To the Stars (Thatch #2)

I wasn’t sure how I was still standing. My body felt weighed down, but at the same time I was sure I was having an out-of-body experience. He’d asked for permission to marry me?

“I told him he could ask you once you were of age, but there were conditions. I wanted you to graduate first, and I wanted him to give you some space before then. I wanted you to be able to experience life without Knox always in the background. I told him if he promised to do that and kept my wishes, and after those months if you decided he was still what you wanted, then he could ask you.” Dad shrugged and a wide grin crossed his face, like he hadn’t just thrown my entire world on its side. “Next thing we know, you’re with Collin and never mention Knox again. I figure if anyone could take you from that Alexander boy, then you would have to be sure of him. And we really couldn’t be happier with Collin; your mother and I just think the world of him. I wish you would’ve waited to marry him until you graduated, but I know I don’t always get what I wish for, and you really did find a good one.”

I tried to smile and nod in acknowledgment, but I don’t know if I succeeded.

“It eases a father’s worry to know his daughter is loved and will be well cared for. Now, what do you say we start this thing?” he asked, oblivious to the devastation I was feeling.

“Uh, yeah, I just need one minute, Dad. I’ll meet you in the lobby.”

His carefree smile suddenly slipped, and his brow furrowed.

“I just realized I forgot to put my garter on,” I lied quickly. “Really, I’ll be right out.”

He made a face that suggested he would’ve preferred not knowing, and turned to leave the room I was in.

The second the door shut, the pained cry I’d been holding back burst from my chest. The room spun and my stomach churned as my dad’s words replayed in my mind, as if they were taunting me.

Experience life without Knox always in the background.

If he promised to do that and kept my wishes . . . he could ask you.

Experience life without Knox always in the background.

If he promised to do that and kept my wishes . . . he could ask you.

Guilt flooded my veins, burning and choking me as it surged through me.

Knox had waited for me.

I hadn’t waited for him . . . and now it was too late.


Present Day—Richland

HARLOW’S FINGERS MOVED down my cheek and traced over my lips when she finished telling me the story. “I’ve never hated myself more than I did in that moment. Guilt felt like a living thing inside me. Then Collin and I got married, and I met my monster for the first time that night. I quickly found out there was nothing left of Collin to love.”

I grabbed her hand in mine and turned my head to kiss her palm. “I’m taking you away from him,” I mumbled against her skin.

She sighed, like my words had just put a weight on her. “You can’t.”

“I can, and I am.”

“Knox, you don’t understand what he’ll do.”

“No, I do,” I disagreed, and my eyes fell to her right cheek, which was still slightly red from where he’d hit her earlier. “You made a decision today when you texted me. You knew he might see it, and you did it anyway. Before today, you never would’ve let me in this house because you would’ve been too scared for him to find me here, or find out about it.”

Her eyes fell away from mine, but I knew she couldn’t deny it.

“You made a decision when you let me make you mine. After that, you can’t expect me to ever let you go.” I tilted her head up until she was looking at me, then continued talking. “You also told me before that you wouldn’t tell me what happened between you two, unless you were ready to leave.”

“But, Knox—”

“You told me yourself that he’s changing, and if he’s getting careless enough to do what he’s done this week, then not only am I not letting you go, but there’s no way I’m leaving you with him for another day.”

Harlow’s head was shaking before I finished speaking. “After running into you that day in the coffee shop,” she said, “I would’ve done anything to have you take me away right then. I still would give and do anything to have you take me away.” Her next smile looked pained, but her eyes were distant. “Collin had me found just inside Oregon and arrested on a false charge when I tried to run from him. That’s why I’m trying to tell you that you can’t take me. He will find me, and he will bring me back. But that’s the least of my worries. I told you; he threatens my family. He had someone set fire to a house they were in the night I tried to leave. He went after Hadley with his gun one night when she was here, but I got her out before she noticed, and he killed my dog because I did get her out.”

My eyes were wide with shock and disgust, but before I could comment on everything, it hit me. “Where does he keep his gun?”

Molly McAdams's books