Unbreak My Heart (Rough Riders Legacy #1)

“Is he out of the military?”

“He’s still in the army. It’s this big complex political program that’s allowed him to be on educational leave while on active duty.”

“But he’s in Phoenix because you’re there?”

“I’m not the only reason he’s here, but I’m the biggest reason.”

“How deep are you in with him?”

“He’s living with me.”

She went quiet for a moment.

“It’s good, Rory. Better than I ever imagined.”

“I still feel the need to punch something. Like his face.”

I grinned. She was such a tough talker. “You’re loyal and I love you for that. But I didn’t call to talk about my relationship with Boone.”

That surprised her. “You didn’t?”

“No. I need some career advice.” I passed the turnoff to my house and decided to keep driving. “This stays in the sister vault.” We created the sister vault as a place where we shared things we didn’t want her mom or my dad to know about.

“Got it. So what’s going on?”

“I was offered another job today.”

“Since when were you looking for another job?”

“I wasn’t.” Rory knew about my involvement with PCE so I didn’t have to waste time laying that part out. I could delve right into the pros and cons list I’d already started to compile. I talked for a good five minutes without interruption, but I wondered if we’d lost the connection because Rory rarely let me ramble on. “You still there?”

“Yes. Just trying to process it all. First off… Damn, girl, I am so freakin’ proud of you! What positive forward motion in your career just to be offered the position.”

I grinned. I knew she’d understand. “Thanks.”

“Second, it has to feel empowering that you’re the most qualified person to expand the company beyond the start-up phase.”

“It is. PCE has always been more than just a service organization I belonged to in college.”

“Which is why your former advisor knows you’re the best person to take PCE to the next level,” Rory pointed out. “And I have to ask this, so don’t be coy or downplay your abilities. But didn’t you consider applying for that top spot?”

I chose my words carefully. “Yes. And no. Yes, because ego aside, I’ve been involved in every aspect of PCE since its inception. No one is as familiar with the ins and outs as I am. That might be because I’m a bit of a control freak.”

Rory gasped. “You?”

“Takes one to know one.”

A moment of silence followed. I sensed Rory gearing up to get nosy.

“Look, I know you said you didn’t call to talk about Boone, but I have to ask—”

“If the reality of being naked with him lives up to the romantic fantasy I’ve held onto for seven years? Especially since I was a virgin the one and only time he kissed me?” I paused. “Well, I asked him to move in with me within a few hours of us hitting the sheets the first time.”

Rory laughed.

“Right now…it’s intense and glorious and necessary. Sex could be all-consuming if that was all there is between us. But there’s so much more than that.”

“When you’re past that fuck-your-brains-out-twenty-four-seven stage, call me and I’ll share my tips on how to train and tame your man.”

I heard my brother-in-law Dalton repeat “Tame?” in the background and I knew Rory was in for it.

Then Dalton’s voice came on the line. “Sorry, Sierra. It’s past Rory’s bed…tame. Later.”


I wasn’t expecting Boone to be home since his shift went from noon to midnight. But his vehicle was in the garage. I found him in the kitchen, books, notebooks and papers spread out across the breakfast bar. I tossed my laptop bag and purse on the table just as Boone spun around on his barstool.

“When did you get off?” I asked him.

“I was waiting for you to come home so we could both get off.”

The possessive way he growled that as his hot eyes ate up every inch of me sent tingles zipping down my spine. “Boone.”

Then he gritted out, “Fuck. Me.”


Boone stood and started toward me. “Look at you. All professional and put-together in your sexy-assed business suit.”

“Sexy-assed?” I repeated.

“Uh-huh. Oh, that skirt is perfectly acceptable in a business environment. Not too short. Not too tight.” His eyes roved up my body. “So’s the blouse. Not too see-through. Not too low-cut. On any other woman this outfit might actually look boring.”

He finally let his gaze connect with mine.

The primal lust in his eyes sent fire licking along my skin. I was shocked my clothing hadn’t spontaneously combusted from the heat between us.

“But on you? It’s way hotter than if you were wearing nothing but a garter belt and pasties.”

I managed to eke out a soft, “Why?”

“Because it issues a challenge. It screams power. It demands, ‘Are you man enough to peel back the armor?’ It reminds me that I’m the luckiest motherfucker on the planet that you’re mine.”