Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

“Stay close and order something good,” Blaine said to Jessa.

They were at the bar and the clubhouse was filling up. Drinks were flowing, music playing, voices getting louder as everyone took turns telling stories or arguing the facts of other stories.

Normally Blaine would be right in the middle of it, loving the chance to talk about his dick or some women he fucked last night or last week. But his instinct wanted to keep Jessa calm and safe. At least in front of the other guys. This Vin situation could potentially be very bad. If he was running rampant, sending out threats, then Blaine needed to kill him. And fast. He’d been inside long enough to lose cred on the street, but being inside didn’t mean being cut off. A guy like Vin would have been taken care of in prison and he’d have arrangements on the outside.

Blaine whistled and the prospect he punched was right there, nodding at him.

“Get her a burger,” Blaine said. “I’m guessing overcooked and dry.”

“No,” Jessa said. “I know how to eat. I like a little pink in the middle.”

Blaine grinned and looked at Jessa. “I like it with a lot of pink in the middle.” He winked.

Jessa curled her lip and turned away.

She swallowed before she did that though.

She liked it. She liked him.

Someone threw a dart and hit a bullseye. The bar erupted. Trev put his arms out and then slowly put his hands together, two middle fingers up.

“Pay up, asshole,” he yelled to Jace.

“Fuck,” Jace said. He took out a twenty and threw it on the pool table.

“Double it and I’ll tag another,” Blaine called out.

“Triple it and I’ll do it,” Jessa said.

The entire bar almost went silent.

Women didn’t speak out of place in the clubhouse. Unless they were old ladies and claimed by someone, they were there for two things. Serving drinks and sucking dick. They were relievers and nothing else. Shit, even if a chick was topless, she wasn’t supposed to talk out of place.

And here was Jessa, standing up, downing a mug of beer, and pointing to the dartboard.

Blaine grabbed her wrist and tugged at her. “Hey, sweetheart, you don’t know how it works around here. You can’t just…”

“You’re on, little tits,” Trev said.

“What the fuck did you just say?” Blaine said as he stood up. He grabbed Jessa’s empty mug. “I’ll bash your fucking skull with this, Trev.”

“What?” Trev said. “She’s wearing a goddamn blanket on her. What’s she got hiding under there? Money? Drugs? A wire? Come on…”

Blaine felt his blood boiling. “You’re an asshole, Trev.”

“She’s got herself a big mouth, talking like that. Let’s see how big…”

Blaine threw the mug in the air. He then took out his gun and shot the mug. The gunshot boomed and glass hit the floor like a hailstorm.

“I’m not playing fucking games,” Blaine growled.

“Whoa,” Jace said. “Jesus, Blaine… if she’s…”

“Give me the dart,” Jessa said.

Blaine watched as Jessa walked right into the group of bikers.

She really has no fucking clue…

Jessa walked to the dartboard and grabbed the dart. She then backed up to the line.

“Wait a second,” Trev said. He grabbed Jessa by the hips and pulled her back another inch. “Even the pussy has to follow the rules.”

Blaine made fists and took a step. A hand grabbed his arm and he spun to face Miller.

“What is this?” Miller asked.

“This is my problem. A situation from my past.”

“Jesus Christ, Blaine,” Miller said. “After what we…”

“She’s afraid of something. An old thing.”

“Do I need to know?”

“If you do, I’ll bring it to the table. This is some old shit that needs to go away.”

“We have heat again here, Blaine. Eight Under is regrouping. I made a couple calls and it looks like they’re being worked. I talked to Gaige about it and I wanted to talk to you. You’re on my left, brother. I can’t let you slide on any information.”

“Okay,” Blaine said. “I appreciate it. What do you need to me do right now?”

“That woman about to throw a dart… who is she really?”

Blaine gritted his teeth. “Meghan’s best friend.”

Miller’s eyes went wide. “You’re hitting it?”


“In the past?”

“I’ve thought about it. Then again, I’m a sick fuck.”

“Jesus, Blaine.”


“Take your shot, small tits!” someone called out.

“Easy,” Miller whispered as he made fists again.

Blaine watched as Jessa lined up her throw. She puckered her lips and moved her hair out of the way, tucking it behind her ear. It made every muscle in Blaine’s body tighten up. He was wildly attracted to her. And it was for all the wrong reasons. For all the times he wasn’t allowed to touch her. To go after her. All the times he wanted to but fought that urge. It was like it all built up and just sat there for years.

Jessa threw the dart. It hit the board with a thump. About a quarter inch away from the bullseye.

“OH!” Jace yelled and clapped his hands.

“So close,” Trev said. “Sorry…”

“Blaine will pay up,” Jessa said with a smile.

Everyone started to cheer and clap.