Triple Diamonds (Mystic Nights #2)

“Well, I’m not sure about that. I haven’t seen him in nearly a year. But he would make a good president. I’d vote for him. But he’ll be here in two weeks. There is a convention coming up, some kind of fundraiser for the Democratic Party. Hey, you’ll probably be cooking for it.”

“Wow! That would be an honor.” To cook for a presidential hopeful! That would be great, she thought. “They’re having it at Mystic?” she asked. She felt selfish thinking about her credentials. But not many people could claim to have cooked for a presidential nominee.

“Yes, and a smaller dinner the night before.” He smiled obviously reading her mind. She blushed under his mesmerizing gaze.

“So what do you see yourself doing down the road? I know you cook for the casino, but anything else? Any other dreams?” Joseph was enjoying himself immensely. They had both finished eating. Just getting to know her better had been an eye opening experience. Her commitment and love for her brothers had shown that.

“Actually, I do. I’d love to run my own restaurant one day. But that is a dream for down the road. I’m going to need capital to pull off something like that. But I’d love to get a head chef position for a few years, and then eventually make the move. But something local. I loved Boston and thought my life was there, but now that I’m back I just don’t see myself leaving.” Her brows were furrowed in concentration. She could start saving soon. Once her brothers were away at college. She needed to work for a while to develop a reputation too.

“It’s tough to make it in the restaurant business these days.” He saw so many restaurants open and close these past few years. Unless it was a chain, or something close to bigger attractions, it was very difficult. He was sure she must be aware of that. She’d need to draw people in somehow. And keep them coming.

Jewel let out a long sigh. The restaurant business was the toughest, but it was her dream. She was reluctant to change that now. “I know,” she admitted. “That’s why I need to build a name for myself first. Develop a clientele. Working at the casino will be perfect for that. Especially if I move up the ranks.”

He knew she was talking about what he had mentioned last week. The possibility of her being head chef at the new restaurant. And when he’d said it, he knew that it was a possibility with the new steak house set to open in the summer. Construction was well underway for it, and his sister’s new club.

Joseph got up, and began to clear the table. When Jewel got up to help, he had her stay seated. He filled her wine glass and told her to enjoy being the one waited on for once. She was warmed by his thoughtfulness.

Joseph made quick work of scraping off the plates, and popped everything into the dishwasher while they chatted about his upcoming campaign plans. The special election was just two months away. Jewel loved hearing what ideas he had for the reserve. She knew he would do good things for their community.

When he was finished, he suggested that they go sit outside for a bit. Spring was here, and it was now comfortable enough outside to enjoy the evening air. Jewel readily agreed enjoying their easy banter immensely. She was definitely enjoying seeing this side of this powerful man. He seemed relaxed here. And he was also easy on the eyes.

Joseph took her hand forcing her to abandon her glass of wine and led her out onto his deck that had an amazing view of the river. The full moon beamed down upon the Mystic River making the surface appear like a myriad of diamonds sparkling up at them from the cresting river. Their proximity to the ocean constantly changed the depth of the river making flooding this time of year somewhat problematic. It was high now, but not too high. There had not been that much snow this past winter which helped keep it lower. But she loved the Mystic even though at times it could be fickle. It was one of the things she had really missed while she’d been in Boston.

Joseph took her over to the railing and positioned her in front of him. Opening up his legs, she stepped in between his jean clad legs. Placing her palms on his broad chest, covered in a grey v neck t-shirt, she felt the muscles underneath rippling to her touch. He was so large, so incredibly sexy. She was still having difficulty wondering what he saw in her.

The silence stretched between them, and she leaned deeper into his chest placing her head over his heart and listened to the steady thrumming of its beat. He affectionately stroked her back, and then she felt him tug her braid. She gazed up into his eyes, and saw storm clouds brewing in his copper colored eyes. He was staring down at her in wonderment. “What?” she murmured wondering once again what he saw.

“You, Jewel, are amazingly beautiful.” He spoke the words sincerely.

M.J. Nightingale's books