Under Pressure (Body Armor #1)

He’d died a thousand times while trying to get to her. And all the while he’d known how twisted Tesh was, what he might do to Cat, what he probably was doing.

The flash drive contained all the information they needed to expose both Tesh and Senator Platt as the perverted, sick fucks they were. Sahara’s PI had quickly located Tesh’s mother, and soon they’d have the evidence from the safe-deposit box too.

Law officials were all over it because sometime after midnight the senator was found dead in his home, poisoned by the ice in his routine nightcap. A staff member close to the senator, but apparently loyal to Tesh, had prepared the drink.

The plan to commit the murder was laid out in notes contained in the flash drive, otherwise the world might have never known that Platt hadn’t died of natural causes.

When Cat dozed off, Leese let out a tense breath. He’d soon have her in his home, and if all went as planned, she’d want to stay with him.



AS SUNSHINE SPILLED into the quiet bedroom, Leese nuzzled against Cat’s neck and stirred her awake. He loved the scent of her skin, the taste of her mouth, the warmth of her small body snuggled to his.

He loved going to bed with her each night and waking up with her each morning.

He loved her, period.

For far too long they’d been under nonstop interrogation. Valentine’s Day had come and gone, along with much of March, and spring was fast approaching. There’d been very little downtime, and no opportunity for a romantic dinner out. But he’d given Cat the few Valentine’s Day gifts he’d picked up back when Miles had stayed with her.

She’d loved the unique, handmade Andamooka Opal necklace. Once she put it on, she didn’t take it off. The bright splashes of color in the gem matched her quirky, fun and beautiful personality. He’d also bought her a new knit hat, mittens and a scarf, and a new cell phone with a long-term plan.

She hadn’t remarked on the implied expectation, but had accepted when he insisted.

In return she’d given him a small painting, and then, because she said she hadn’t had an opportunity to shop, she gave him a lap dance.

They were the best Valentine’s Day gifts ever. One memory stayed on his office wall, the other he stored away as the hottest experience of his life.

It was the first holiday that Leese had celebrated in a long while. He knew it would always be the most memorable.

Things with Platt and Tesh weren’t yet settled, but they were well on their way. Because Leese and Cat told the truth, as did Sahara and Justice, there could be no cover-up of the senator’s evil conduct. The world had a right to know.

And Georgia Bell deserved justice.

Leese didn’t want to think about that right now though. He wanted to concentrate on the fact that he and Cat finally had a few days free. His house was a good distance from hers, but Cat was still with him, and if all his plans worked out, they’d have a lifetime together.

There was nothing he wanted more.

“Wake up, sleepyhead.”

As Cat stretched, making a small, throaty sound, Leese gently touched her ribs. She’d recovered from the assault, and no longer flinched in pain. Only faint bruises remained, though he’d forever remember them.

He, too, had healed from the bullet graze. Then, to get things settled, he’d taken a hiatus from work. Soon, however, he’d return to the agency, probably next week. Before then, he wanted to cement things with Cat.

Resting on his forearms over her, Leese murmured, “Open your eyes, Cat.”

Her thick lashes slowly lifted. “Mmm?” She yawned widely, stretched again, then smiled up at him with soft affection. “Someone,” she teased, “kept me up too late last night.”

Last night had been amazing. Every time with her was better than the last. How that was possible he didn’t know, but it was still true. “Complaining?”

“Praising,” she corrected as she looped her arms around his neck.

Smoothing back her beautiful hair, Leese kissed her lips, then whispered, “Stay put. I’ll bring you coffee in bed.”

“Oh, nice. I’ll just run to the bathroom, then crawl back under the covers.”

She was so incredibly cute.

And she was his.

“Sounds like a plan.” He kissed her again, then said, “Be right back.”

In the kitchen, he made the coffee, readied two cups and retrieved the small wrapped package he’d hidden behind the bread box, along with everything else he needed.

When he returned, he found Cat in the bed propped against the headboard with the covers pulled up to her chin to ward off the chill.

She said, “Gimme,” and gratefully took the coffee he handed her. “Mmm. Delicious.” After two fortifying sips, she cradled the warm cup in her hands and eyed the other things on the tray. “So...what’s all that?”

Leese smiled. “A proposition.” He got into bed beside her, letting her wonder while he drank a little coffee too.

Finally she set her cup aside on the nightstand and reached for the sketch of a room. She studied it a minute, then said, “This looks like your guest room, but a little different too.”

Also setting his cup aside, Leese scooted over to sit closer to her. “It’s the guest room, but I had a designer reconfigure things so it could be a studio.”

Surprise widened her eyes. “A studio?”

“More specifically, your studio. I wanted it to be similar to the room you had set up at your house.”


“Your art is important to you, so it’s important to me.” Before she could question him further, he showed her a pamphlet. “And this is from the local shelter.”

She blinked, clearly confused.

Leese opened it to photos of dogs. “What do you think?”

“I don’t understand.”

“We both wanted a dog, right? I figured we’d get one from the shelter.” He teasingly kissed her. “You’re not one of those snobs who need a pet with a pedigree, are you?”

Her eyes got a little glassy and she whispered, “No.”

“Good. Me either. And my yard is already fenced. So when the shelter opens up today, we’ll go get us one. Or hell, maybe two? Whatever you think is best.”

She bit her lip, then whispered softly, “Two.”

“Perfect. Two it is. Now open your gift.”

“My gift?”

Leese handed her the small box, moved the tray to the floor, then lowered the sheet below her breasts. “Open it.” He liked the way the opal rested just above her cleavage.

Breathing deeper, she whispered, “You can’t keep buying me gifts when I can’t reciprocate.”

He gave her a hot smile. “You reciprocated enough for twenty gifts, trust me.”

“You’re saying you liked the dance?”

“The dance, the way you kissed me and the sex afterward. But that’s nothing new, Cat. You know I love having sex with you.”

She swallowed, nodded. “I love it too.”

Still she held the small box without opening it. Leese figured she knew what it’d be, so maybe she just needed some time. He’d give her a few minutes more.

Until then...he cupped her breast. “I also love watching you paint. And seeing you laugh. The way you argue and how you sip your coffee.”