save that though,” Blaine said. He caught Jessa approaching. He put a hand out and grabbed her. “Come here, sweetheart. You, me, Trev, and a couple prospects are going to visit Mike.”


“Look at the clubhouse,” Blaine said. “Everyone is chilling out. There’s nothing we can do here. I can’t fucking take this feeling.”

“You’re doing this for her?” Trev asked.

“Why?” Jessa asked. “Is that wrong?”

“No,” Trev said. “I’ve never seen Blaine care about a woman that was fully dressed before.”

Jessa looked at Blaine, raising an eyebrow. “Romantic.”

“Only for you,” Blaine said. “Now let’s go.”

They made it to the door where Miller stood outside, staring across the lot.

Blaine pushed Jessa along and whispered, “Go to my ride.” He then stopped next to Miller. “You out here alone, thinking. That’s never good.”

“I’m thinking about Griffin,” Miller said.

Blaine realized they were standing at the exact spot where Chief Jerry had shot Griffin in the throat.

“Damn,” Blaine whispered.

“If I acted faster… with Jerry…”

“No,” Blaine said. “Don’t do that to yourself. That only makes his death seem foolish. He gave his life for this club. For you, Miller. For all of us.”

Miller looked at Blaine. “I don’t want to fuck this up, Blaine. This gun move for the club. Pushing back at Eight Under. We can’t afford it. We’re still healing.”

“Hey, can I spot you some good news?”

“Try me.”

“I don’t need your woman’s tits anymore.”

Miller shook his head. “I’m going to…”

“No, no, no,” Blaine said. “I’m going to get my own soon.”


Blaine nodded toward Jessa. “Mine.”

“Jesus,” Miller said. “You knocked her up?”

“You’re the only one who knows, Miller. This is crazy, even for me.”

“Well, you figure you fuck enough women, it’ll happen.”

“Not when it’s throats, tits, and ass, brother.”

“Christ, Blaine. You’re going to make one hell of a father.”

“Let’s hope I live to see the birth.”

Miller grabbed Blaine’s arm. “That’s why I’m out here, alone, thinking. We’re all going to survive to see your woman push out your baby.”

“All in the delivery room, huh?”

“You got to see Ella’s tits when she was feeding Beck. It’s only fair I see your woman’s pu…”

“Stop,” Blaine said. “Just stop.”

“Doesn’t feel good, does it?”

Blaine smiled. “Her name is Jessa. She’s my family now, Miller. She’s my only family.”

“Not your only,” Miller said. “We’re all a family. A bunch of dysfunctional asshole outlaws.”

Blaine nodded and broke away.

A minute later he led the charge out of the clubhouse, Jessa’s arms around his body, three motorcycles following him.

It was time to make sure the world understood that Jessa was his… and his only.


It was some fancy ass corporate apartment building. The kind with new bricks but built to make the place look vintage. As though the building had been standing for two hundred years when it was probably built a decade ago for assholes like this Mike guy. The cars in the lot were all expensive cars. The entire scene just pissed Blaine off even more.

They weren’t that far out of Frelen either. That meant Jessa had lingered around the area. She could have split after the murders and really started over. But she didn’t. She stayed. And now she was pregnant.

When Jessa pointed, Blaine waved a hand and signaled the guys. He ordered the prospects to watch the front and call if anyone was coming or anything happened. Blaine grabbed Jessa’s hand and kept her close.

“This is for you,” he whispered. “Stand up to this prick. You’re the mother of my child, sweetheart. I need you strong.”

“I am strong.”

“Good,” Blaine said.

He then pounded a fist on the door and stepped back.

It opened a second later and a tall, clean cut, pretty boy stood there with a white shirt halfway undone.

“Hey,” he said, staring at Jessa.

Blaine and Trev hung to the side where Mike couldn’t see.

“You can’t text me like that anymore,” Jessa said. “Ever.”


“You heard me, Mike. You’re… you use people. You’re never going to use me again.”

Mike laughed. “Is this one of those roleplaying games? You want that? You want to resist so I get rough? That’s fine by me.”

Blaine saw Mike reach for Jessa’s hair.

He snapped.

Blaine took out his gun and jammed it into Mike’s gut.