
She finished with the Rev and returned to the infirmary as Anjali was completing her examination.

“He didn’t bite your head off yet?” she asked. Anjali stuck her tongue out at her friend, causing Michael to snort with laughter. Sophie threw him a dirty look.

“He’ll be fine.” Anjali turned back to Michael. “I’ve taken a throat swab to see if the antibiotics have done their job, but I expect you’ll be able to fly within seven days.” She gestured to his feet. “Not much we can do for your toes right now. Third degree frostbite, most of it permanent. The antibiotics you’re taking for the pneumonia will protect against infection of the damaged tissue. Do you have a lot of pain?”

“No,” he said immediately, and Sophie grunted. Michael would walk on those toes for a hundred miles before he admitted to having pain.

“It’ll be a good six months before you can have amputation surgery. You’ll have some funny footprints after that.” Anjali consulted his chart. “You’re making an excellent recovery, I must say. Far better than I could have hoped for. You went back on solid food today, yes?” He nodded. “Good. You could stand to gain at least thirty or forty pounds. Peeing okay?”

“Peeing just fine,” Michael said. “I am hoping this means you will remove this.” He extended the arm with the IV in it. Anjali nodded and explained which of his medications he’d receive orally and which would be injected going forward. Then she ripped the mass of tape off his arm. Sophie looked away, wincing, as Michael lost more body hair to Anjali’s ministrations.

“That really fucking hurt!” He rubbed the bald patch on his arm and scowled.

“Too bad,” she said unfeelingly. “It’s your punishment for taking out so many IV lines so you could climb into Sophie’s bed.” Michael and Sophie both went scarlet. “Speaking of which,” said Anjali, and Sophie suddenly wished for the floor to open up and swallow her, “it’s very early yet, but you have my permission to resume sexual relations once you’re able. Just take it easy at first. Try not to exhaust yourself or break anything in my infirmary.”

Sophie walked away, singing, fingers in her ears.

Chapter 11

Sophie marched down the hallway to the kitchen area where she found Will rummaging in the fridge for a cold drink. Thank God. He was the only person she could stand to be with right now.

“What happened to you?” Will tossed her a bottle of water. “You look upset.”

“Anjali happened to me.” She thumped down at the small table.

“I can relate,” Will said, joining her. “Though it’s been a while since I’ve run from her. Let me guess. Something to do with Michael? Involving your relationship?”

She eyed him suspiciously. “How did you know?”

“Lucky guess.” He winked. “Has my lovely wife been doing a little matchmaking?” Sophie felt the telltale blush creeping up her face, and Will raised an eyebrow. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Giving sexual advice to the two of us during a medical exam takes matchmaking to a whole new level. Michael’s probably ripping her head off right now.”

“Michael needs to take himself a little less seriously, and so do you. He’s alive, for God’s sake. You’re together. Just relax and stop overanalyzing everything. And since when have you been embarrassed by anything my wife says about sex? You two are best friends; some of the topics I’ve overheard you discussing are mortifying.”

“It’s a lot different when the sex object in question is in the room listening to you,” Sophie mumbled. She dropped her head to the table; it bounced back up again when Anjali sailed through the door.

“My, he has a temper, doesn’t he?” Anjali took a blueberry yogurt out of the fridge. “That’s good. It means he’s probably very passionate in bed.”

CJ Markusfeld's books