Unbreak My Heart (Rough Riders Legacy #1)

He groaned. “Fuck. I’m such an animal when it comes to you. I didn’t even say ‘Hello, baby, how was your day?’ I just—”

“Made me wet, made me ache, made me come like a banshee and made me feel like the most powerful woman in the world? Yep. That about covers it. And you’ll never ever hear me complain about that, West.” I wrapped my arms around his arms wrapped around me. “Don’t apologize. This explosion of need is part of who we are to each other and what we are together. It’s hot, it’s sexy, it’s overwhelming. It’s also new and fresh and just so tempting that we can fuck each other stupid, or hard, or sweetly anytime we want.”

“Thank you.” Boone planted an openmouthed kiss behind my ear. “It’s your own fault for being sex in a business suit and heels.”

I laughed softly.

He straightened my clothing before he fixed his own. Then he hugged me and smooched my lips with a chaste kiss. “So, baby, how was your day?”

“I’m old.”

Raj looked at me like WTF dude?

“I’d rather turn a Taser on myself than go out tonight. I just want—”

“To go home and cuddle up with your pookie-bear?”

“Fuck you. Just because you call Lucinda pookie-bear doesn’t mean I have a stupid pet name for Sierra.”

“I’m way more creative than pookie-bear as a pet name for my sweet Lucinda.”

“Which means your pet name for her is something worse than pookie-bear.”

“My pet name for her is fucking awesome.”

“Then share it.”

“This name doesn’t leave this car, or I will put you in fucking traction, feel me?”

My buddy—such a damn drama queen. “I feel ya. Hit me with it.”

Raj smirked. “I call her sugar snatch.”

“She lets you call her that?”

“Better than my first attempt…honey dripper. Don’t need to crack the K-Y with her, if you know what I’m saying.”


He laughed. “So why you wanna be a pussy and skip the fun shit?”

I scrubbed my hands over my face. “Because I’d rather shower and veg in a quiet place for a few hours. It’s been a loud day. A college pool hall ain’t gonna let my mind rest and reset.” I stared out the window at the city lights. It’d been a crap day and I’d be happy to see the ass end of it.

“Hey. You weren’t the only one who failed. Both Jenkins and Abele did too. So climb off the pity train, man. New place, new rules. We’ve been in this position before. Several times.”

“I get that. I appreciate the Raj rah-rahs. It just felt different.”

“Jenkins and Abele don’t have dyslexia as an excuse. They just flat-out fucked up. Way worse than you did.”

Dyslexia as an excuse.

Fuck that. I never used it to explain away something dumb that I’d done. I hated that my fucked-up way of learning was a disability. A fucking handicap.

It’s a flaw—an unfixable one at that.

Closing my eyes, I dropped my right hand between the seat and the door, making a fist, squeezing it so tight my forearm started to ache. “Drinking in a college dive bar…I can’t believe I let my cousins talk me into this.”

“Ah, that’s part of where this ‘I’m old’ crap is coming from. We’re not that much older than them.”

“I feel years older.”

“Well, dude, you’re acting like a grumpy old man, so knock that shit off. Sierra’s coming, right?”

“After she gets done at work.” Maybe she’d change into those skinny jeans that made me wanna bite that ass of hers. Then again it’d be pure fucking torture to watch her bent over a pool table all goddamned night. Not to mention, if other guys were eyeballing her ass? I’d start blackening those eyes.

“What the hell, West? You’re growling like a junkyard dog over there.”

I loosened my fists—because both of them were clenched. “You ever known me to get into a bar fight just for kicks?”

“No. Why?”

“I’ve never been a ‘back off, asshole’ type when some random dude looks at or flirts with a chick I’m with.”

Raj squinted at me. “I don’t remember the last chick you were with at a bar.”

“That’s what I’m saying. I never cared before. But it’ll be a whole different story with Sierra. I won’t handle it well. College bars? Worse than military bars for being a fucking meat market.”

“I’ve seen you leave with hookups, but this ‘my girlfriend’ shit is new. No wonder you’re freaked out. Lemme think on it.”

Raj tapped his thumbs on the steering wheel, which was his only annoying characteristic, so I ignored it.

“We’ll use the FPCON security alert scale. Normal level—guys looking at her. She’s hot, West, they’re gonna look. Let them. You do not engage. Got it?”

“Can I give them an ‘I’ll rip out your fucking eyes and shove them up your ass’ glare?”

“Negative. That’s engaging. Level Alpha—a dude talks to and flirts with her? Issue a verbal warning. If he still attempts to get her attention knowing she’s with you? You can move up to Bravo level and engage.”