Triple Diamonds (Mystic Nights #2)


Andreas acted without a moment’s hesitation. As soon as he heard his brother’s words, he ran towards Jewel. He wasn’t letting this man get to Jewel. As he approached her, her eyes went round in fright. “What happened?”

Ignoring her question, he told her to stay behind him. He was wearing a bullet proof vest. No sooner had she done that, then the doors from the dining room flew open and all hell broke loose. Plates clattered to the floor and there were several startled reactions from the staff. “Everyone down,” Andreas yelled as soon as he saw the man crash through the doors.

Most of the kitchen staff heard the command and obeyed instantly. Coupled with the man waving a gun at the doors, they immediately hit the tile floor. All, except one waitress who was carrying a massive tray laden with food to be carried out. She was a just a few feet from Justin when he came barreling in.

Seeing he was in big trouble, Justin grabbed the girl’s arm. Her tray clattered to the floor, glass and food flying in all directions. The girl screamed in pain and fear. “I want Jewel and I let this girl go.”

“Let her go,” threatened Andreas keeping Jewel securely out of his view while pointing his gun at the perp. His eyes scanned the room looking for a possibility, a way to get Jewel out safely while also trying to figure out a way to retrieve the girl Justin had grabbed. Just then from the recesses of the kitchen Joseph and his brother, Nikko and the chief of police stormed through the kitchen towards their location.

“Yes, let her go,” repeated Tawny forcefully. She stepped in front of her son even though he tried to hold her back. She wrestled herself form his grip. No one was getting hurt in her casino, she vowed to herself.

“Mother,” Joseph tried to reason with her. He saw Jewel was behind Andreas, and safe for now. His immediate concern was his mother. What was she thinking?

“Justin,” she spoke firmly making eye contact with the panic stricken man. His back was now to the wall a few feet away from the double doors. He held his gun up against the crying server’s head. The girl’s name was Adele, Tawny remembered. “The girl you are holding is Adele. She is a single mother. She has a two year old son. Please let her go. You can take me instead,” she offered taking a small step forward.

“Don’t do that, Mom,” Jonathan whispered sharply. From the corner of his eye he saw Andreas moving slightly with Jewel still behind him.

“I have to,” she whispered back. Then louder for Justin, “I have my car parked out back. I’ll be able to get you further.”

Justin looked around the expansive kitchen. He really wanted Jewel, but his chance for escape was slim. Having Mrs. Sassacus would give him more leverage. He was trapped otherwise. There were more men than he could count with their guns trained on him. And he couldn’t go the route he had come from. He was sure there were men waiting on the other side of the door. But surely no one would risk Tawny Sassacus’s life. He made his decision. “Everyone put your guns down,” he ordered.

The men began to lower their weapons.

“Go over to the back bay, Mrs. Sassacus.” Tawny began to move in the direction he indicated. He watched everyone as he took the long way around to the door keeping his back against the wall as much as he could and the girl in front of him like a human shield. People scurried and shuffled out of his way when he shook his gun at them. When he reached the back doors where the delivery trucks unloaded, and Tawny was right beside him, he threw the girl forward and then reached for Tawny. But instead she threw herself on the floor on top of the crying girl leaving him exposed.

Shots rang out and someone screamed as Justin slumped to the floor. He was gripping his hand and howling in agony. His gun scattered across the floor toward Andreas who kicked it further away, his own smoking gun in his hand still trained on Justin.

Jonathan and Joseph rushed towards Tawny picking her up from the floor, and the fallen Adele who was still crying and shaking, and thanking Mrs. Sassacus profusely all at the same time. They ushered the two women over to where the chief of police stood with Jewel. He was now shielding her from the scene on the floor, his own gun drawn. Once Joseph was assured his mother was all right, he took Jewel from Chief Grant and clutched her to him. He needed to hold her. His fear began to subside as he know knew both the woman in his life who held his heart were safe.

M.J. Nightingale's books