Triple Diamonds (Mystic Nights #2)

He had to laugh at that. Lesley had been spot on.

Pulling into his mother’s driveway, he saw her open the door to greet the boys, a genuine smile on her face. And right behind her were his sisters. They would definitely help and be the distraction the boys needed. They had been briefed that afternoon, and promised to do their part by staying away from Mystic Nights and keeping the boys occupied.

Getting out of his car, he plastered a smile on his face, and made the introductions, although more than anything he wanted to be the one by Jewel’s side.

Chapter 25


At 8:15 he and his mother were ushered into the security office of Mystic Nights. Inside the secure room, they were immediately surrounded by their own personal, local PD, and now four massive Marinos. Introductions were quickly made, and then Gio stepped forward to run through the plan once more.

“We have our decoy in place. Her name is Barbara Sampson, late forties, undercover PD, and the man playing her husband, Mark Miller, also PD, are near the lobby. When we see the perps approaching on camera, they will be ready to do their part. The wife will walk by and mention loud enough for them to hear, that she is going to change her jewels before dinner and will meet the husband in the dining room. Then she’ll leave, go up to the fourteenth floor. Go in the room, wait two minutes, then leave and come back down wearing other jewels. I’m heading to that room with my brother Blaze and two PD. It’ll be secure and we will nab the thieves once they have put the jewels into their duffels. At the end of the corridor we will have more PD to take down the lookout. Nikko will stay here and coordinate with security. He and Tom will be our eyes and ears.” He tapped the mic already in place in his ear. A quick scan told him everyone else was already equipped.

“What about us?” Joseph asked wanting to know what role he could play. Jonathan and his mother stood beside him.

“We would really like it if you could stay here. We don’t want your presence to spook them.”

Joseph didn’t like it, but he wanted this to be over. “What about Jewel?” he asked. He wondered how she was holding up.

Gio turned to the monitors and nodded at one of the technicians. The screen changed and now he was looking in the kitchen. Finally it panned onto Jewel. She mopped her brow with the back of her sleeve and then went right back to work at her prep station. “You can keep an eye on her from here. Although Andreas is going down to the kitchen to replace the guard on duty.”

Joseph nodded at the tall sinewy version of his brother. He felt good about that. He knew these men’s reputations preceded them, especially this man’s. “Good. I like that. It’ll make me feel better.” Both men sized each other up and then nodded.

“Us too. I won’t let anything happen to her. You have my word.” Andreas spoke gruffly. “But, we’d better hit it though and get in position in case they show up earlier than expected.”

“Good idea,” Tawny spoke the words as she shook each man’s hand as they began to file out of the security suite. He watched as each man left to go to their designated positions.

The chief of the Ledyard police department, Marshall Grant, who was staying behind as well, added his two cents, “Make it clean, boys.” When the room cleared and it was just two security men, Nikko Marino, Chief Grant, and them, he tried to relax. Glancing at the clock once more, he knew the next hour would be the longest of his life.


At five minutes before nine, Nikko’s radio chimed in. “We got a visual in the parking lot.”

Camera Two showed four young men entering the casino. They were dressed in nice button down shirts looking like they were headed into the casino for a night of gambling and drinking. Joseph recognized Justin right away.

Nikko spoke into the headset he wore. “Justin and Eddie Bauer identified, accompanied by two younger unidentified youth.”

A chorus of voices checked in. “Got it.”

“In position.”

“Decoys heading to the lobby.”

They watched the cameras and the two undercover police officers do their jobs. Justin was nearby and although they couldn’t hear the words spoken, they could see him smile. He headed over to Eddie who stood at the entrance to the casino from the lobby. They briefly conferred.

The two younger boys sat on a bench in the lobby conversing. Both looked slightly anxious.

Then Justin crossed the lobby once more. He stood near the exit and started a conversation with a guest. Apparently he was the lookout tonight.

M.J. Nightingale's books