
“I love it.” Her voice trembled. “And I love you, Anjali. Thank you.” She had to admit that her gift was badly needed. She didn’t want the most anticipated night of her life to involve her wearing an oversized coalition t-shirt.

“I figured he’d be the kind to go for something virginal.” Sophie rolled her eyes. “How do you feel?” Anjali asked, her eyes moving sharply over her friend’s face. “You look pale. I mean, paler than usual.”

“Honestly? I’m nervous.” She bit her lip, feeling like an idiot. “My stomach is full of butterflies, and I have the chills.”

“That’s so cute,” sighed Anjali. “Just like when Will and I met. Only more romantic.”

“There’s nothing romantic about spending the whole night in the bathroom because my nerves have gotten to me.”


Sophie met once more with Sergei and Sevastian, explaining that she and Michael would be leaving for twenty-four hours or so, and that they would return. This time, she had cigarettes along with the brown envelope of cash in exchange for their silence. Sevastian took the cigarettes and shared them with Sergei. But he pushed the envelope back to Sophie.

“This is not required.”

“Not required?” she said in disbelief. “Isn’t this the whole point of a bribe?”

Both of them chuffed out laughter with their cigarette smoke. “Usually, yes. But sometimes, we return the gratuity to the person who gave it. As a sign of goodwill.” Her mouth fell open. “You are a good woman, a brave woman who understands our culture well. You have treated us kindly. We show respect to you by giving this gift back to you.” He pressed the envelope back into her hands.


When bedtime came, Sophie went down the hall to the infirmary, her stomach jumping with nerves. Michael’s face lit up as she came into the room. As soon as she sat down beside him, he pulled her into his arms and started kissing her.

“I can’t stay here tonight,” she mumbled against his mouth.

“It would be best if you did not. I will not be able to wait if you remain here in my bed. And I truly do not wish to remember years from now that I had you for the first time in a hospital bed.”

She nodded, not breaking their kiss. They made out like teenagers until someone cleared their throat loudly at the door. They shot up, mortified.

Will stood there, an amused grin on his face. “The Rev asked me to give you a list of things to pick up in Kaliningrad while you’re there tomorrow.” He ambled in and handed Sophie a handwritten list.

“And Anjali wants you to have this. As your physician.” Will tossed him a plastic bag. Michael looked inside and turned red.

“Tell her I appreciate her thoughtfulness and to mind her own damn business.

Will winked at Sophie and left the room, chuckling.

“What’s in the bag?”

Michael made a face and showed her a box of condoms.

“This place is nuts.” She slid off the bed, straightened her clothes, and kissed Michael goodnight one more time. Which turned into several more long, wanting kisses. “See you tomorrow. Sleep well.”


February 19, 2014

Sophie slept poorly and awoke later than usual, feeling chilled and jittery. She chalked it up to her body having a reaction to the intense stress she had been under for so many months. A hot shower would do her a world of good, she decided. She briefly contemplated going to see Anjali for a checkup, then rejected the idea.

As she approached the showers, she could hear someone in there. She slowed, not wanting to barge into the unisex shower and see more of her coworkers than she’d ever wanted to. Listening for a moment, she smiled, realizing that the occupant was Michael. She tiptoed into the room, hearing him enjoying the hot water. Suddenly, he made a low sound of pleasure that sent a shiver shooting down her spine. Clearly, he felt better.

CJ Markusfeld's books