Under Pressure (Body Armor #1)

Instead, when they’d started playing last weekend, he’d gotten very serious and knuckled down. He had a natural athleticism that seemed to surprise him. Both Brick and Evan had commented on his speed. Jesse saw his dexterity.

All over simple badminton.

Jesse would like to get him to a bowling lane, or on a baseball field. Kevin took instruction with the same gusto most kids used when opening presents on Christmas morning. He possessed natural talent just begging to show. Jesse wanted to give that talent free rein. It’d be interesting to see which sports he liked.

It had been a busy but successful week. In his mind, Jesse repeatedly ticked off accomplishments.

Kevin had enjoyed the drive-in, including the popcorn and colas and corn dogs.

He’d worked hard helping Jesse on the attic project.

He’d tolerated the haircut, and had gotten to know the barber.

And best of all, he’d endured the shopping that had taken more than a few hours. Endured being an apt word given how it apparently pained Kevin to see Tonya buy him things.

Doing his part, Jesse had taken him aside and clued him in on how to accept his aunt’s shopping spree with graciousness, explaining that it was important to her, so even if he felt he didn’t want or need the clothes, he should just accept it and thank her.

Jesse knew it was more about Kevin thinking he didn’t deserve them, but the boy had taken the advice to heart and mumbled his thanks over every shirt, several pairs of jeans and two new pairs of shoes. He’d even swallowed back his complaints and embarrassment over new underwear and socks.

This was now their last weekend before Kevin started school on Monday. And that meant Jesse had to fight to keep his gaze off Tonya.

“No offense,” Merrily said, “but we’re going to win.”

Jesse laughed. “Keep dreaming.”

Kevin got into position and said, “We’ll see.”

After losing the first game today, they’d won the second. Tiebreakers were tough on anyone who liked to win, but even as they all taunted each other, they laughed.

Off to the side, Tonya watched them along with Evan and Cinder. All around them animals ran loose, enjoying the chaos. Love rested a safe distance away in the warm grass. The poor thing looked ready to pop, so Jesse hoped it wouldn’t be too much longer for her.

The sun shone down on them, he was surrounded by friends and Kevin was enjoying himself.

Jesse didn’t have to fake his pleasure. Yes, he was dying to get Tonya alone. He wanted her. Needed her.

Had to have her.

But he wasn’t a kid. He knew how to prioritize. Tonya and Kevin were definitely priorities.

In so many ways, Tonya had been more contained than Kevin. Little by little, though, she was coming out of her shell.

Same as Kevin.

Damn, but it filled him with satisfaction to be a part of that.

He was still thinking about tomorrow, about having her all to himself, when Brick sent the birdie sailing toward them. Kevin ran hard, diving forward and managing to catch it with just the tip of the racket. But that sent him into a roll, and he sprawled on the ground like a fallen warrior. Jesse jumped to keep him from plowing into his legs, then gave the birdie another awkward smack. He, too, landed on the ground.

The birdie shot over the net—directly into Brick’s racket. Taken by surprise, Brick tried to recover but fumbled it, and it landed between him and Merrily.

On a mock wail, Merrily collapsed in defeat—then got trampled by the dogs as they rushed her to play.

Grinning, Brick ducked under the net and came to stand over them.

“Either of you get hurt?”

Jesse groaned theatrically. “My pride more than anything.”

“You won, so your pride will recover.”

Shoving up to sit, Kevin checked a scraped elbow, shrugged it off and grinned. “I’m okay.”

“You sure?” Brick hauled him up, looked at his arm and winced over the raw spot. “Can’t have you going to school tomorrow with badminton injuries.”

“Yeah,” Kevin said. “This school doesn’t know me so it might surprise them.”

Both men froze.

Heart in his throat, Jesse sat up too.

Realizing what he’d said, Kevin scowled—and focused on Love. “I’m going to check on the cat.” And off he went.

Brick and Jesse shared a look. Damn, but every time things started to even out, he felt the awfulness of Kevin’s past all over again.

After squeezing his jaw tight a moment, Brick visibly tried to relax. But Jesse heard his low, muttered, “Fuck,” loud and clear.

“Yeah.” Thoughts roiling, he stared toward Kevin. Had his mother left marks on him? One of her boyfriends? He wanted to talk to Kevin about it, but uncertainty held him back.

Held them all back.

As if she’d felt the tension, Tonya immediately went to Kevin. Jesse knew that, like him, she would chat about the cat, about school—about everything other than the mistreatment he’d suffered before his mother’s death. Unless or until Kevin wanted to talk, they’d all keep it cheerful. Or at least as cheerful as they could.

Merrily came up to lean against Brick. “He’s such a great kid.”

“Yeah.” Brick put his arm around her.

Evan and Cinder walked out to the yard. “Everything okay?”

Jesse knew Brick had already filled his brother and sister-in-law in on Kevin’s background, so he said only, “It will be,” and went to join Tonya.

Like the Pied Piper, Jesse drew the attention of the dogs and cats alike. They all followed along and, eventually, so did the people.

Love didn’t mind the attention. In fact, she seemed to crave it...right up until she lumbered to her feet, meowed at Kevin and stood on his sneaker.

“I’ll take her in,” Kevin announced, gently lifting the cat into his arms.

“Wait.” Merrily fetched a camera that Tonya had left sitting on the deck and took a few photos of Kevin and the cat.

Grinning crookedly, Kevin mugged for the camera until she’d finished, then he carried Love inside.

Tonya had started taking photos last weekend at the drive-in, and she hadn’t stopped yet. Already she had filled her house with photos of Kevin, as if trying to make up for the fact that none had been found at his mother’s apartment.

She’d included Jesse in many of them, and some of their friends, as well as the various animals.

Kevin kept a photo of Tonya, himself and Jesse in his room, tacked to a corkboard over his desk. He hadn’t made a big deal of it, but when he’d looked at the photo overlong, Tonya had handed it over to him, and it had been on his wall ever since.

Like so many other things, it was a start.

Twenty minutes later, Cinder announced that she wanted ice cream. Brick and Merrily decided they should all go to the local creamy whip, and they invited Kevin along.

Like every kid everywhere, he didn’t turn down ice cream.

When she started to speak, Jesse caught Tonya’s hand and held her back. “We’ll pick up the yard, but the rest of you go, have fun.”

Though she didn’t disagree, Tonya started blushing, which amused Jesse. Did she think he planned to jump the gun by one measly day?

Tomorrow morning Kevin would catch the bus to school.

The rest of the day belonged to him.