Unbreak My Heart (Rough Riders Legacy #1)

Immediately Boone’s arms closed around me.

His heart pounded beneath my ear. And the hand running up and down my arm felt clammy—almost like he was nervous.

Of course he’s nervous. He told you things last night that he’s never told anyone else. Things often look different in the light of day.

But for me everything was much clearer.

We held onto each other for a long time.

When Boone tipped my head back and smiled into my face, I puckered my lips for a good morning peck. But he devoured me. He didn’t caress my cheek or my throat or my breast. His entire focus was my mouth, my lips, my tongue, my breath. After ending the kiss, he smiled into my face again. “Good morning, gorgeous.”

I had to reach back for the counter because my legs were as mushy as banana skins.

“Thanks for letting me sleep in. That bed of yours is awesome.”

“It’s even more awesome when you’re in it.” I snagged a cup off the shelf. “Coffee?”

“Sure. What are you making that smells so good?”

“Banana bread.”

“The same kind you used to make?”

I slid the coffee in front of him. “I made banana bread for you before?”

“Once.” He wrapped his hands around his cup. “It had pineapple and chocolate chips in it.”

“I don’t remember that.”

“You made a lot of good stuff for me. And you used me as a guinea pig, so maybe that’s why you don’t remember.”

“All of that?” I waved dismissively. “An attempt to impress the hot, brooding senior I had a major, major crush on.”

“It worked. The sandwich you made me that first day?” He sipped his coffee. “Still the best one I’ve ever had.”

“I don’t remember what it was. I do remember thinking, ‘Boone West is in my house. I’m having lunch with Boone West. Do not be a dork.’”

He smiled. “But you were a dork and that’s why I liked you.”

I liked we could look back. “So do you have to work today?”

“No. Do you?”

“I have a few things to do later, but I can do them from here. I don’t have to go in to the office.”

Boone set down his cup and began to stalk me. “So we have the whole day to do whatever we want?”

“Mmm-hmmm. Got any ideas?”

Then he was right there. He hoisted me onto the counter. “I’ll need to fuck you at least twice more.”

“Our parts were getting chafed last night and we decided to give it a rest, remember?”

He scooted in until we were groin to groin. “My part is ready to say good morning to your part.”

I kissed him. “Let’s have breakfast first.”

“Then what?”

“Are you antsy?” Are you hinting around that you want to leave?

Of course he read the anxiety in my eyes. “Hey. Not trying to bail on you. It’s just…” His quick smile was just short of sheepish. “Now that I’m your man, am I supposed to clean out your gutters or some other ‘honey do’ list stuff?”

“Dude. I don’t know any more about this weekend couple stuff than you do. I thought we’d probably just…hang out by the pool, or watch football, or spend the afternoon in bed, then eat something.”

He curled his hands around my face. “This all fucking in stuff is awesome.”

I almost laughed it off, but his intensity…holy shit.

Boone got closer yet, peering even more deeply into my eyes. “That wasn’t a flip response because you suggested sports, sex and food.”

“I get that.”

“Does it scare you?” He stroked my cheekbones with his thumbs.

“It doesn’t scare me.” I flattened my hand over his heart. “It excites me. It humbles me.”

“Humbles you? Why?” The intensity in those dark brown eyes didn’t lessen. “Even after everything I told you last night?”

“Especially after everything you told me. And here you are, owning up to how you feel first thing this morning. No backtracking. No excuses.”

“You thought I might say, ‘Sorry, babe. I said some stuff last night that I didn’t mean’?”

“I don’t want to piss you off by saying I didn’t know how you would react. Or what would happen this morning.”

Boone rested his forehead to mine.

Although he held me gently, his entire body vibrated with tension. “But I know what I wanted to happen,” I said softly.



“Can you be more specific?”

I tipped my head back to look at him. “That there is an ‘us’ and it’s a new beginning, not just closure from our past. That we’re both all fucking in.”

He breathed a sigh of relief. “You’re my past and my future. We are gonna figure this couple communication shit out, Sierra.”

“I know. So let’s get the big stuff out of the way first.”

“Big stuff…like?”

“Like I want you to move in with me.” I laughed at his utter look of shock. “Not expecting that one, were you?”

“No, ma’am. But you’ve got my attention.”

I busied myself refilling our coffee before I laid out my plan. I looked at him. “You want logical or emotional first?”