Under Pressure (Body Armor #1)

That made her laugh.

Leese bent and kissed the warm skin just beneath her left breast. “I love your heart,” he whispered. “How you trust it and your instincts, how loyal and brave you are.”

Cat threaded her fingers into his hair. “I love those same things about you. And your body.” She tugged until he lifted his face so she could look into his eyes. “Not just how good you look, though you’re seriously hot. But you’re also strong and so capable.”

Sweeping a hand down her side to her hip, and pushing the blanket away in the process, Leese said, “You’re strong in your own way, honey, and your body is about the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. I definitely love it.”

“You know, Leese, that’s an awful lot of love words.”

She sounded worried by that, but Leese didn’t relent. “Know what else I love? The honest way you say what you think and feel. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that’s wrong.”

She took in a shaky breath and nodded. “Okay.”

Lastly he kissed her forehead. “I especially love the way you think, how you deal with all the twists and turns of life.”

After a fortifying breath, she whispered, “I love everything about you.” Her gaze held his. “I already told you that.”

“Just once,” he reminded her. “And I wouldn’t mind hearing it again.”

With no hesitation, she said, “I love you, Leese.”

God, it felt good. Because she hadn’t yet unwrapped it, Leese took the small box from her. The ribbon pulled away with ease and he lifted the velvety lid. “I love you too, Catalina. Will you marry me, live here with me, adopt a pet or two, eventually have some kids and let me love you forever?”

She stared at the ring, her breath coming faster and faster—and then with an elated scream she launched herself at him, taking him to his back and kissing his face all over.

Leese hooked her legs and flipped her right back over so he could settle between her legs. “Can I take that as a yes?”

“Yes!” Tears clung to her lashes. “I know it’s crazy and insane, but I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone or anything.”

He smiled, and his heart felt full. “Same here. And yeah, it’s a little crazy, but in a good way.” He took the ring from the box and slipped it onto her finger. “Do you like it?”

She looked at the ring as if she hadn’t really seen it before. It wasn’t an extravagant diamond, but a moderately sized cushion-cut diamond with opals on either side that matched her necklace.

“Oh, Leese.” Tears had her blinking fast. “It’s the most stunningly beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Again, as if only just then catching on, she said, “You’re having a room remodeled for me?”

“I want you to live with me.” It’d be a big move for her, but also a way for her to start over, away from the memories of what she’d been through. “What do you think?”

“I’d like that very much.” She continued to study the ring, a small smile teasing over her lips. “I’m sure my job is gone by now, and after knowing people were in my house, that they’d planted bugs to spy on me...” She shuddered. “I don’t ever want to live there again.”

He understood that. Her stepfather claimed he wasn’t the one to plant the bug, but he was the one who’d kept up the house for Catalina, and to fend off curiosity.

“It’s okay,” she said, smoothing a finger over his frown. “I’m okay. I promise.”

She would be, Leese vowed. He’d make it so. He’d fill her life with so much happiness and love, it’d help to drive away the dark memories. “What kind of puppy do you want?”

She let out a big sigh. “Would you mind if we got a more mature dog? Everyone wants a puppy, but the older dogs get overlooked. I like the idea of two.”

Could she be more special? He didn’t think so. Meaning it, he promised, “Whatever you want, honey.”

She curved her hands over his shoulders, then lifted her fingers to again admire her ring. “I want you.”

Leese groaned in physical regret. “We have to leave soon if we’re going to make it to Cannon’s house on time. All the guys will be there, the wives and babies too. Everyone is anxious to visit with you.”

She bit her lip, then nodded. “They’re like your family, aren’t they?”

“More so than my real family ever was. You’ll like everyone, I promise. And the babies are cute as hell.”

“Cannon and Armie each have kids?”

He nodded, smiling when he thought of the little ones. “Armie has a son, and Cannon has twins, one boy and one girl.”

“I can’t wait to see them.” Cat drew a hand down over his chest. “We’re going to visit my family afterward, right?”

By the second, it got harder to think about leaving the bed. “Yes.” He’d met Webb a few times now. The man was formal, quietly caring and wary. He and Cat were slowly reconciling. A private dinner at Webb Nicholson’s home would give them a chance to get more comfortable, and a chance for Leese to meet her brothers.

“We’re going to have a busy day,” Cat said. “But tonight...tonight you’re all mine.”

Leese loved the sound of that. “Tonight, tomorrow and for the rest of our lives.”


Look for Justice’s story, HARD JUSTICE, coming soon from Lori Foster and HQN Books!

Meanwhile, read on for BUILT FOR LOVE, a bonus novella in print for the first time!

           Built for Love

Dear Reader

Those of you who read my stories “Love Unleashed” (in the       Love Bites anthology) and “Love Won’t Wait” (in      the Turn Up the Heat anthology) have been waiting patiently for Jesse Baker,      best friend of brothers Evan and Brendan “Brick” Carlisle, to get a story of his      own. After all, the hot contractor is the perfect blend of honorable and      charming, despite his bad-boy rep. I’m so pleased that the wait is over and that      Jesse’s story, “Built for Love,” is available now.

You might recall that Jesse was first introduced to sexy      Realtor Tonya Bloom in “Love Won’t Wait”—but though their chemistry ignited from      the start, Tonya had just become the guardian of her orphaned twelve-year-old      nephew, Kevin...not exactly the best time to fall in love. In “Built for Love,”      Tonya is struggling to help Kevin feel safe and secure in his new home—and while      she sees Jesse as a distraction she can’t afford, Jesse’s determined to prove to      her that he wants forever. With a little help from some old friends and a      pregnant cat aptly named Love, can Jesse convince Tonya that some loves are      built to last?

I hope you enjoy Jesse and Tonya’s story. Don’t worry if you      haven’t yet read Evan’s and Brick’s stories, as each novella was written to      stand alone.

Happy reading!
