Trust Me (Find Me, #3)

“I’m not,” I manage and scrub one hand across my face. “I can’t be. I can’t take down the one thing that stands between my family and my father. He should be running and he isn’t. That scares me. Seriously. I don’t know if that means he’s looking for me or for my sister or for something else, but Norcut says she’ll help me catch him.”

“And you believe her?” Alex is pissy, edgy now, and I get it. Of all people, I so get that and telling her no hurts more than I ever expected. I’ve drawn a line now. She’s on one side and I’m on the other. It won’t be the same anymore.

“That’s where we were today. Thanks to Looking Glass’s resources, they’re safer.” Possibly. Maybe. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. There’s so much you can fit into a maybe. More than I like.

“Those resources include all the cameras in your house?”

My eyes pop open. “What are you talking about?”

“You heard. She wanted me to tell you about the cameras.” Alex jerks her head, making her ponytail bounce. “Explain to me how Hart and Norcut are protecting your family if they have more cameras on the inside of the house than the outside.”

I don’t say anything, but then again, I don’t have to. We both heard my exhale. It was hard, sharp, like I’d been punched.

“That’s right,” Alex continues and there’s something round and satisfied leaking into her voice. “There are at least six different camera angles and I don’t think Bren and Lily have looked at any of them. Ever. Do you think that’s because they don’t know they’re there?”

My skin goes cold. “How do you know that?”

“Because I helped order the cameras.”

“And you’re telling me now? Why? Because I’m finally useful?”

“It’s not like that. I didn’t know if I could trust you.”

I’m shaking now and I can’t decide where to begin—where Alex didn’t tell me this until now or where my family’s being spied on. Unless they’re just being protected. Maybe Looking Glass is covering all their bases. I would.

Still, I have to force a noncommittal shrug. “You and I both know indoor surveillance isn’t that unusual.”

“Don’t try that on me. If you’re going to make excuses at least come up with something decent. Why would they need to watch your sister and mom?” Alex brightens, points at my chest with the cell. “Think it’s because they’re perverts like your stepdad?”

Nausea slithers through me. “No, I don’t.”

If Hart and Norcut are watching Bren and Lily, it’s for another reason. Because they think my dad will contact Lily? Another twinge of nausea. Could be, but there are better ways of tracking that. So that leaves . . . no idea. I don’t know what they’re hoping to gain here.

I do know that, without my family, Norcut and Hart don’t have leverage on me.

Stop it. I lift my chin, glare. Don’t think like that. Stop letting her goad you.

“I’m sorry, Alex. Truly. I wish I could help.”

“You can, you just won’t.”

I start to argue and stop. She’s right. I do know something about Looking Glass feels off. I do know it’s weird for them to have more cameras inside than outside, but they’re also standing between Michael and my family. I’m not jumping into this on just Alex’s word—and I’m damn sure not going to be someone’s teammate or weapon without knowing her angle. “Why are you doing this?”

“We all have our reasons, Wick. You should know that better than anyone.”

Yeah and that’s the thing: I do. I also know how it can be used against me and maybe she’s doing that now and everything before was just a lead-up to this: getting me on their side.

There is something seriously wrong with my life that I have to consider each person’s angle before agreeing to help. And suddenly, it’s like Griff is right there with me, a whisper rushing down my ear as he says, “Once you prove yourself useful to the wrong kind of person, you’re never free.”

Is this just another round of it?

“Did you send me those messages? The viruses?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “No, but it’s great luck for us. Kent’s so busy chasing his tail and Hart’s so worried about you, it’s the perfect distraction.”

I glance down at Alex’s hand, and watch how her fingers tighten. “That cell secure?”

“Of course.”

I dig my feet into the carpet, press until my legs hurt. I can’t believe I’m going to do this, but I will. “I’ll keep quiet about whatever you’re doing as long as you let me use it.”

There is no coming back from this and the knowledge makes my joints so heavy I feel like I’ll get dragged through the floor.

Alex’s shoulders slowly straighten. “Why do you want it? To check my sources? Make sure I’m not lying to you? I don’t have to lie about Hart and Norcut—”

“I need to look for someone.” My heart double thumps. A mistake. A horrible, horrible mistake, and as soon as I say it, I know I should’ve said something—anything—else.

Romily Bernard's books