Trust Me (Find Me, #3)

“I’ve heard that line before.”

“Yeah. True. But this time it’s your choice and it’s the real deal: paycheck, W-2, taxes. It’s a desk job, but you’ll work with us. . . . So what do you say? You want to help the government catch some bad guys?”

Hart grins and, after a beat, so do I.


I’ve mentioned before how strange it is to see only my name on the Find Me series since, God knows, I didn’t get here on my own. I’m sure other, better writers have beautiful and eloquent ways to describe their team, but I’m almost always speechless when discussing mine. I’ve been so lucky and thanks aren’t enough, but here’s my attempt: As always, thank you to my long-suffering editors, Karen Chaplin and Jessica MacLeish. It’s been a privilege. I’m a better writer because of you.

An equally enormous thank-you to my agent, Sarah Davies, who believes in me even when I don’t believe in myself.

Thank-yous to Alana Whitman, Olivia deLeon, Margot Wood, and Aubry Parks-Fried for their help and expertise and general awesomeness. Y’all rock.

And a very, very sincere thank-you to Joel Tippie for his gorgeous covers. You make my books look amazing.

Enormous thanks to Alex at Peace, Love, and Fangirl and Shay at Shaytastic Books for all the reading and thinking about book logic and requesting more Griff scenes. I’m so lucky to have such passionate readers.

There aren’t enough thank-yous in the world for Natalie Richards. I wouldn’t be here without her. Truly.

Also not enough thank-yous for my husband, Boy Genius, and my parents for their unwavering support.

And, last but not least, a huge thank-you to all the bloggers and librarians who have been so passionate about the Find Me series. Y’all are amazing.

Romily Bernard's books