Triple Diamonds (Mystic Nights #2)

She released her bottom lip and looked up into those coppery eyes. They looked sincere. “Okay,” she agreed, and moved into him. One day at a time. With Joseph Sassacus. She could do that.

Her snuggling up against him was the invitation he’d been waiting for. Removing one hand from her arms, he took her chin and tilted her head up so he could claim those lips. He’d wanted to do that since she opened the door.

Without hesitation, Jewel opened up to his tongue when it sought entrance. She tasted the man, the coffee on him, and as his tongue tangled with hers in her driveway, with her brothers probably watching from the window, she became lost in the moment. Lost to all her good sense. If he was willing to see where this was going, then so would she. Taking the biggest chance of her life, on a man like him, was a gamble, but she was going to roll the dice. She wrapped her arms around Joseph’s neck and clung to him as he took the kiss deeper. It was intoxicating. To them both.

When it ended, they were both breathless and panting.

“Dinner? Tomorrow night?” he asked knowing she worked but got off at nine.

“I get off at nine,” she answered.

“I know,” he replied before claiming her lips once more. She was too incredible to resist.

Chapter 9


Everything was ready. Joseph had decided to cook for Jewel. He was taking a big chance cooking for a chef, but he also felt the need to open himself up more to her. His barging in on her last night had been a sudden decision, and he knew she might be feeling a little vulnerable that she had been forced to share so much of herself.

He still wasn’t sure it was a good idea letting someone into his sanctuary, but his initial concern about it had been bypassed when he saw she was related to the two boys she had meet yesterday morning. She wasn’t a thief. And her brothers seemed like normal teenagers who had recovered, were still recovering from the tragedy of their parents’ deaths. They were not involved in some grand scheme to rob the casino. His gut told him that. He’d just been caught up in the mystery of her, and with what had been happening at the casino of late, he was only being appropriately cautious he told himself.

Joseph checked the garlic bread in the oven, setting the heat on a low setting to keep everything warm, and he tried to figure out what exactly he was doing with Jewel Diamante. He still wasn’t even sure himself.

She was definitely on his mind more than he cared to admit. He’d called a half an hour ago and suggested she come to his place for dinner instead of going out. He’d heard the hesitancy in her voice, but he assured her it was just dinner, and she could set the pace. They could take things slow if that was what she wanted. Although he was hoping for more.

After a prolonged moment of silence from her end, Jewel finally consented, but told him she needed to go home and change first. He’d caught her just before her shift ended, and from a quick glance at the clock he knew she’d be there any moment.

He looked around quickly and was satisfied that everything was set. They would eat right here in his massive kitchen. His home was not as large as his brothers’, only three bedrooms. But it suited his needs just fine. It was an “A” frame style, and had a loft above that he used for a work space. The side of the house that faced the river was sheer glass. He loved the view, and the floor plan, but the best part was the kitchen. He enjoyed cooking when he had the chance. And he thought Jewel might enjoy that too, someone cooking for her for a change.

Quickly walking around the open ground floor level, he dimmed the lights. The kitchen was open to the rest of the rooms separated by one long counter and looking out over the living room and dining area. The dining area could comfortably seat twelve and that was to the right, but he’d never used that area yet. He normally ate at the counter, or if he had company at the small table and chairs set in a little alcove overlooking the back yard.

All the way across the living room was a short hallway that connected to the large master suite and a full ensuite, and to the left were two smaller rooms with an adjoining bathroom. The vaulted ceiling gave the house a larger feel than it was, and the loft only took up one quarter of the space of the bottom floor. The previous owners had it set up as a game room. He’d kept the pool table they had left behind, and then added his own furnishings, putting in a desk and some office equipment near the front. When he wanted to work out at home or if the weather was too harsh to run, he used his elliptical machine and some free weights he’d set up in one corner. It worked for him.

M.J. Nightingale's books